We exported our Registry variables from one FMS and imported into another.
We now see these TopologyObjectNotFoundExceptions in the Foglight Management Server (FMS) logs.
How can we identify which Registry variables are causing this problem and correct the issue?
2009-12-08 18:14:05.314 VERBOSE [http-] com.quest.nitro.service.sl.impl.registry.RegistryVariableBean - Registry value bond to topology object d7cc5e5e-a8f8-4d24-8c0b-02ff47fcbe06 is invalid: com.quest.nitro.service.topology.TopologyObjectNotFoundException: Topology Object Not Found: d7cc5e5e-a8f8-4d24-8c0b-02ff47fcbe06
2009-12-08 18:14:05.315 VERBOSE [http-] com.quest.nitro.service.sl.impl.registry.RegistryVariableBean - Registry value bond to topology object 06ae9d86-27fb-49c1-9b2f-0c000a5062c7 is invalid: com.quest.nitro.service.topology.TopologyObjectNotFoundException: Topology Object Not Found: 06ae9d86-27fb-49c1-9b2f-0c000a5062c7
2009-12-08 18:14:05.316 VERBOSE [http-] com.quest.nitro.service.sl.impl.registry.RegistryVariableBean - Registry value bond to topology object 85ba53a4-03d4-45b6-87cc-4beb16359c60 is invalid: com.quest.nitro.service.topology.TopologyObjectNotFoundException: Topology Object Not Found: 85ba53a4-03d4-45b6-87cc-4beb16359c60
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