
DR Series Software 4.0.4 - Command Line Reference Guide

Introduction to the DR Series System Command Line Reference Guide Introducing the DR Series system Managing the DR Series system
Alerts Commands Authenticate Commands Network
Network Command Usage network --show network --delete network --restart network --setdhcp network --setstatic_ip [--bondif <bondN>] [--nwif <ethN>] --ip <IPv4/IPv6 address not already in use> --netmask <netmask> [--gateway <IPv4/IPv6 address>] network --create_bond network --create_eth network --add_member network --setdns [--suffix <dns suffix>] [--primary <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--secondary <IPv4/IPv6 address>] network --setbonding --bondif <bondN> [--mode <ALB | 802.3ad>] [--mtu <supported MTU range 512 - 9000>] network --update network --factory_reset network --host network --route network --nslookup --destination <ip address | hostname> network --traceroute --destination <ip address | hostname> network --ping --destination <ip address | hostname> [--tries <number>] [--size <number>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --blink network --enable network --disable=GUID-925B2D94-D583-4966-ABDE-8E3FE14B59FC=1=en-us= network --troubleshoot [--links] [--gateway] [--ntp] [--dns] [--active_domain] [--nis] [--clients] [--port_mapper] [--network_config] [--show_active <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS|NDMP|ISCSI|FC>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --troubleshoot --gateway --interface <bondN | ethN> network --troubleshoot [--show_active <NFS| CIFS|OST|NDMP|ISCSI|RDS>] network --tcpdump [--port <nfs | windows | replication | ost | rds>] [--pkt_size <128 - 32768>] [--file_size <0 - 100>] [--stop] [--host <ip address list>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --tcpdump [--pkt_size <128 - 32768>] network --tcpdump [--file_size <0 - 100>] network --tcpdump [--host <ip address list>] network --tcpdump [--port <nfs | windows | replication | ost | rds>] network --iperf_client --server <ip address | hostname> [--port <number>] [--window_size <num bytes [KB/MB]>] [--interval <num seconds>] [--time <num seconds>] network --iperf_server [--port <number>] [--window_size <num bytes [KB/MB>] network --help
OST RDA Stats Storage Group commands System
System Command Usage system --show [--config] system --show [--hardware] system --show [--storage] [--type <boot | internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] system --show [--storage] system --show [--license] [--verbose] system --show [--ntp] system --show [--version] system --show [--timezones [Region]] system --show [--upgradefile] system --show [--upgradehistory] system --show [--marker] system --show [--replication_traffic] system --show [--opdup_traffic] system --show [--backup_traffic] system --show [--mgmt_traffic] system --init system --init --secure_erase <1–pass/3-passes/7-passes> system --reboot system --shutdown system --upgrade system --license [--validate] [--add] system --setname --name <node_name> system --setdate [--date <date>] [--timezone <Region/Zone>] system --setntp [--add <server name>] system --setntp [--delete <server name>] system --setntp [--enable] system --setntp [--disable] system --setntp [--adjust_time] system --hybrid_replication [--enable][--disable][--status] system --rdairgap [--enable][--disable][--set_retention_period <0 days to 365 days>][--get_retention_period][--open][--close][--status] system --rdairgap_schedule [--start_time <HH:MM>][--end_time <HH:MM>][--remove] system --setlogin system --telnet [--enable | --disable] system --datacheck --enable system --datacheck --disable system --datacheck --throttle system --marker [--enable] [--disable] system --verify_on_read [--enable] [--disable] system --add_storage --enclosure <service tag> system --storage [--set_usage_alert <70% - 90%>] system --storage [--blink] [--type <internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] [--disk <slot num>] system --storage [--unblink] [--type <internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] [--disk <slot num> system --mgmt_traffic system --backup_traffic system --replication_traffic system --opdup_traffic system --help
User Virtual Machine
Maintaining the DR Series System
Diagnostics Maintenance
Maintenance Command Usage maintenance --filesystem [--start_scan [verify_data | verify_rda_metadata | verify_metadata] [--storage_group <name>] maintenance --filesystem [--stop_scan] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_status] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_report [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_status [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_history [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_restart [verify_data | verify_rda_metadata | verify_metadata]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_now] maintenance --filesystem [--reclaim_space] maintenance --filesystem [--clear_quarantine] maintenance --filesystem [--clear_quarantine] maintenance --filesystem --show_throughput maintenance --configuration [--backup] maintenance --configuration [--restore] maintenance --configuration [--reinit_dictionary] maintenance --configuration [--reset_web_certificate] maintenance --configuration --enable_sha256_web_certificate maintenance --hardware [--reinit_nvram] maintenance --hardware [--restore_hw_db] maintenance --hardware [--motherboard_replaced] maintenance --disk [--make_standby [slot num]] [--type <internal | external-<num> | service tag>] --clear_foreign] maintenance --remote_access [--show] maintenance --remote_access [--enable] maintenance --remote_access [--racreset] maintenance --remote_access [--static_ip] [--ip <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--netmask <netmask>] [--gateway <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--device <lom1|lom2|lom3|lom4>] maintenance --remote access [--disable] maintenance --vdisk --check_consistency --type <boot|internal|external> [--service_tag <service tag>] maintenance --help
Managing DR Series System Storage Operations
System Storage Operation Commands Connection Container VTL NDMP iSCSI FC Replication Seed Schedule
Data Integrity Checking Additional Linux Commands About us

schedule --show [--replication] [--name <name>]


Displays any existing replication schedule for a DR Series system. If you do not specify a name parameter, the replication schedules for all containers are returned.


schedule --show --replication --name acme55-cont1


Replication Schedule:
							Start   Stop
Sunday 			22:00   05:00
Monday 			22:00   05:00
Tuesday 		22:00   05:00
Wednesday 	22:00   05:00
Thursday 		22:00   05:00
Friday 			22:00   05:00
Saturday 		22:00   05:00

schedule --add --day <day of the week> [--cleaner] [--replication] [--start_time <hh:mm>] [-- stop_time <hh:mm>] [--name <name>]


Creates a new Cleaner or Replication schedule for a DR Series system (on a source DR). For a specific container, you would use the --name <name> command option with the start time and stop time set points.

NOTE: Without any Cleaner schedule set, the DR Series system Cleaner process automatically starts within two minutes after it detects that no data ingest operation or other system operation activity is present. So, if your DR Series system runs intermittent or inconsistent ingest, readback, or replication operations, there is no need to set a Cleaner schedule (it will automatically run during periods of low or non-activity). However, if your system runs regular and consistent ingest, readback, or replication operations, you should create a Cleaner schedule that runs only during a known period of low or non-activity (for example, on a day or time period sufficient to complete this process). If your system does not meet either of these cases, you can still manually run the Cleaner. For more information, see maintenance --filesystem [--reclaim_space].


schedule --add --day Sunday --start_time 06:00 --stop_time 22:00 --cleaner

NOTE: Set a corresponding stop time for every start time in each Cleaner (or Replication) schedule you create. The following example shows setting up a Cleaner schedule for the remainder of the week (Monday through Saturday).

NOTE: Do not select 00:00 for a start time or stop time endpoint for midnight when setting Cleaner or Replication schedules (instead, use either the 23:55 or 00:05 value).


Successfully updated Cleaner schedule.

NOTE: To create a Replication schedule (use the DR Series system CLI --replication command), and the same process shown here to schedule the start and stop times for a Replication schedule. This lets you schedule start and stop times for each day in the week in which you want the Replication process to run.

schedule --delete --day <day of the week> [--cleaner] [--name <name>] [--replication]


Deletes a day in an existing Cleaner or Replication schedule for a DR Series system (on a source DR). The --name option is only applicable for replication and not for the cleaner. You can use it to specify a container.

NOTE: To delete days from either an existing Cleaner or Replication schedule, specify the day in the week and the schedule type.


schedule --delete --day Sunday --replication --name Container1


Successfully updated Replication schedule.

schedule --help


Displays the list of schedule-related options that can be used as a reference when using the DR Series system CLI.


schedule --help


     schedule --show [--cleaner]
             [--name <name>]

     schedule --add --day <Day of the week (Sunday|Monday...)>
             [--start_time <hh:mm>]
             [--stop_time <hh:mm>]
             [--name <name>]

     schedule --delete --day <Day of the week (Sunday|Monday...)>
             [--name <name>]

     schedule --help

schedule <command> <command-arguments>
<command> can be one of:

     --show     Displays command specific information.
     --add      Adds a schedule for replication/cleaner (use on source DR).
     --delete   Deletes a replication/cleaner schedule (use on source DR).

For command-specific help, please type schedule --help <command>

For example:
     schedule --help show
DR Series Software - 4.0.4
Administration Guide
Command Line Reference Guide
Interoperability Guide
Release Notes
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