In Find SQL, the Search Results page is a dashboard-style summary of search results from either Plan Cache or SQL Trace.
This page allows you to see at-a-glance the top-consuming SQL for each cost (resource) type. The top row shows the total top-consuming SQL for each cost type. The next two rows show top-consuming SQL batches and database objects for each cost type.
Click a pie chart to go directly to the list of top-consuming SQL for that cost type (for either total SQL, most-expensive batches, or most-expensive database objects).
The dashboard-style Search Results page allows you to:
Use the Resources Consumed pane to find which SQL statements consume the most resources according to different cost types.
The dashboard displays a summary of results based on statistic totals (not averages).
The number of SQL used in each graph is the Top n SQL suggested by SQL Optimizer.
To use the Resources Consumed dashboard
The Search Results page remembers your last view and provides a link for easy return. One custom view link is provided for each row (statements, batches, or database objects).
Note: Each new view you select overwrites the last view link.
Use the SQL Classification panel to view the collected SQL statements grouped by SQL classification (problematic, complex, simple, or invalid). Click a section of the pie chart to view the list of SQL in that classification category.
To use the SQL Classification panel
Click a color-coded category in the SQL classification pie chart or the legend to view the list of SQL in that category. The SQL by Classification page opens. See SQL by Classification Page for more information.
Tip: For descriptions of the SQL classification categories, see SQL Classification Categories.
The Search Results page remembers your last view and provides a link for easy return.
Note: Each new view you select overwrites the last view link.
The Summary Chart view displays a summary of resources consumed by the top n SQL. This page also includes statistics for each SQL statement in the group.
You can use the editable options on this page to change the number of SQL selected and the cost type to measure when selecting top-consuming SQL.
To modify editable options
Click each editable option to modify your selection criteria for Top SQL. Review the following for additional information:
Editable Option | Description |
Top n SQL with the highest resource type |
Click the editable number to choose a method of selecting top-consuming SQL. A drop-down pane displays. To select numeral or percentage method
To modify n or n%, do one of the following
Top n SQL with the highest resource type |
Click the editable resource type to choose another resource. SQL Optimizer selects the top-consuming SQL based on this resource. You can select to view total or average statistics in the graph. |
To Compare Statistics
To View SQL details
The graph in the middle of the upper pane displays information based on the criteria you selected above. Hover over points on the graph to view detailed information.
Colored bars correspond to bars in the Top SQL grid.
Green vertical line |
All SQL to the left of the green line are included in the Top n SQL group (the SQL on the line is included). Move this line left or right in the graph to decrease or increase this number. |
Gray vertical lines | The gray lines represent other Top n SQL breakpoints suggested by SQL Optimizer. Depending on the number of SQL collected and the statistics of resources consumed, SQL Optimizer provides one or more suggested Top n SQL breakpoints. |
Tip: Click the arrow beside the session name (breadcrumb) to change your view to Top Batches or Top Database Objects.
The highlighted box in the lower part of the upper pane displays a summary of the results for this view. The information also includes the total number of SQL collected out of the number of SQL in the server.
A graphic on the right side displays a visual representation of all resources consumed for this particular Top n SQL group.
Statistics for the top-consuming SQL display in the Top SQL list/grid. Use this grid to compare two types of resource consumption statistics: totals and averages. Review the following for additional information:
View Statistics |
Click the link to change the view of statistics. Select one of the following:
Right click a SQL to:
The Summary Chart view displays a summary of resources consumed by the Top Batches. This page also includes statistics for each batch in the group.
To view SQL statement details, click View Details. See Top Batches - Details View for more information.
Select criteria from across the top of the upper grid to display the resource consumption of batches. Review the following for additional information:
Resource Consumption of Batches | Description |
Top n batches |
Click and select from the following criteria to specify the number of batches:
Resource |
Click and to specify resource. |
Compare Statistics |
Click to display a comparison of selected statistics.
The chart in the middle of the upper grid displays information based on the criteria you selected above.
The lower part of the upper grid displays a complete summary of the resource consumption of batches based on the criteria you selected in Top n batches. The information includes the total number of batches collected out of the number of batches in the server.
A graphic on the right side displays a visual representation of the total resource consumption.
Statistics for your Top Batches display in the lower grid. Review the following for additional information:
Top Batches | Description |
View Statistics |
Select one of the following:
Columns | Description |
Batch |
Right click a batch to:
The Summary Chart view displays a summary of resources consumed by the Top Database Objects. This page also includes statistics for each SQL statement in the database object.
To view SQL statement details, click View Details. See Top Database Objects - Details View for more information.
Select criteria from across the top of the upper grid to display the resource consumption of database objects. Review the following for additional information:
Resource Consumption of Database Objects | Description |
Top n objects |
Click and select criterion to specify the number of objects.
Resource |
Click and to specify resource. |
Compare Statistics |
Click to display a comparison of selected statistics.
The chart in the middle of the upper grid displays information based on all the criteria you selected.
The lower part of the upper grid displays a complete summary of the consumption of SQL based on the criteria you selected in Top n objects and the resource selected. The information includes the total number of objects collected out of the number of objects in the server.
Statistics for your Top Database Objects display in the lower grid. Review the following for additional information:
Top Database Objects | Description |
View Statistics |
Select one of the following:
Columns | Description |
Name |
Right click an object to:
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