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Toad Intelligence Central 6.1 - Quick Start Guide

Specify Visibility and Manage Privileges

Secured folders have visibility (sharing), manage, and publish privileges assigned to them. Users with manage privileges to a secured folder can modify the visibility, manage, and publish privileges.

To learn how to modify privileges for an object, see Specify Visibility and Manage Privileges for Objects.

Specify Sharing Privileges

You can modify the visibility (sharing) options for a secured folder to which you have manage privileges. The sharing options you specify for a secured folder are applied to all objects in the folder.

To alter Visibility for a secured folder

  1. In the Web Console, click Home.
  2. Select a secured folder to display details.
  3. In the Folder Details pane, click Visibility to open the Alter Visibility dialog.
  4. In the Alter Visibility dialog, select the users and groups with which you want to share the folder.
    • Add users and groups to the right pane. You can include both individual users and groups.
  5. For each user (or group) specify manage and publish privileges.

    Manage—Select this option for each user (or group) to which you want to grant Manage privileges.

    Publish—Select this option for each user (or group) to which you want to grant Publish privileges.

Note: When privileges are assigned to a group, a new member added to the group is automatically assigned the privileges of the group. When the user is removed from the group, any rights associated with that group are removed for that user. A user is given the highest level of privileges applied to them, whether it is as an individual user or as a member of a group.

TIP: Refresh or reload through your Web browser if changes to folder visibility are not immediately reflected in the Web Console.

Specify Manage and Publish Privileges

You can modify the manage and publish privileges for a secured folder to which you have Manage privileges. The manage options you specify for a secured folder are applied to all objects in the folder.

For more information about manage privileges, see Manager Privileges.

You can also specify publish privileges to allow users to publish objects to the secured folder. Users with or without the manage privilege can be granted the publish privilege.

To modify Manage and Publish privileges for a secured folder

  1. In the Web Console, click Home.
  2. Select a secured folder to display folder details.
  3. In the Folder Details pane, click Managers to open the Alter Visibility dialog.
  4. In the Alter Visibility dialog, do the following:
    • Select the Manage check box for each user (or group) to which you want to grant Manage privileges.
    • Select the Publish check box for each user (or group) to which you want to grant Publish privileges.

Users with Manage privileges to a secured folder can do the following:

  • Modify the folder's sharing (visibility), manage, and publish options
  • Rename or delete the folder
  • Create a subfolder

Users with Publish privileges to a secured folder can publish objects to the folder from Toad Data Point.

Manager Privileges

When an object is published to Intelligence Central, the publisher specifies visibility (sharing) and manage privileges for the published object.

After an object is published, the object's managers are allowed to modify the visibility and manage privileges for the object.

When a secured folder is created, the folder creator and users with the Administrator role have visibility and manage privileges to the folder. After the folder is created, the secured folder's managers can modify the visibility and manage privileges, if necessary.

To learn how to modify visibility and manage settings for an object or folder, see Specify Visibility and Manage Privileges for Objects and Specify Visibility, Manage and Publish Privileges for Folders.

Manager Privileges for Objects

Users with Manage privileges to an object can do the following (unless the object is locked):

  • Lock the object
  • Delete the object
  • Modify the object's sharing options
  • Modify the object's manage options
  • Rename the object
  • (Automation script) Change user account for script execution
  • (Snapshot) Refresh snapshot or modify refresh schedule
  • (Automation script) Modify schedule
  • (View or Automation script) Modify variable default value
  • Change a shared key password
  • Change Authentication key type

Manager Privileges for Secured Folders

Users with Manage privileges to a secured folder can do the following:

  • Modify the folder's sharing (visibility), manage, and publish options
  • Rename or delete the folder
  • Create a subfolder

Who Can Manage Objects/Folders

The following tables describe some important details about manage privileges based on a user's relationship to an object or folder.

Management Privileges to Objects

User Details

Object Publisher

For objects in a non-secured folder—The object publisher has (and retains) manage privileges.

For objects in a secured folder—Secured folder privileges override object privileges.

  • In order to publish an object to a secured folder, the publisher must have publish privileges to the folder.
  • All objects in a secured folder have the same manage and visibility privileges as the folder. See About Secured Folders.
  • When an object is moved into a secured folder, the object publisher does not automatically retain manage privileges. The object publisher must also be a folder manager to retain manage privileges to the object.

Object Managers

For objects in a non-secured folder—Users who have been granted manage privileges to the object can manage the object.

For objects in a secured folder

  • Users who have been granted manage privileges to the secured folder can manage all objects in the secured folder.


Users with the Administrator role can manage all objects.

Management Privileges to Secured Folder

User Details

Secured Folder Managers

Users who have been granted manage privileges to a secured folder can manage the folder.


Users with the Administrator role can manage all secured folders.


The Web Console provides a Reports section which allows you to view and create reports about Intelligence Central objects and user activity.

Reports are designed mainly for Administrators, but all users can view and export reports.

The following reports are provided:

Data Object Report

The Data Objects page of the Reports section allows you to view, create, and download reports about Intelligence Central object usage. The Data Objects landing page provides a dashboard-type view that displays top-level object usage statistics. This report is designed mainly for Administrators, but all users can view and export object usage reports.

To open the Data Objects page, select Reports | Data Objects.

Note: Standard and Power users can view statistics for all objects. However, for these users, access to an object from a report page is limited to objects shared with or owned by the user.

Dashboard View

The dashboard displays top-level usage statistics. Use the dashboard to drill down to more-detailed information or object details. The dashboard graphs group data into the following categories:

  • Most-popular objects
  • Percentage of objects used
  • Most-often published objects

To Filter the Dashboard View

  • Select a time period from What’s happened over the ....

What's popular?

This chart displays the most popular objects, i.e., the objects that have been downloaded or queried the most. You can click an object name to view object details.

  1. Click an object name to open the Home page with the object selected.
  2. In the Home page you can view the object details or perform additional actions on the object, such as download the object.

What's been used?

This graph displays the percentage of objects used (downloaded or queried) in Intelligence Central. Click a graph data point to see the data broken down into usage statistics for the individual objects. Use filtering to narrow your results.

  1. Click either the Objects Used or Objects Not Used section of the graph to view a breakdown of the data.
  2. In the Objects Used or Objects Not Used page, you can filter results by selecting a different time period.
  3. Filter results by object. (Objects Used) In the Object Downloads and Queries chart, click an object’s bar or value to filter the data grid by that object.
  4. Filter results by date. (Objects Used) In the Daily Downloads and Queries graph, click a data point to filter the data grid by that date.
  5. To sort by a column in the data grid, click the column header.
  6. To export the data in the data grid, click Download CSV.

What's been published?

This graph shows what types of objects have been published during the selected time period, as well as the percentage for each object type. Click a graph section to view publishing statistics related to each object type.

  1. Click a section of the graph to view a breakdown of the data for that object type.
  2. In the object type page, you can filter results by selecting a different time period.
  3. Change object type. To see results for a different object or for all objects simultaneously, select an option from the second drop-down list.
  4. Top 10 Publishers. Click to see data for the top 10 publishers. In the Top 10 Publishers chart, hover the cursor over a bar to see a breakdown by Sharing option. Click a bar to filter the data grid by that publisher. To clear the filter, click the highlighted bar again.
  5. All Publishers. Click to see data for all publishers. Click a publishers name to filter the data grid by that publisher. Click a value to filter the data grid by that criteria.
  6. To sort by a column in the data grid, click the column header.
  7. To export the data in the data grid, click Download CSV.
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