
DR Series Software 4.0.4 - Command Line Reference Guide

Introduction to the DR Series System Command Line Reference Guide Introducing the DR Series system Managing the DR Series system
Alerts Commands Authenticate Commands Network
Network Command Usage network --show network --delete network --restart network --setdhcp network --setstatic_ip [--bondif <bondN>] [--nwif <ethN>] --ip <IPv4/IPv6 address not already in use> --netmask <netmask> [--gateway <IPv4/IPv6 address>] network --create_bond network --create_eth network --add_member network --setdns [--suffix <dns suffix>] [--primary <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--secondary <IPv4/IPv6 address>] network --setbonding --bondif <bondN> [--mode <ALB | 802.3ad>] [--mtu <supported MTU range 512 - 9000>] network --update network --factory_reset network --host network --route network --nslookup --destination <ip address | hostname> network --traceroute --destination <ip address | hostname> network --ping --destination <ip address | hostname> [--tries <number>] [--size <number>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --blink network --enable network --disable=GUID-925B2D94-D583-4966-ABDE-8E3FE14B59FC=1=en-us= network --troubleshoot [--links] [--gateway] [--ntp] [--dns] [--active_domain] [--nis] [--clients] [--port_mapper] [--network_config] [--show_active <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS|NDMP|ISCSI|FC>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --troubleshoot --gateway --interface <bondN | ethN> network --troubleshoot [--show_active <NFS| CIFS|OST|NDMP|ISCSI|RDS>] network --tcpdump [--port <nfs | windows | replication | ost | rds>] [--pkt_size <128 - 32768>] [--file_size <0 - 100>] [--stop] [--host <ip address list>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --tcpdump [--pkt_size <128 - 32768>] network --tcpdump [--file_size <0 - 100>] network --tcpdump [--host <ip address list>] network --tcpdump [--port <nfs | windows | replication | ost | rds>] network --iperf_client --server <ip address | hostname> [--port <number>] [--window_size <num bytes [KB/MB]>] [--interval <num seconds>] [--time <num seconds>] network --iperf_server [--port <number>] [--window_size <num bytes [KB/MB>] network --help
OST RDA Stats Storage Group commands System
System Command Usage system --show [--config] system --show [--hardware] system --show [--storage] [--type <boot | internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] system --show [--storage] system --show [--license] [--verbose] system --show [--ntp] system --show [--version] system --show [--timezones [Region]] system --show [--upgradefile] system --show [--upgradehistory] system --show [--marker] system --show [--replication_traffic] system --show [--opdup_traffic] system --show [--backup_traffic] system --show [--mgmt_traffic] system --init system --init --secure_erase <1–pass/3-passes/7-passes> system --reboot system --shutdown system --upgrade system --license [--validate] [--add] system --setname --name <node_name> system --setdate [--date <date>] [--timezone <Region/Zone>] system --setntp [--add <server name>] system --setntp [--delete <server name>] system --setntp [--enable] system --setntp [--disable] system --setntp [--adjust_time] system --hybrid_replication [--enable][--disable][--status] system --rdairgap [--enable][--disable][--set_retention_period <0 days to 365 days>][--get_retention_period][--open][--close][--status] system --rdairgap_schedule [--start_time <HH:MM>][--end_time <HH:MM>][--remove] system --setlogin system --telnet [--enable | --disable] system --datacheck --enable system --datacheck --disable system --datacheck --throttle system --marker [--enable] [--disable] system --verify_on_read [--enable] [--disable] system --add_storage --enclosure <service tag> system --storage [--set_usage_alert <70% - 90%>] system --storage [--blink] [--type <internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] [--disk <slot num>] system --storage [--unblink] [--type <internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] [--disk <slot num> system --mgmt_traffic system --backup_traffic system --replication_traffic system --opdup_traffic system --help
User Virtual Machine
Maintaining the DR Series System
Diagnostics Maintenance
Maintenance Command Usage maintenance --filesystem [--start_scan [verify_data | verify_rda_metadata | verify_metadata] [--storage_group <name>] maintenance --filesystem [--stop_scan] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_status] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_report [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_status [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_history [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_restart [verify_data | verify_rda_metadata | verify_metadata]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_now] maintenance --filesystem [--reclaim_space] maintenance --filesystem [--clear_quarantine] maintenance --filesystem [--clear_quarantine] maintenance --filesystem --show_throughput maintenance --configuration [--backup] maintenance --configuration [--restore] maintenance --configuration [--reinit_dictionary] maintenance --configuration [--reset_web_certificate] maintenance --configuration --enable_sha256_web_certificate maintenance --hardware [--reinit_nvram] maintenance --hardware [--restore_hw_db] maintenance --hardware [--motherboard_replaced] maintenance --disk [--make_standby [slot num]] [--type <internal | external-<num> | service tag>] --clear_foreign] maintenance --remote_access [--show] maintenance --remote_access [--enable] maintenance --remote_access [--racreset] maintenance --remote_access [--static_ip] [--ip <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--netmask <netmask>] [--gateway <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--device <lom1|lom2|lom3|lom4>] maintenance --remote access [--disable] maintenance --vdisk --check_consistency --type <boot|internal|external> [--service_tag <service tag>] maintenance --help
Managing DR Series System Storage Operations
System Storage Operation Commands Connection Container VTL NDMP iSCSI FC Replication Seed Schedule
Data Integrity Checking Additional Linux Commands About us

replication --show


Displays the current status of all existing replication containers (and respective roles) in the DR Series system.


replication --show


Container Name		Replication Role		Status
backup			 Source, Target			 Enabled
acme-59		 Source				 Enabled
acmeStorage1		 Source				 Enabled
acmeStorage2 		 Source				 Enabled
acmeStorage3		 Target				 Enabled

replication --show [--limits]


Displays the limits set for your replication containers on the DR Series system.


replication --show --limits


Replication limits are enabled.
Host Name                      Target IP              Speed Limit
acme-85                          192 KBps

NOTE: You can limit the bandwidth consumed by the replication process by setting a value in kilobytes/second (kbps), megabytes/second (mbps), gigabytes/second (gbps), or use an unlimited bandwidth (default). The minimum allowed bandwidth setting for a DR Series system is 192 kbps.

For more information, see replication --limit --speed <<num><kbps | mbps | gbps> | default> --target <ip address | hostname>.

replication --add --name <name> --role <source | target> --peer <ip address | hostname> [--peer_name <name>] [--peer_group_name <name>] [--replication_traffic <ip address | hostname>] [--encryption <none | aes128 | aes256>][--username <user name>]


Adds a new replication link to a container on the DR Series system, for which you need to define its name, role, peer appliance IP address/hostname , peer name, peer group name, user name on the peer system, and encryption level to apply. The peer group name is the name of the remote container’s group to replicate to/from, and this parameter is applicable only if a remote container is not present.

There are three options for encryption: none,(Advanced Encryption Standard), using128-bit cryptographic keys, and aes256 (using 256-bit AES cryptographic keys).

If the username is a domain login (for example, domain\username), ensure that '\' characters and spaces are either escaped or in quotes.

NOTE: Make sure that the data container you intend to replicate already exists. If it does not, the following error message displays: Error: Container <container_name> does not exist.


replication --add --name backup --role source --peer --encryption aes128


Enter password foradministrator@
Replication entry created successfully.
Replication Container          : backup
Replication Role               : Source
Replication Target             :
Replication Target IP          :
Replication Target Mgmt Name   :
Replication Target Mgmt IP     :
Replication Local Data Name    : DR2K-01
Replication Local Data IP      :
Replication Target Container   : backup
Replication Enabled            : Yes
Replication Compression Enabled: Yes
Replication Encryption         : AES 128-bit

NOTE: To verify that you have successful added a replication link to the DR Series system (or to view the current status of existing containers), see replication --show.

replication --update --name <name> --role <source | target> [--peer <ip address | hostname>] [--encryption <none | aes128 | aes256>] [--username <user name>]


Updates an existing replication link to a container in a DR Series system and allows you to change the corresponding role, peer IP address or host name, the encryption being used, and user name based on the DR Series system CLI command options you specify.


replication --update --name backup --role source --peer


NOTE: If you attempt to update a container that already has replication enabled, this displays the following message:

Replication on backup is enabled and cannot be updated, please stop it first.

When replication is enabled on the container, you must first disable it before you can update it. To disable replication on a container, enter the DR Series system CLI replication --stop command and define the container name and role:

replication --stop --name <name> --role <source | target>

NOTE: For more information about disabling replication, see replication --stop --name <name> --role <source | target>.

Disables replication on a container:

replication --stop --name backup --role source
Replication configuration updated successfully.
Replication Container           : backup
Replication Role                : Source
Replication Target System       : acme-85
Replication Target System IP    :
Replication Target Container    : acme85-S2
Replication Enabled             : No
Replication Compression Enabled : Yes
Replication Encryption          : AES 128-bit

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