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Change Auditor 7.4 - User Guide

Change Auditor Overview Agent Deployment Change Auditor Client Overview Overview Page Searches Search Results and Event Details Custom Searches and Search Properties Enable Alert Notifications Administration Tasks Agent Configurations Coordinator Configuration Purging and Archiving your Change Auditor Database Disable Private Alerts and Reports Generate and Schedule Reports SQL Reporting Services Configuration Change Auditor User Interface Authorization Client Authentication Certificate authentication for client coordinator communication Integrating with On Demand Audit Enable/Disable Event Auditing Account Exclusion Registry Auditing Service Auditing Agent Statistics and Logs Coordinator Statistics and Logs Change Auditor Commands Change Auditor Email Tags


Once Change Auditor captures an event, it provides several ways to generate reports. All event information is displayed in the client and the built-in reports provide views for the most common and complex requests. You can view configuration changes from a variety of perspectives. For example, you can view all changes at a particular site; changes made during a specific time frame; or changes performed by a particular administrator. You can also run detailed searches based on user-defined criteria to fit the needs of your organization.


Searches page

The Searches page displays all search definitions, both private and shared, and the built-in reports. This page consists of the following panes:

Explorer view

The left pane of the Searches page displays a hierarchical view of the folders used to manage your search definitions and the built-in reports. This view initially displays the following folders:

Allows you to define a search that is to run as soon as the definition is finished. Unlike other custom searches, this search definition will not be saved unless you click Save As on one of the Search Properties tabs.

Used to store your personal custom searches. Only you can see these searches.

Contains the predefined search definitions provided with Change Auditor and can also be used to store public custom searches. All users can see these searches.

Contains all predefined reports.

Searches list

The right pane of the Searches page displays a list of the search definitions or built-in reports contained in the folder selected in the explorer view.

The following information is displayed for each search definition:


Displays the type of entry: Private Search, Shared Search, Private Alert, Shared Alert or Report.


Indicates whether an alert has been enabled for the search query. Valid entries for this field are:

Enabled: Alerting is enabled for the search query and that at least one transport method is enabled.
Disabled: Alerting is disabled for the search query; however at least one transport method is still enabled.


Indicates whether reporting had been enabled for the search query. Valid entries for this field are:

Enabled: Reporting is enabled for the search query and a report will be sent to the specified recipients as defined on the Report tab.
Disabled: Previously enabled reporting has now been disabled for the search query.


Displays the name assigned to the search definition.

Alert To

Displays the email address of any recipients specified to receive an alert email notification.

In addition to an email address or distribution list address, you will see the following parameterized values when the corresponding option has been selected on the Alert Custom Email dialog:

Alert Cc

Displays the email address of any ‘carbon copy’ recipients specified to receive an alert email notification.

Alert Bcc

Displays the email address of any ‘blind carbon copy’ recipients specified to receive an alert email notification.

Report To

Displays the email address of any recipients and shared folder specified to receive a report as defined on the Report tab.

Report Cc

Displays the email address of any ‘carbon copy’ recipients specified to receive a report email.

Report Bcc

Displays the email address of any ‘blind carbon copy’ recipients specified to receive a report email.

Double-clicking a search definition will run the selected search and display the results in a new Search Results page.

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