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Cannot Consume Seed "The specified path does not contain a valid seed drive"
When attempting to consume a seed, you receive the following error:
"The specified path does not contain a valid seed drive for this Core. Please specify a valid path to the seed drive."
The target core's ID may be missing in the seed's metadata file.
Confirm the path location that you have entered for the seed is correct.
Navigate to the seed's location and continue to navigate inside the AABackup folder until you see the metadata file.
Open the metadata file and look for the following entry: SlaveCoreID
If this entry is set to a null value of 0000 etc. then it is necessary to input the correct slave core ID.
Navigate to the target core's registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AppRecovery\Core\CoreId
Copy the core ID value.
Go back to the seed, right click on the seed's metadata file, and select EDIT
The metadata file is now opened in notepad. Before making any changes, make sure to save a copy of this file in some other location outside of the seed. Close the saved notepad file. Now, edit the metadata file again so that a change can be made to it.
Search for the keyword: ID and find the slave core ID entry
Paste the target core ID into the slave core ID field. Save the change. The seed is now ready to be consumed.
Additional Information:
Important: This article contains information about modifying the registry. Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
Windows Registry Disclaimer: Quest does not provide support for problems that arise from improper modification of the registry. The Windows registry contains information critical to your computer and applications. Make sure you back up the registry before modifying it. For more information on the Windows Registry Editor and how to back up and restore it, refer to Microsoft Article ID 256986 “Description of the Microsoft Windows registry” at Microsoft Support.
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