You can manually unpack a backup by using the Online Restore Wizard or the Online Restore Wizard for AD LDS (ADAM). When you select the Backups/Active Directory or Backups/AD LDS (ADAM) node in the console tree, the details pane displays the registered Active Directory® or AD LDS (ADAM) backups, respectively.
Do one of the following:
To unpack an Active Directory backup, start the Online Restore Wizard: select the console tree root, and then on the main menu select Action | Online Restore Wizard.
To unpack an AD LDS (ADAM) backup, start the Online Restore Wizard for AD LDS (ADAM): select the console tree root, and then on the main menu select Action | Online Restore Wizard for AD LDS (ADAM).
Follow the instructions in the wizard until you reach the Backup Selection page.
On the Backup Selection page, select the backup you want to unpack, and then click Next.
On the Backup Data Preparation page, select the Keep extracted data after completing the wizard check box, click Next, and then click Cancel.
In the message box, click Yes to exit the wizard.
Unpacked backup components (data) can occupy a significant amount of disk space, therefore it is recommended to delete the unpacked backup components you no longer need.
In the console tree, select the Backups/Active Directory or Backups/AD LDS (ADAM) node.
In the details pane, select the backup whose unpacked components you want to delete, and then click Delete Unpacked Components on the Action menu.
This only deletes the unpacked data, not the backup itself.
You can have Recovery Manager for Active Directory (RMAD) send an e-mail message that contains the log information about the backup creation session when backing up Computer Collections.
To use this feature, set up the appropriate settings on the Alerts tab in the Computer Collection Properties dialog box and on the E-mail tab in the Recovery Manager for Active Directory Settings dialog box.
In the console tree, click Recovery Manager for Active Directory, expand the Computer Collection node, and then select the Computer Collection in question.
On the Action menu, click Properties, and then open the Alerts tab in the Computer Collection Properties dialog box.
On the Alerts tab, do the following:
Select the E-mail notification check box.
In the To text box, specify the recipient's e-mail address. More that one address can be entered, separated by a semicolon or a comma.
Use the What to record list to select what sort of information you want to be included in the notification e-mail message.
If you do not want to receive notification unless an error and/or warning is written to the log, select Send notification upon errors or warnings only.
When finished, click OK.
In the console tree, click Recovery Manager for Active Directory, and then click Settings on the Action menu.
In the Recovery Manager for Active Directory Settings dialog box, open the E-mail tab.
On the E-mail tab, specify the following settings:
Service Type Select SMTP Authentication or Exchange OAuth2 for Microsoft 365 Exchange Online.
SMTP Authentication
SMTP server. Provides a space for you to specify the SMTP server for outgoing messages.
SMTP port. Provides a space for you to specify the port number (default port for SMTP is 25) to connect to on your outgoing mail (SMTP) server.
From address. Provides a space for you to specify the return address for your e-mail notification messages. It is recommended that you specify the e-mail address of the RMAD administrator.
SMTP server requires authentication. When selected, specifies that you must log on to your outgoing mail server.
User. Provides a space for you to specify the account name used to log on to the SMTP server.
Password. Provides a space for you to specify the user password.
Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the connection. Allows you to use SSL when accessing the e-mail server.
Exchange OAuth2 Authentication
To set up email notifications for Microsoft 365 Exchange Online, you need to register Recovery Manager for Active Directory with Microsoft Entra ID. For steps to create and manage your Microsoft Entra ID application see Registering Application for Microsoft 365 Exchange Online Email Notifications.
From address. Provides a space for you to specify the return address for your email notification messages. It is recommended that you specify the e-mail address of the RMAD administrator.
Application (client) ID. Provide the application (client) ID for the Microsoft Entra ID application created for Recovery Manager for Active Directory email notifications.
Directory (tenant) ID. Provide the directory (tenant) ID for the Microsoft Entra ID application created for Recovery Manager for Active Directory email notifications.
Certificate Thumbprint. Provide the certificate thumbprint for the Microsoft Entra ID application created for Recovery Manager for Active Directory email notifications.
U.S Government GCC High. Check this box if you are using an US Government GCC High account for Exchange Online OAuth2 notification.
Test Settings. Sends a test notification message to the address set in the “From” address text box. Use this button to verify that the specified e-mail notification settings are valid.
When finished, click OK.
Before you start using the e-mail notification, it is recommended that you verify the specified settings. To do so, in the “From” address text box specify an e-mail address and click the Test Settings button that sends a test notification message to the address set.
To view backup creation results, you can examine the properties of backup creation sessions, computers, computers within a backup creation session, and backups registered in the Recovery Manager for Active Directory backup registration database.
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