CATALYST_URL is not used in Rule Alarm Link (for any rule) when CATALYST_URL is using a Schedule.
For example, here is Rule Alarm Link that appears in an email notification when NO schedule is assigned to the regvar CATALYST_URL:
Application Availability Warning: 0.00 of the expected 1.00 instances of the process notepad_abc have been found. The availability of the application "sgA" is being affected. Start new instances of the process "notepad_abc" or refer to the Foglight online help to investigate service levels of applications. Please use the following URL to obtain alarm details.
Then, added the schedule 'Always' to the Performance Claendars List (notice the missing url of the FMS):
Application Availability Warning: 0.00 of the expected 1.00 instances of the process notepad_abc have been found. The availability of the application "sgA" is being affected. Start new instances of the process "notepad_abc" or refer to the Foglight online help to investigate service levels of applications. Please use the following URL to obtain alarm details. console/page/view/system:core_alarms.27?AlarmID=/alarms/b58853b8-d648-4ecc-8801-697277d5fc5c
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