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How to create a bat script to empty users recycle bins
Creating a script to empty user recycle bins and reclaim disk space.
Click on Scripting.
Click Choose Action and then Add New Item.
Change the Script Type to Online Script.
Fill out other necessary information for the script. (Name, Description, Status, etc.)
Choose Machines to Deploy, Run As, Alerts and Scheduling as required for your needs.
Make sure to choose at least one applicable OS.
Under Tasks.
Under On Success, click Add.
Name the Script.
Copy the following script into the batch file box:
@echooffecho This batch file will permanently remove all users recycled files/folders. echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo You're about to clear the following folder: rd /s /q C:\$Recycle.Bin
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Article History:
Created on: 8/17/2013 Last Update on: 11/5/2024
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