
Essentials for Office 365 2.12 - User Guide

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Interface Overview Backup Job Structure Advanced Search Retention Policies Storage for Backup Import/Export Backup Archives Connecting to SharePoint and OneDrive for Business Connecting to Cloud Storage Hyper vs Classic Backup Setup Hyper SharePoint Online Backup Hyper OneDrive Backup Hyper Office 365 Groups Backup Smart Backup Classic SharePoint Online Backup Classic OneDrive Backup Classic Office365 Groups Backup Classic Mailbox Backup Change Properties for Backup Admin Management Scheduling Backup Jobs Backup Project Conversion
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GoogleImport Parameters

The following are parameters for the -cmd GoogleImport command

-srcResourceId [type:id]

Google document resource identifier

-filter {[field][operator][value]}

filter source items

Field - internal name of a field in SharePoint

operator- compare operator, such as one of the following:

=                 equals to

!=               does not equal to

>                 greater than

<                 less than

^=               starts with

*=               contains

value - criteria

Use these patters for dates:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-dd

-usermapping [path]

path to the CSV file with users mapping to the copy operation


copy the history


overwrite google content on target


Essentials -cmd googleImport -srcResourceId folder:0B5t8t1UBKntoNDI1NGEyNDctNTZjOC00MDJkLTlhM2YtYzk3ZGE1ZWJkNThh  -trgtsite http://host/site -trgtlist "Shared Documents" -srcuser user@gmail.com -srcpass password  -trgtuser DOMAIN\user -trgtpass password -overwritebehavior add_version -copyhistory -overwrite -log output.xml

GoogleExport Parameters

The following are parameters for the -cmd GoogleExport command

-trgtResourceId [type:id]

Google document resource identifier

-filter {[field][operator][value]}

filter source items

Field - internal name of a field in SharePoint

operator- compare operator, such as one of the following:

=                 equals to

!=               does not equal to

>                 greater than

<                 less than

^=               starts with

*=               contains

value - criteria

Use these patters for dates:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-dd

-usermapping [path]

path to the CSV file with user mapping to the copy operation


copy the history


overwrite google content on target


choose the folder to which to export



Essentials -cmd googleExport -trgtResourceId folder:0B5t8t1UBKntoNDI1NGEyNDctNTZjOC00MDJkLTlhM2YtYzk3ZGE1ZWJkNThh  -srcsite http://host/site -srclist "Shared Documents" -srcfolder "Documents" -trgtuser user@gmail.com -trgtpass password  -srcuser DOMAIN\user -srcpass password -overwritebehavior add_version -copyhistory -overwrite -log output.xml

NewBackup Parameters

The following are parameters for the -cmd NewBackup command

Using these commands you can create a Backup Project ( save structure and data for selected site)

-projectName [project]

name for new project

-projectFolderLocation [path]

path for project location, if it is empty project will be created in workspace


save site with subsites


delete site after backup


save history for list items

-filter {[field][operator][value]}

filter source items

Field - internal name of a field in SharePoint

operator- compare operator, such as one of the following:

=                 equals to

!=               does not equal to

>                 greater than

<                 less than

^=               starts with

*=               contains

value - criteria

Use these patters for dates:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-dd


Creates a full backup


Creates a backup of all the information since the last full backup or incremental backup.


Creates a backup of all the information since the last full backup.

-keepFullBackups n

Specifies the number of days to keep full backups for, where n is the number of days.

-KeepIncrementalBackups n

Specifies the number of days to keep incremental backups for, where n is the number of days.

-fileBackup [path]

Specify this parameter if you want to backup a specific file from OneDrive in tenant.


Essentials -cmd newbackup -srcsite http://host/site  -srcuser DOMAIN\user -srcpass password -projectName NewProject -copysubsites -move -copylisthistory -log output.xml -noSplash

ZipBackup Parameters

The following are parameters for the -cmd ZipBackup command

Using this command you can create a Zip archive for the selected Backup Project

-projectName [project]

project name

-zePasswor [password]

zip encrypted password

-zPasswor [password]

zip password

-zPartSize [partSize]

size in byte for part of archive

-zOutFolder [path]

output folder, archive will be created in this folder


Essentials -cmd zipBackup -projectName Backup Project -zPasswor password -zPartSize 10485760 -zOutFolder C:/Temp/ -log output.xml -noSplash


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