The initial, temporary FREE offering of K1000 inventory of non-computer devices (Agentless/Asset Packs) will end when upgrading to K1000 v7.0.
These non-computer devices are licensed separately from computers via Asset Packs sold in bundles of 250. Detailed information on which devices require an Asset Pack license can be found here.
When you upgrade to version 7.0, all of your existing non-computer devices in inventory will continue to function with no action required by you but you may receive a warning that you are over your license limit - which does not affect functionality.
We will be providing a new license to all customers that previously took advantage of the free non-computer device licensing in the coming weeks. This new license will include sufficient Asset Pack licenses to cover the total non-computer devices you had in inventory as of the K1000 7.0 release date (Nov. 28, 2016).
Moving forward, customers will be responsible for purchasing Asset Pack licenses for any NEW non-computer devices and will be responsible for renewing maintenance on all non-computer (Asset Pack) device licenses (including those that were added during the temporary free period). Please contact your Quest account representative for pricing on asset pack licenses.
Your updated license will be provided via email in the coming weeks - no action is required on your part. However, if you would like to request expedited access to your updated license key, please open a ticket through the Quest Licensing Assistance portal.
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