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Spotlight on Oracle 10.7 - Release Notes

SQL Page

Note: Available for Oracle 10g and later.

The SQL page displays information on SQL statements associated with specified waiting events.

To open the SQL page

  1. Select the Spotlight on Oracle RAC connection in the Spotlight Browser.
  2. Click Cluster | Overhead Page | SQL.

Note: Click ActivityWaiting Events Page to show wait events in other categories.

Grid: SQL Statements related to the event

Column Description

Plan Hash Value

A numerical value representing the SQL plan for the parent cursor. A comparison of PLAN_HASH_VALUEs can identify whether two SQL plans are the same.

Wait Time

The wait time for the event associated with the SQL statement.


The percentage of total wait time that was consumed by the event associated with the SQL statement.

Buffer Gets

The number of buffer gets performed for all SQL cursors that have this SQL text and plan.

Rows Processed

The total number of rows returned by the parsed SQL statement.


The number of executions that took place on the object referenced by the SQL statement since the object was brought into the library cache.

CPU Time

The CPU time (in microseconds) used by the SQL cursor for parsing, executing, and fetching.

SQL Text

The text of the specified SQL statement.


The SQL identifier of the parent SQL cursor in the library cache.


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Documentos relacionados
Spotlight on Oracle - 10.7
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
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