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Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) 7.3.0 - User Guide

Introduction to Foglight for DB2 LUW Using Reference
Dashboards and Views Collections and Metrics
CF Locks Collection CF Memory Pools Collection CF Resource Usage Collection Current Agents Details Collection Agents Summary Collection Current Locks Wait Collection Database Bufferpools Summary PS Collection Database Configuration Collection Database Tablespaces Collection Database Tablespaces Summary Collection Database Usability Collection Database Parameters Collection Database Instance Parameters Collection Database Instance Registry Variables Collection Database Tablespaces BP Collection FCM Activity Collection FS DB Storage Collection FS DB Storage Summary Collection FS Instance Storage Collection FS Storage Collection FS Storage Summary Collection General Activity Collection HADR Activity Collection Host Properties Collection OS General Collection Instance Activity Collection Instance General Collection Instance Nodes Collection Instance Usability Collection IO Activity Collection License Details Collection Log Activity Collection Log File Collection Log Message Collection Messages Count Collection Monitor Switches Collection OS DB2 General Process Collection Partition Tablespaces Summary Collection Partition Usability Collection pureScale Alerts Collection Top SQLs Collection Query Agents Details Collection Database Partition Activity Collection DB2 Partition Subcategories Wait Collection History Locks Wait Collection History Locks Summary Collection Instance Memory Collection Instance Memory Pool Collection Instance Memory Summary Collection Instance Memory Total Collection Database Memory Collection Database Memory Pool Collection Database Memory Pool DB Collection Database Memory Summary Collection Database Memory Total Collection Database Buffer Pools Collection Database Tables Collection Database Partition Backup Collection Database Tables Global Collection Database Applications Collection

pureScale Alerts Collection

Describes the metrics collected about instances hosted in a DB2 pureScale environment.


The name of the instance hosted in a pureScale environment.


Total number of alerts DB2 reported on the pureScale environment.


Information about the alert.


The action required to clear the alert.


The impact to the DB2 pureScale instance if the alert is not cleared.

Top SQLs Collection

The following table provides a list of the Top SQLs metrics that are collected, and a description for each.


Name of the Monitored database


The database partition/member from which the data was retrieved for this row.


An opaque binary token generated on the data server that uniquely identifies the SQL statement section that was executed.


Type of SQL. Can be 'S' for static SQL or 'D' for dynamic. Static SQLs are only available in DB2 version and above.


Statement type identifier. Possible values are:

Statement not prepared

DDL, (not Set Constraints)

DDL, Set Constraints

DML, Select

DML, Insert/Update/Delete


DML, Select (blockable)

DML, Lock Table

DML, Commit/Rollback

Set environment

DDL, Savepoint

DDL, (declared user temp)

Passthru support


Free locator

DML, Select with IUD

DML, Select with IUD (blockable)

Top-level SET, no SQL

Top-level SET, reads SQL

DDL, (issues internal commit)

Top-level SET, modifies SQL


Parent topic: Database system monitor elements


Identifier of the SQL by hash value.


The total time in seconds that was spent executing the particular statement, excluding time spent executing routines used as part of the statement.


The number of times that an SQL statement has been executed.

Can be used to identify the most frequently executed SQL statements in your system.


Number of executions that include performance metrics. Used to calculate the averages correctly.


The number of rows read from the table. This element helps you identify tables with heavy usage for which you may want to create additional indexes.


The number of rows that have been selected and returned to the application. If this number is significantly lower then "Rows read", then it might indicate an index is missing.


The number of rows changed (inserted, deleted or updated) by the statement. A high value for table-level information indicates there is heavy usage of the table and you may want to use the Run Statistics (RUNSTATS) utility to maintain efficiency of the packages used for this table.


Estimated cost for a query, as determined by the SQL compiler. This value is reported in timerons.


The total number of times a routine was invoked by the statement.


The number of times that a request to lock an object resulted in a deadlock.


The number of times that applications or connections waited for locks.


The number of times that a request to lock an object timed out instead of being granted.


The total number of times that a set of data was sorted in order to process the statement operation.

Can be used to help identify the need for an index, since indexes can reduce the need for sorting of data. Using the related elements in the above table you can identify the SQL statement for which this element is providing sort information, and then analyze this statement to determine index candidates by looking at columns that are being sorted (for example, columns used in ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses and join columns).


The total number of sorts that ran out of sort heap and may have required disk space for temporary storage.


The number of read operations that do not use the buffer pool.


The number of write operations that do not use the buffer pool.


Total logical Reads for the SQL, including data, index, temp, XML storage object (XDA) and temp_xda reads.


Total Physical Reads for the SQL, including data, index, temp, XML storage object (XDA) and temp_xda reads


The number of times a buffer pool page was physically written to disk. This includes both data pages as well as XML storage object (XDA) and index pages.


The total CPU time consumed by the statement.


The time spent waiting for locks.


The overall amount of time that was required to prepare the specific SQL statement.


The overall amount of time spent communicating with the cluster caching facility.


The time spent waiting on a WLM queuing threshold.


The elapsed time required to perform direct reads, i.e: reads that do not use the buffer pool.


The elapsed time required to perform direct writes, i.e: reads that do not use the buffer pool.


The elapsed time required to perform pool reads, i.e: reads that use the buffer pool.


The elapsed time required to perform pool writes, i.e: reads that use the buffer pool.


The time spent waiting for an I/O server (prefetcher) to finish loading pages into the buffer pool.


In a DB2® pureScale® environment, this represents the amount of time spent waiting on page locks, where the lock request caused a page to be reclaimed.


In a DB2® pureScale® environment, this represents the amount of time spent waiting on page locks for pages related to internally maintained object space management where the lock request caused a reclaim from another member.


Time spent waiting to write an audit records.


Time spent waiting for space in audit buffer. Waiting occurs when audit buffer is full and agent must wait for audit daemon to write buffer to disk.


The time spent waiting on a write to the db2diag log file.


The amount of time spent waiting for an event monitor record to become available.


The time spent waiting to receive data from an in-database analytics process.


The time spent waiting to send data to an in-database analytics process.


The amount of time an agent spends waiting for space in the log buffer.


The amount of time spent waiting for log records to be flushed to disk.


The total amount of processing time spent performing section execution. Processing time does not include wait time.


Total amount of time spent performing sorts while executing a section, which is the execution of the compiled query plan generated by the SQL statement.


The time spent waiting for an FCM reply message containing the results of a previously sent FCM request message. This value reflects both the time required to send the response between partitions using FCM and the time required for the subagent to process the request message.


The time spent blocking on an FCM message send. The value reflects the time spent blocking for FCM buffers to be flushed from an FCM channel when distributing internal requests on the database system.


The total time spent executing routines.


The total time agents spent performing section execution.


Total time spent waiting within the DB2® database server, while processing an activity. These includes waits for things like I/O, Locks, Memory etc. The value is given in seconds.


The total time that requests, that were run in a service class, spent waiting to access the CPU.


The amount of time, spent in extended latch waits.


The total time in seconds that was spent executing the particular statement including all routines that were called.


A ratio indicating the amount of physical reads as oppose to logical overall reads.

The indicator is calculated using the formula: 100 * (1 - (POOL_P_READS /POOL_L_READS).


Total time spent waiting, while processing an I/O request. Include read and write operations, both direct and from memory pools.


Total time spent executing routines and performing section execution. Processing time does not include wait time.


Total time spent waiting for log records to be flushed to disk or waiting for space in the log buffer.


Total time spent waiting for miscellaneous events such as audit records writes, dialog writes, event monitor records and send or receive data from an in-database analytics process.


The time spent waiting for an FCM message to be sent or FCM reply to be received.


In a DB2® pureScale® environment, this is the time spent waiting for communicating with the cluster caching facility or waiting for page locks, where the lock request caused a page to be reclaimed either locally or from another member.


The amount of time, spent in extended latch waits.


Percent of time spent waiting within the DB2® database server out of the total time spent actively executing the statement.


Summary of the sort time of all the gathered SQL's.


Summary of the CPU of all the gathered SQL's.


Summary of the SQL executions of all the gathered SQL's.


Summary of the execution time of all the gathered SQL's.


Summary of the data logical reads of all the gathered SQL's.


Summary of the prep time of all the gathered SQL's.


Summary of the data physical reads of all the gathered SQL's.

Query Agents Details Collection

The following table provides a list of the Query Agents Details metrics that are collected, and a description for each.


The name of the monitored database.


The database partition from which the data was retrieved for this row.


The foreground or background status of the application.


The date and time when the monitor counters were reset.


A ratio that indicates how well the package cache is helping to avoid the reload of packages and sections for static SQL from the system catalogs and the recompilation of dynamic SQL statements.

The indicator is calculated using the formula:



The number of times a buffer pool data page was physically written to disk.


The percentage of sort operations, out of the total sort operations, that ran out of sort heap and may have required disk space for temporary storage.

Database Partition Activity Collection

The following table provides a list of the Database Partition Activity metrics that are collected, and a description for each.


The name of the monitored database


The member or partition ID.


The total amount of requests completed.


The average duration (in seconds) for a single request.


The total amount of time (in seconds) spent working on requests.


The balance of the total amount of time spent working on requests across the database partitions. The balance is poor if one partition (or member) is doing most of the activity.


The total amount of time (in seconds) spent waiting within the DB2 database server.


The total amount of CPU time used (in seconds) while within the DB2 database server. This includes both user and system CPU time.


The balance of CPU usage across all monitored partitions.


The amount of time the database spent waiting, as a percentage of the total request time.


The total amount of time (in microseconds) that requests run in this service class spent waiting to access the CPU.

This is only available for DB2 version 10 and higher.


The total amount of data (in bytes) received through the FCM communications layer.


The total amount of data (in bytes) distributed by the FCM communications layer.


The total amount of data (in bytes) received through the FCM communications layer.


The total amount of data (in bytes) distributed by the FCM communications layer.


The amount of data (in KB) sent by the data server to the clients.


The number of KBs sent per second by the data server to the clients.


The amount of data (in KB) received by the data server from the clients over TCP/IP.


The number of KBs received per second by the server from the clients.

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