Foglight Management Server (FMS) - Performance issues.
What are the steps to investigate?
The FMS performance is slow. Investigation needs to be performed.
The investigation below will require the FMS bundle and other diagnostic logs.
To generate an FMS support bundle via web console
Dashboard| Administration| Setup & Support| Manage Support bundles| create bundle
To generate an FMS support bundle via FMS host command line (CLI)
\bin\fglcmd.bat –usr -pwd support:bundle –f /.zip ( for *nix)
For more information, please review KB 41911.
Investigation Steps
First step is to identify whether it is a general FMS performance issue or specific dashboards
1. Is the FMS UI (web interface) accessible?
a. If yes, login and navigate between the Core dashboards (Administration, Alarms, Agent Status, etc) and the Cartridge specific dashboard (Database, Vmware, APM, etc).
i. If it’s a general performance issue
1. Generate an FMS bundle and contact Foglight support.
ii. If it’s a dashboards specific issue
1. Make note of the dashboard
2. Generate an FMS bundle and contact Foglight support
iii. If the FMS bundle takes a while to create (20+ minutes), Zip the \logs and config directory and contact Foglight support.
b. If not, login to the FMS host OS
i. Is the application still running? (Task Manager, Top)
1. Test if the FMS CLI is responsive
a. \bin\fms –t (thread dump)
b. \bin\ –usr -pwd -agent:list >> agent.out
c. If the above commands take a while to generate, create an FMS bundle and contact Foglight support
ii. Check for resource consumption (Task Manager, Top)
iii. Check for backup, Antivirus scan, or other prohibitive activities
iv. Is the FMS host residing on a Virtual Machine(vm)?
1. Is the Memory allocation to the host reserved?
a. Vmware’s best practice dictates memory reservation to mimic a physical box.
2. Check CPU ready, is the FMS waiting for CPU resources?
2. As of 5.6.10, the FglAM supt bundle added historical values for CPU usage and memory usage.
a. Look in glueperformance folder for files called cpu.txt and memory.txt when you open the support bundle.
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