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Click Open to open the export file in the Archive Manager Search Exporter. The Search Exporter Wizard screen appears. |
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Export Directory: The destination location for the exported data. You may use the Browse feature (the "..." button to the right of the field blank) to locate and specify the location. |
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Format: The format into which the exported messages will be saved. If you choose the PST or HTML Format, then you must also specify: |
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File Name: Configurable. The default is Default.xxx. |
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Type (for export to PST only): Office Outlook, or Outlook 97-2002. |
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Ignore errors for missing attachment: If this checkbox is selected, messages with missing attachment(s) will be exported without generating any errors. |
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Connect Using: The authentication method to be used to confirm the authenticity of the person performing the export. |
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User Name: The username, as used in Archive Manager. The User Name will likely be the same values you use to sign into Archive Manager, as determined by the organization. |
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Password: The user's password, as used in Archive Manager. The Password will likely be the same values you use to sign into Archive Manager, as determined by the organization. |
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Click Export to begin the export. |
The progress bar will track the progress of the export. When the process is complete, a Finish button appears at the bottom of the Search Exporter Wizard dialog box.
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HTML format: These messages are accessed via a main HTML page named Default.html, with each message listed on that page. You can simply click on a link to open an HTML version of that message, and the content of the message, along with all attachments, will be available from within the message. |
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MIME format: Email messages that have been exported in MIME format can be opened with any standard email application that can read these messages. |
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PST format: Email messages that have been exported to PST format can be opened with Microsoft Outlook. Go to the File menu, and select Open/Outlook Data File. Select the folder where your PST file is located and double-click the PST file you want to open. |
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XML format: Email messages that have been exported to XML can be viewed with a Web browser, though much of the content will be Base64 encoded. Some data, such as the attachment name and mailbox, can be viewed. Email messages that have been exported to XML can also be imported into another Archive Manager instance. |
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64-bit versions of Outlook require the Archive Manager Outlook Components x64.msi. All other versions of Outlook require the Archive Manager Outlook Components X86.msi. |
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