As an alternative to configuring agent integration through the agent setup wizard in the Foglight browser interface, you can use the fglcmd command-line scripts that are available on the Management Server.
If you are using the command-line interface and
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the JBoss .jar files are in a lib/endorsed directory: add the ‑Dquest.agent.instrument.bootstrap=true option to the QuestAgentOpts parameter |
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you want to specify preinstrumentor options: add them to the QuestPreinstOpts parameter |
This section contains instructions for manually integrating the Java EE agent with a Wildfly or JBoss® Enterprise Application Platform (EAP).
Use the following procedure to manually configure the Wildfly and JBoss® server startup script for integration with the Java EE agent.
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Complete a Generic installation only on Windows or a Generic installation only on Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, or AIX, as described in Creating a Generic Installation for Manual Java EE Agent Integration . |
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4 |
Set <integrate.cmd/sh> to the name of the integration task you created in step 2. For example: integrate-Generic_installation_only_on_Windows_Install_Configs_and_pre-instrument.cmd. |
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Set the QUEST_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY variable to the Installation Directory specified by the Java EE Integration Agent instance activated on this host. In Unix, quote this path if it contains spaces. |
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Ensure that your environment does not meet any of the exceptions in the Exception list and then save the new script. |
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