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MessageStats 7.8.1 - Report Pack for Lotus & IBM Notes User Guide

About the Lotus and IBM Notes Report Pack Preparing for Installation Configuring the Report Pack Database Management Setting Task Default Properties Creating Gathering Tasks Using the Reports Console Lotus and IBM Notes Report Descriptions Report Filter Definitions

Inventory Report Descriptions

The following table contains the descriptions for the Lotus and IBM Notes reports in the Inventory folder:

Domino Servers

Lists the Domino servers in the Domino domains, identifying each server by its server name and its fully qualified host name.

The report provides details about the Domino server platform (operating system), release version, and basic network configuration details. You can insert additional information such as tasks or catalog type.

Lotus and IBM Notes Users and Mailboxes

This report provides a comprehensive view of the Notes users and the associated mailboxes that exist in a Domino organization.

It includes individual user details, such as user location and department, and information about the associated mail file, including the number and volume of stored items.

Lotus and IBM Notes Users

This report shows the users for a specific organization, and lists the associated mailboxes for each user.

Detailed information for each user is included such as location, department, office phone number, and internet address.

Lotus and IBM Notes Mailboxes

As an aid to mail database management, this report lists the Notes mailboxes in a Domino domain and provides detailed information about each mailbox.

The report shows the physical path for each mail file, and includes metrics such as the number and volume of stored items and the mailbox maximum size. It also shows the mailbox creation date. You can insert information about when the mailbox was last modified by a user and which user did the modification.

Lotus and IBM Notes Orphaned Mailboxes

This report lists the mail files that do not have an associated Notes user. You can review this report as a part of mail file maintenance activities to determine if there are mail files that should be removed.

The report provides detailed information about each mailbox including size, number and volume of items stored.

Lotus and IBM Notes Inactive Mailboxes

This report identifies the Notes mail files that had no activity during the selected date range. You can review this report as a part of normal mail file maintenance activities.

The report shows information about each mailbox including size, the number and volume of items stored, and last modification date. It specifically identifies when the mailbox was last modified by a user and which user did the modification.

For information about how to set filters, see Selecting Report Filters .

For information about how to use the Quick Filter bar, see Using Quick Filters .

Notes Migration Status Report Descriptions

The Notes Migration Status reports show status information about the migration of mailboxes and users from Lotus and IBM Notes to Exchange using Quest Notes Migrator for Exchange.

The Notes Migration reports are “live reports”. Information is retrieved directly from a Notes Migrator database, so report information is instantly update-to-date when the report is displayed.

The following prerequisites must be met:

The following table contains the descriptions for the Lotus and IBM Notes reports in the Notes Migration Status folder:

Migration Status per Collection

This report provides a mechanism for reviewing Notes migration results. For each user or resource, it shows how many errors were encountered and the amount of data that was migrated. Use this report to identify the mailboxes and resources that require cleanup, re-migration, or additional actions.

You can also use the data to calculate data throughput and to estimate the throughput of subsequent migrations. By adjusting the size of different collections based upon these numbers, you can optimize the migration resources.

Migration Status per Server

This report provides a list of objects for each server and migration information including information about the data store for each object, migration run times, and details about the data that was migrated.

Before you shut down a Notes server, it is recommended that you review this report. By ensuring that all desired mailboxes and resources have been migrated, you can prevent the inadvertent “orphaning” of a user.

Mailbox Comparison

This report displays item counts and storage size of corresponding Notes and Exchange mailboxes. Since Lotus and IBM Notes and Exchange store data differently, the storage size numbers will not be the same. You can see the percentage progress of the migrated items.

Use this report to obtain information on the validity of a migration and to do capacity estimates.


A MessageStats Exchange Mailbox Gathering task must have completed successfully.

Distribution List Provisioning

This report allows you to determine which distribution lists have been provisioned. It indicates not just the creation of new lists but also reports any changes to the previously migrated lists. Using the report, you can use Notes as the authoritative source for a list and periodically re-migrate the list to Exchange.

If changes have been made to the list in Notes, the report shows detailed information on how the Notes Migrator has provisioned Active Directory to ensure the Exchange and Notes version of the list are consistent.

NSF Status

This report provides a mechanism to check on the migration status of specific user mailboxes or resource reservation databases.

You can report on Notes Storage Format (nsf) files specific to a server or select specific user mailboxes or resource reservation databases and determine if and when they were migrated, error counts, and how much data was migrated.

Storage Report Descriptions

The following table contains the descriptions for the Lotus and IBM Notes reports in the Storage folder:

Report Filter Definitions

This section provides information about the various filter settings that you can use to define the information that appears in reports.

Application File

Restricts report content according to the specified name of the application database file.

Application Title

Restricts report content to the criteria regarding the application title that you specify.

Collection Label

Restricts report content in the Notes Migration Status reports to include only the specified collection label. In Notes Migrator for Exchange, labels are used to classify collections, using alphanumeric strings, into subsets of users. For example, a label can be used to group users within a collection by geographic location or administrative level.

Collection Name

Restricts report content in the Notes Migration Status reports to the specified collection of users or groups. The migration feature of Notes Migrator for Exchange is applied to the collections of users and groups, whose members are defined through the Collection Wizard.


Limits the report content to users that have the specified company name.

Creation Date

Shows the users or mail files with the specified creation dates.

Data Store Title

Restricts report content for the Notes Migration Status reports to include only information for the selected data store. The data store title usually reflects the user or group that owns the data store.

Data Store Type

Restricts report content for the Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected data store types, such as mail file, personal address book, or archive.


Restricts the report content to the date range that you specify. For inactive mailboxes, this is the date range for which there has been no activity for a mailbox.

Date/Time Display

Determines whether you want date and time data in the report to appear in UTC or local server time.


Restricts the report content to the department associated with the user.

Delegate Department

Restricts the report to the department associated with the user who has delegate rights to the mail file.

Owner Department

Restricts the report to the department associated with the user who has owner rights to the mail file.

Detail Level

Restricts the report content to the detail that you select:
Summary indicates that you want to include only aggregated data.
Daily indicates that you want detailed records grouped by day.
Hourly indicated that you want detailed records grouped by the hour.


Restricts the report content to include only the disks (Windows) or mount points (Unix) that you select.

Disk % Used

Restricts the report content to servers with the total percentage of used volume that you specify.

Disk Size (MB)

Restricts the report content by the amount of space that you specify.

Display Name

Restricts the report content to the Display Name that you specify.

Display Options

Display Options define the components you want to include on the report:

Data and Graph presents a graph at the top of the report

followed by a corresponding data table.

Data Only presents data table and suppresses the graph


Graph Only presents a graph and suppresses the corresponding data table.


Restricts the report content to the Domino domain that you specify.

Delegate’s Domain

Limits the report to the domain in which the user (delegate) is located.

Mailbox Domain

Limits the report to the domain in which the mail file is located.

Exchange Organization

Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected Exchange organization.

Exchange Server Name

Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected Exchange servers.


Allows you to restrict the report content to include only the specified folders.

Folder Owner Department

Restricts the report to the department associated with the user who has owner rights to the private folder.


Restricts report content to users that belong to the specified groups in the primary Domino Directory.

Instant Messaging Server

Allows you to limit report content to include users with the specified Instant Messaging Server.


Allows you to restrict report content to include users with the specified licenses.


Restricts the report to the location or set of locations that you specify.

Lotus and IBM Notes Migrator Database

Restricts the report contents to the selected Notes Migrator for Exchange database that contains the migration status information.


Allows you to restrict the report contents to include only users that have the specified manager.

Mail System

Restricts the report contents to include only users or mail files in the selected mail system.

Mailbox Email Address

Restricts the report contents to include the specified e-mail address for the mail file.

Mailbox File

Allows you to limit the report content to specific mail files (.nsf).

Mailbox Owner

Allows you to limit the report content to the specified mail file owners.

Mailbox Owner Department

Restricts the report to the department associated with the user who has owner rights to the mail file.

Mailbox Physical Path

Restricts report content to mail files with the selected physical path.

Mailbox Server

Restricts the report content to the Domino mail servers that you specify.

Mailbox Title

Allows you to limit the report content to mail files that have the selected mailbox title. By default, the mailbox title is set to the name of user who owns the mail file.


Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected distribution list members.

Notes Domain Name

Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected Domino (Lotus and IBM Notes) domains.

Notes Migrator Database

Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only information retrieved from the specified Notes Migrator database.

Notes Server Name

Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected Domino (Lotus and IBM Notes) servers.

Operation Type

Restricts the report content in the Migration Status reports to include only the selected Notes Migrator operation type, such as Administrator Driven Migrator or Self-Service Desktop Migrator.


Restricts the report content to include only the Domino servers or Notes users in the specified organization.

Mailbox Organization

Restricts the report content to include only the organization to which the mail file belongs.

Private Folder Owner

Limits the report content to the specified owners of private folders in a mail file.

Select Top

Restricts the report graph content to the top number of mailboxes that you specify.
Note: If you select a number greater than 50, the report displays a maximum of 50 mailboxes in a graph.


Restricts the report content to the senders and/or receivers that you specify.


Restricts the report content to the Domino servers that you specify.

Total Disks (MB)

Limits the report content to servers with the total size that you specify.

Trend and Forecast Options

Indicate your graph display preference for the report.

Display Neither suppresses both trend lines and forecasts.

Trend Only includes trend lines, but not forecasts.

Trend and Forecast includes both trend lines and forecasts.


Restricts the report content to the user account that you specify.

User Name

Restricts the report content to the hierarchical name for the user that you specify.

Work Item Run Start Time

Restricts report content in a Notes Migration Status report to include only the information contained in migration tasks with the specified run date and time.

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