When perofming replications vRanger Error is : An internal error occurred during execution, please contact Vizioncore support if the error persists. Error Message: Permission to perform this operation was denied.
When vRanger is connected to vCenter and the DNS resolution does not resolve to the VA hostname and only IP address. Replication fails due to hostname lookup.
Option 1
Resolve DNS resolution issues by adding VA in DNS and then in vCenter flush DNS settings and re-registering DNS.
From the vCenter host machine run the folowing commands in CLI (command line interface)
1. Run - type CMD { Bring you to the command line interface} then enter
2. ipconfig /flush DNS {this will flush the DNS settings}
3. ipconfig /registerdns {this will reregister DNS}
4. ipconfig /displaydns {will display current DNS settings}
Option 2
1. Goto vRanger GUI and select My Inventory Tab
2. Select Virtual Center Icon and select remove { Note: you will prompted and notified that your jobs will be disabled} click OK to proceed
3.After performing you wil be in (ESX(i) stand alone mode }
4. Recreate your replication jobs without using vCenter
Additional window CLI command to test hostname resolution lookup:
ping -a [IP Address] #this will resolve hostname with ip address
nslookup [IP] # this command will do a IP lookup via default DNS server
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