Additional questions and answers about Intelliprofile and Baseline metrics.
Please refer to KB 66462 for an explanation of Baseline and Intelliprofile metrics
Is there anything that needs to be done to enable the display of the baseline metric for the "Batches Rate" metric under the workload section?
No, but a 24 hour wait (by default) is necessary to calculate the baseline data.
Is the Databases Technical Support "Enable/Disable Baseline" dashboard used to enable baselines for metrics that don't typically have baselines calculated?
Are the metrics listed under the Enable/Disable Baseline dashboard treated differently from other metrics?
These metrics are predefined in out cartridge.
Is it the case that these particular metric calculations place more load on the FMS and users should be more cautious enabling these?
Are metrics identified in the baseline calculations the only metrics that will have a baseline? If so, should there be a one to one relationship between the calculations enabled and the available baseline data for the graphics?
There appear to be no place to enable calculations for the Infrastructure cartridge. Can it be assumed that everything requiring a baseline is turned on and should appear in the charts?
If a baseline is calculated for a metric, how can users determine if there is an OOTB (out of the box) graph that displays the metrics and baseline?
The following chart should be configured.
Is the baseline data calculated for all SQL Server metrics?
No, only a subset of them
Where can the baselines calculated for each of the metrics be seen?
1) Generate a Support Bundle
2). Open the monitorlingpolicies_xxx.xml file
3). View the baseline configuration like this
View the topology-query and observation-name to check data in the data browser like this
The following groovy script can also be used
def bs = server["BaselineService"];
def policies = bs.getAllPolicies();
def out = []
for (policy in policies) {
out.add(String.format("[%s]:[%s]", policy.getTopologyQuery(), policy.getObservationName()))
return out;
How can users determine if a baseline is being calculated for a metric?
In addition to the options in the previous question, the following script can be used to check for unique topology IDs
def cf = server["CanonicalFactory"];
def bs = server["BaselineService"];
def key = cf.createObservationKey(topologyUniqueId, observationName);
return bs.findBaselines(key).size() > 0
For intelliprofile thresholds, how can a user know if an OOTB (out of the box) graph uses an Intelliprofile threshold?
If it does use an Intelliprofile threshold, how can a user find the threshold?
In the above bar, this bar uses a threshold. The rendering looks like
You can check the threshold in this dashboard.
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