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QoreStor 7.0.1 - Command Line Reference Guide

Introduction to the QoreStor Command Line Reference Guide Introducing QoreStor Managing QoreStor
Alerts Commands Authenticate Commands Email_alerts Commands Email_stats Commands OST RDA Sc_manager command Stats Storage Group commands System User
Managing QoreStor Storage Operations
Cloud_tier Connection Container iSCSI NDMP Object_container Object_direct Performance_tier Replication Seed Schedule VTL
Maintaining QoreStor About us

stats --system


Displays the current cumulative system statistics for all of the configured containers on a QoreStor.


stats --system


stats --system
Capacity Used                   : 0.0 GiB
Capacity Used in GB             : 0.000
Capacity Free                   : 690.5 GiB
Capacity Free in GB             : 741.394
Cloud Capacity Used             : 0.0 GiB
Cloud Capacity Used in GB       : 0.000
ObjectDirect Capacity Used      : 0.0 GiB
ObjectDirect Capacity Used in GB: 0.000
Archive Capacity Used           : 0.0 GiB
Archive Capacity Used in GB     : 0.000
Metadata Used                   : 256.0 GiB
Metadata Used in GB             : 274.895
Reserve Space                   : 0.0 GiB
Reserve Space in GB             : 0.000
Total Capacity                  : 1280.0 GiB
Total Capacity in GB            : 1374.406
Licensed Capacity               : 1280.0 GiB
Licensed Capacity in GB         : 1374.406
Read Throughput                 : 0.00 MiB/s
Write Throughput                : 0.00 MiB/s
Current Files                   : 0
Current Files Stubbed           : 0
Modified Files Uploaded to Cloud: 0
Modified Files Uploaded to Archive: 0
Current Bytes                   : 0
Current Stubbed Bytes           : 0
Current Local Bytes             : 0
Post Dedupe Bytes               : 0
Post Compression Bytes          : 0
Post Encryption Bytes           : 0
Post Encryption Bytes in GiB    : 0.0 GiB
Cleaner Status                  : Done
Compression Status              : Done
Total Inodes                    : 0
Bytes decrypted                 : 0
Dedupe Savings                  : 0.00 %
Compression Savings             : 0.00 %
Total Savings                   : 0.00 %
Local Dedupe Savings            : 0.00 %
Local Compression Savings       : 0.00 %
Local Total Savings             : 0.00 %

stats --cpu


Displays the current cumulative CPU statistics for a QoreStor.


stats --cpu


13:00:00 up 9 days, 19:24,  2 users,  load average: 1.12, 1.20, 1.18
Cpu(s):  1.4%us,  2.3%sy,  4.0%ni, 99.3%id,  0.0%wa, 0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st

stats --memory


Displays the current memory statistics in kilobytes (kB) for a QoreStor.


stats --memory


MemTotal                        : 98730140 kB
MemFree                         : 423060 kB
MemAvailable                    : 69596376 kB
Buffers                         : 0 kB
Cached                          : 69734184 kB
SwapCached                      : 7036 kB
Active                          : 618996 kB
Inactive                        : 69248208 kB
Active(anon)                    : 244028 kB
Inactive(anon)                  : 313112 kB
Active(file)                    : 374968 kB
Inactive(file)                  : 68935096 kB
Unevictable                     : 26689192 kB
Mlocked                         : 26689192 kB
SwapTotal                       : 4194300 kB
SwapFree                        : 4105716 kB
Dirty                           : 1488 kB
Writeback                       : 0 kB
AnonPages                       : 26814984 kB
Mapped                          : 502072 kB
Shmem                           : 303136 kB
Slab                            : 680584 kB
SReclaimable                    : 424836 kB
SUnreclaim                      : 255748 kB
KernelStack                     : 42816 kB
PageTables                      : 87144 kB
NFS_Unstable                    : 0 kB
Bounce                          : 0 kB
WritebackTmp                    : 0 kB
CommitLimit                     : 53559368 kB
Committed_AS                    : 37430456 kB
VmallocTotal                    : 34359738367 kB
VmallocUsed                     : 604172 kB
VmallocChunk                    : 34308610044 kB
HardwareCorrupted               : 0 kB
AnonHugePages                   : 17606656 kB
CmaTotal                        : 0 kB
CmaFree                         : 0 kB
HugePages_Total                 : 0
HugePages_Free                  : 0
HugePages_Rsvd                  : 0
HugePages_Surp                  : 0
Hugepagesize                    : 2048 kB
DirectMap4k                     : 374480 kB
DirectMap2M                     : 15255552 kB
DirectMap1G                     : 87031808 kB

stats --nfs


Displays the current NFS statistics for a QoreStor.


stats --nfs


NFS Per Op Statistics
Procedure            Calls      Avg(us)    Max(us)    Errors
NULL                   94        277       4172          0
GETATTR             52552      19946   19905631          0
SETATTR              1031     629602  166232015          0
LOOKUP               2227      18897    1918992       1673
ACCESS              26221        543     416780          0
READLINK                0          0          0          0
READ              5302595     240217  856398852          1
WRITE               12872     188647    6853027          0
CREATE               1031     917970   23587115          0
MKDIR                   0          0          0          0
SYMLINK                 0          0          0          0
MKNOD                   0          0          0          0
REMOVE              44996     155136    6458023          0
RMDIR                   0          0          0          0
RENAME                  0          0          0          0
LINK                    0          0          0          0
READDIR                 0          0          0          0
READDIRPLUS         85566      30674   28308673          0
FSSTAT                 30     321247    1133437          0
FSINFO                104      55279    2402344          0
PATHCONF               52      30217    1466732          0
COMMIT               1031     102190    5506293          0
XWRITE             676364          0          0          0
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