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ODMAD | Directory Sync Advanced Mapping Guide (4375949)

Required documentation for advance mapping for the migration requirement. ... If further assistance is required on how to create and implement, Kindly reach out to your assigned Quest Professional Services; Quest Support would not be able to provide any sample or implementation for the end user.<br>

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 10/06/2024
NA rating | 626 vues
ODM does not migrate version 1.0 comments in a Sharepoint Library (4375347)

When migrating from a classic team site &gt; SharePoint library with ODM, the comments that exist in 1.0 versions will not migrate. ... This will only work if both source and target are modern sites, doing any template switch (for example ODM converting the target into Modern) will affect the check in comment from working, this seems to be a SharePoint Online limitation.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 11/04/2024
NA rating | 272 vues
Dirsync: Error while adding Group membership in DirSync Workflow - "Error in attribute conversion operation, data 0, v3839" (4321091)

LDAP Modify <Value> Server: <ServerNameValue> (<IP ADDRESS>) User: member (Add) ... This is a known defect where the root OU cannot be selected in the workflow, 'Stage Data' section, the sub OUs must be selected.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 20/02/2025
4 rating | 2913 vues
Knowledge Article
Error : The move or copy operation failed (4377516)

User has reported that some folders in Outlook are not being migrated to proper locations. ... The move or copy operation failed. ... ErrorCode = ErrorMoveCopyFailed ... This error of "ErrorMoveCopyFailed" is happening when a mail item is unable to be migrated.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 20/02/2025
NA rating | 97 vues
Knowledge Article
ODMAD Dirsync error: "Unable to determine target SAMAccountName for" during SIDHistory migration (4378503)

The issue is caused by missing samAccountName mapping in the template, used by Stage ... To resolve the issue, review workflow, Stage module to determine name of the used template. ... Open hamburger menu, Templates, select the template in question and click on Settings.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 20/02/2025
NA rating | 114 vues
Knowledge Article
ODM | Domain Rewrite Prepare job stop at 90% (4373751)

Email rewrite stop on 90% and not completed, The user target address does not showing in the Domain Rewrite User entry.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 19/02/2025
NA rating | 187 vues
Knowledge Article
ODM Mailbox migration Reset option (4371984)

What exactly is the ODM mailbox migration Reset option for? ... Does ODM delete the target mailbox data when it's enabled? ... Once a successful migration has taken place, a changeSetID is recorded.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 19/02/2025
3 rating | 1159 vues
Knowledge Article
ODM Team : The orchestrator function 'discover-page-workflow' failed: "The activity function 'get-import_groups.' (4378362)

While discovering Teams in Quest ODM using "Discover from File", the required consents and permissions have already been granted in both the source and target tenants. ... However, the event log shows an unexpected error: "The conversion cannot be performed" followed by another error: "The orchestrator function 'discover-page-workflow' failed with the message: The activity function 'get-import_groups'" encountered an issue.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 19/02/2025
NA rating | 122 vues
Knowledge Article
Dirsync error: " Write: Directory Operation Error (UnwillingToPerform): 0000052D" (4373674)

ODM AD dirsync in generating an error: &quot;Write: Directory Operation Error (UnwillingToPerform): 0000052D: SvcErr: DSID-031A124C, problem 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 0&quot; when creating users <p>The default password, specified in the used template, is not long enough or not complex enough.</p>

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 18/02/2025
NA rating | 817 vues
Knowledge Article
How to provide DirSync logs to Support team (4376070)

To troubleshoot any issues encountered with the Directory Sync module, the support team may need to examine the workflow logs. - <p>In the Directory Sync page, select the menu and &quot;Workflows&quot;<br><br></p>

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 19/02/2025
NA rating | 223 vues
Knowledge Article
Error granting consent for Teams migration, "AADSTSxxxxxx: The app needs access to a service ("https://*")" (4345934)

When granting consent within the Tenants section of On Demand, you may encounter the following error granting consent for Teams: ... Contact your IT Admin to review the configuration of your service subscriptions.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 19/02/2025
5 rating | 7746 vues
Knowledge Article
Teams Provisioning Error: Unexpected error occurred: The orchestrator function 'discover-resources-workflow' failed (4374478)

Teams provision fails with error message: ... See the function execution logs for additional details.". ... See the function execution logs for additional details. ... Teams consent needs to be granted on source tenant.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 19/02/2025
5 rating | 1149 vues
Knowledge Article
How to configure RBAC for mail migration (4378376)

This guide will provide users with steps to enable RBAC for mail migration in ODM. ... Check if an ODM mail migration related Azure application already exists on the tenants and delete the application if it exists (check both source and target tenants): Quest On Demand - Migration - Mailbox Migration

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 18/02/2025
NA rating | 416 vues
Knowledge Article
Teams is not provisioned, no errors in the event log. (4224569)

A Teams provisioning task is started and the status shows completed successfully. ... Checking the events there are no errors and in the UI the Team appears as provisioned, however on the target tenant it is not there.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 16/02/2025
NA rating | 890 vues
Knowledge Article
What is ODM AD ReACL service accounts option doing? (4371511)

When running ReACL, profile may have option Service Accounts checked. ... Yes. ... It&#39;s not recommended to check this option if there are system services, that are launched with named accounts and these accounts were matched by ODM AD.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 16/02/2025
1 rating | 539 vues
Knowledge Article
When clicking Migration in the ODM portal, your projects are not displayed on the right pane, "Projects / {{StateSrv.scopeName()}" (4345962)

This issue is typically caused by ad blocker extensions installed in the web browser. ... Disable any ad blockers that have been installed in the web browser when using ODM.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 16/02/2025
NA rating | 572 vues
Knowledge Article
Does ODM SharePoint support the migration of third-party SharePoint app data? (4343952)

ODM does not support the migration of data from third-party SharePoint applications.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 16/02/2025
NA rating | 465 vues
Knowledge Article
Dirsync SID History Workflow errors: "Write: Inappropriate authentication" (4331961)

We have Trust in place, and have followed all the steps in the SID History Documentation. ... Why are we receiving this error: &quot;Write: Inappropriate authentication&quot; The SID history account cannot be an account using a &#39;Name suffix routing&#39; from the source domain, the service accounts have to match the domain suffix <p>For SID History to migrate to the target, the target account must have Name Suffix Routing disabled</p>

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 17/02/2025
NA rating | 2957 vues
Knowledge Article
Warning: Active Directory is unavailable (4248702)

During a Teams Migration encounter a warning: Active directory is unavailable. ... This is due to throttling on the Microsoft Tenant side. ... This warning is a transient warning and the migration will retry the connection when these warning are seen.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 16/02/2025
NA rating | 454 vues
Knowledge Article
On Demand Desktop Agent keeping settings from previous migration (4378467)

The DUA desktop agent was installed fresh from the new project using the new token and passphrase and when opening the DUA it sees information from a previous migration which is incorrect. ... We uninstalled the agent deleted any Quest folders and Quest registry keys and reinstalled the agent with the same issues.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 17/02/2025
NA rating | 42 vues
Knowledge Article
Dirsync: Objects not updating, error: "Write: No available DCs for domain, cannot process LDAP request for object" (4369432)

We have objects matched, but a few are not updating and syncing. ... 1. This error will occur when DirSync cannot locate the object based on the object DN in the specified Global<br>Catalog Server.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 17/02/2025
NA rating | 1149 vues
Knowledge Article
ReACL error : "Result code: 0 Unable to process Print Server System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005)" (4331885)

While doing a ReACL of a server or workstation you encounter an error: ... The ReACL process tries to enumerate all the printers configured on the machine. ... It is not able to as the Print Spooler service is disabled.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration, Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Dernière mise à jour le: 17/02/2025
NA rating | 3099 vues
Knowledge Article
ODJ - Offline Domain Join custom Pop-up window (4378463)

Is it possible to customize information/message which user see when we execute Cache Credential task? ... This can be customized as per the instructions in the following path directly on processed device:

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 17/02/2025
NA rating | 100 vues
Knowledge Article
Desktop Update Agent Fails OneDrive reconfigure NoTeamSitePermission Received 403 Forbidden (4305259)

When running the DUA, receive the below error. ... Server Error: NoTeamSitePermission Received 403 while calling TeamSite Permissions API. ... Details: Status code: 'Forbidden' ... The Target Tenant has the SharePoint Admin site setting shown below.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 16/02/2025
NA rating | 900 vues
Knowledge Article
Unable to select "Add To Collection" (4259016)

There must first be at least 1 collection created to enable the "Add To Collection" option to be available. ... From ODM tabs for Accounts, Mailboxes, SharePoint, etc, click on "Select Collection" drop down menu on the upper right hand side to find the option to create a new collection.

Produit(s): On Demand Migration
Dernière mise à jour le: 16/02/2025
NA rating | 525 vues
Knowledge Article
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