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KACE Systems Management Appliance 14.1 Common Documents - Administration Guide

About the KACE Systems Management Appliance Getting started
Configuring the appliance
Requirements and specifications Power-on the appliance and log in to the Administrator Console Access the Command Line Console Tracking configuration changes Configuring System-level and Admin-level General Settings Configure appliance date and time settings Managing user notifications Enable Two-Factor Authentication for all users Verifying port settings, NTP service, and website access Configuring network and security settings Configuring session timeout and auto-refresh settings Configuring locale settings Configuring the default theme Configure data sharing preferences About DIACAP compliance requirements Configuring Mobile Device Access Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances Linking Quest KACE appliances Configuring history settings Configuring Content Security Policy
Setting up and using labels to manage groups of items Configuring user accounts, LDAP authentication, and SSO Deploying the KACE Agent to managed devices Using Replication Shares Managing credentials Configuring assets
About the Asset Management component Using the Asset Management Dashboard About managing assets Adding and customizing Asset Types and maintaining asset information Managing Software assets Managing physical and logical assets Maintaining and using manual asset information Managing locations Managing contracts Managing licenses Managing purchase records
Setting up License Compliance Managing License Compliance Setting up Service Desk Configure the Cache Lifetime for Service Desk widgets Creating and managing organizations Importing and exporting appliance resources
Managing inventory
Using the Inventory Dashboard Using Device Discovery Managing device inventory
About managing devices Features available for each device management method About inventory information Tracking changes to inventory settings Managing inventory information Finding and managing devices Registering KACE Agent with the appliance Provisioning the KACE Agent Manually deploying the KACE Agent Using Agentless management Adding devices manually in the Administrator Console or by using the API Forcing inventory updates About Remote Control Managing MIA devices Obtaining Dell warranty information
Managing applications on the Software page Managing Software Catalog inventory
About the Software Catalog Viewing Software Catalog information Adding applications to the Software Catalog Managing License assets for Software Catalog applications Associate Managed Installations with Cataloged Software Using software metering Using Application Control Update or reinstall the Software Catalog
Managing process, startup program, and service inventory Writing custom inventory rules
Deploying packages to managed devices
Distributing software and using Wake-on-LAN Broadcasting alerts to managed devices Running scripts on managed devices Using Task Chains
Patching devices and maintaining security
Using the Security Dashboard About patch management Subscribing to and downloading patches Creating and managing patch schedules Managing patch inventory Managing Windows Feature Updates Managing Dell devices and updates Managing Linux package upgrades Manage quarantined file attachments
Using reports and scheduling notifications Monitoring devices
Getting started with monitoring Working with monitoring profiles Managing monitoring for devices Working with alerts
Using the Service Desk
Configuring Service Desk Using the Service Desk Dashboard Managing Service Desk tickets, processes, and reports
Overview of Service Desk ticket lifecycle Creating tickets from the Administrator Console and User Console Creating and managing tickets by email Viewing tickets and managing comments, work, and attachments Merging tickets Using the ticket escalation process Using Service Desk processes Using Ticket Rules Run Service Desk reports Archiving, restoring, and deleting tickets Managing ticket deletion
Managing Service Desk ticket queues About User Downloads and Knowledge Base articles Customizing Service Desk ticket settings Configuring SMTP email servers
Maintenance and troubleshooting
Maintaining the appliance Troubleshooting the appliance
Appendixes Glossary About us Legal notices

Change the default escalation email message

Change the default escalation email message

You can change the text of the email message that is sent automatically when Service Desk tickets are escalated.

Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
On the Service Desk Configuration panel, in the Email Configuration section, click the Setup email on events link.
In the Email on Events tab, click Customize Emails to display the Service Desk Email Notifications page Or Go to Configuration > Email Configuration section > Configure queue email settings > Email on Event tab
Edit the Ticket Escalated message as needed.
Click Save.

For more information on the Ticket Escalation message, see Configuring email triggers and email templates.

Using Service Desk processes

Using Service Desk processes

A Service Desk process is a collection of tickets appearing in pre-defined order that allows you to track tasks requiring multiple steps or activities to complete.

For example, consider the tasks required to prepare systems and equipment for new-hires:

You could create a process template that includes all of these required tasks as child activities. Then, when you create tickets based on that process template, the child tickets are created automatically for all of the required tasks at each stage of the process.

To set up a Service Desk process template see, Add, edit, and enable process templates.

Add, edit, and enable process templates

Add, edit, and enable process templates

You can add process templates to the Service Desk. In order for a process template to be enabled and available for end users to create tickets based on that process, it must include at least one parent ticket.

Go to the Service Desk Create Process Template wizard:
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
Under the Process Template section, click Define queue workflow and create ticket ownership rules
To create a new process template, on the Process Templates page, select Choose Action > New.
To edit or copy an existing process template, on the Process Templates page, click a process template name.
The Create Process Template wizard appears, with the Define Process Template page open.
To copy an existing process template, on the Define Process Template page, click Duplicate.
On the Step 1 of 6 - Define Template tab, specify the following information:




A name that describes the overall process, for example, New Hire, Employee Termination, or Office Move.


A description of the process. For longer descriptions, this field expands automatically, as you type.


An indicator of whether the description contains rich text. Some process descriptions can be longer than others, so formatting specific text elements can improve the overall readability and help the end user better understand the process. You can use the Markdown project syntax to format the contents of the Description box. For example:

For more information about the Markdown syntax, visit

Process Type

The type of the process. In a default installation, only the Service Request and Software Request: Approval Required process types are included. You can create new process types, as required. For example, you can create a process type for accessing a specific application, or a group of applications. For more information, see Define process types.

Allow child tickets to inherit fields at creation time from parent ticket

Select this option if you want to enable an option in child tickets to inherit field values from their parent tickets that belong to the same queue. Only the values that exist in parent tickets when child tickets are created can be inherited. Any subsequent changes to the associated parent ticket field values are not propagated to child tickets that have this option selected. Inherited field values are specified on a per-ticket basis, as you configure each ticket.

Click Save and Continue.

On the Step 2 of 6 - Parent/Child Tickets tab that appears in the Create Process Template wizard, associate a parent ticket with this process template.
Software Request: Approval Required process types only. This process type is meant for building special process templates that can be used to set up user downloads that require one or more approvals. If selected, a parent ticket is created from this process type by default.
To view or edit the contents of the ticket, click Software Request: Approval Required.
Tickets of this type do not allow you to edit the Title, Summary, Device, or Submitter fields. These fields will be populated with the values from the request that initiated the process.
On the New Parent Ticket page, create a new parent ticket for this process template:
Most fields are similar to those on the Ticket Detail page. See Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page. You do not have to use the same category, owner, and so on, for the parent as you use for the child tickets.
The Due Date Offset is the amount of time required to complete work on a child ticket, and this amount of time is used to calculate the ticket due date. For example, if you set the Due Date Offset to four days, the child ticket's due date is offset to be four days after the ticket's creation date. Due dates are not enforced, but if the due date has passed, tickets are marked as Overdue on the Ticket list and they appear as Overdue on reports.
Click Save to return to the Create Process Template wizard.
Optional. After adding a parent ticket for a process, you can configure child tickets or activities for that process. Child tickets can be from different queues and they can be assigned different stages.
On the Parent Ticket page that appears in the Create Process Template wizard, under Child Tickets, select a queue associated with the child ticket.
Click Add Child Ticket.
On the Child Ticket page, create a new child ticket for this process template:
Stage: The stage of the process at which the ticket is created, such as 1, 2, 3, and so on. You can assign multiple tickets to the same stage if necessary. For example, if the first stage is to obtain equipment and supplies for a new-hire, you might have several separate child tickets for ordering devices, office equipment, and supplies, all assigned to stage 1.
Title: A title for the child ticket.
Summary: A description of the task associated with this child ticket.
Category, Owner, and Due Dates: These values do not need to match those of the parent ticket.
If you selected Allow child tickets to inherit fields at creation time from parent ticket on the Define Process Template page, the Inherited check box appears in each field, allowing you to populate it with the current value of this field in the parent ticket. For more information, see step 3.
Click Save to return to the Create Process Template wizard.
If you want the tickets created from this process template to require approvals, on the Step 3 of 6 - Approvals tab that appears, select One or more approvals required for this process to start, and specify the information listed in the table below.
If you selected the Software Request: Approval Required process type, this check box is selected by default and cannot be cleared. Approvals for this process type are mandatory.



Approval Step

Approval Step 1

One or more ticket approvers. You can edit the list of approvers, as required.

New process templates. This field appears blank.
Existing process templates. If one or more approvers are already defined in the process template, they are listed in this field.

Any one approval is required

At least one ticket approval is required.

All approvals are required

All ticket approvals are required.

Remove All

Removes all approvers from the list.

Add Another Step

Adds an approval step.

Approval Options

Approval Timeout Period

The amount of time each ticket approver has to approve or decline a ticket that is based on this process template.

Approval Timeout period does not span over multiple approval steps. For example, if a process has two approval steps and the approval timeout period is defined as eight hours:

Approval Notification Recurrence

Indicates how often the system sends notifications to each approver about a ticket that is pending approval.

Leaving this option set to zero '0' causes one-time notification to be sent without any recurrences.

Use business hours and holidays for approval timeout and notification frequency

Indicates if the system calculates the approval times using business hours.

Approval Override

Overriding an approval advances the process ticket forward without waiting on any pending approvals. After the override, any pending approvals are closed out, a ticket history is written, and an Approval Received email is sent to approvers, as defined in the email notification.


Approval overrides are not allowed.

Allow All Admins to Override

Any users with administrative access can override approvals.

Specify Label

Any users belonging to group with this label can override approvals.

Click Save and Continue.
On the Step 4 of 6 - Approval Event Notifications tab that appears, select the recipients of email notifications for each stage of the ticket lifecycle. Click the indicated link to configure these options on the Service Desk Queue Email Settings page. For more information, see Configure queue-specific email settings.
Click Save and Continue.
On the Step 5 of 6 - Recurring Ticket Schedule tab that appears, specify the frequency at which a ticket is created. This is useful if you want this process to create tickets at regular intervals, for example, for checking system health or deleting file logs on a regular basis.




Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours

Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific day at HH:MM

Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified time.

Run on the nth of every month/specific month at HH:MM

Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.

Run on the nth weekday of every month/specific month at HH:MM

Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.


Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):

Use the following when specifying values:

Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example, 0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example, 1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates Monday through Friday.
Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.


View Task Schedule

Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of scheduled tasks. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View task schedules.

On the Step 6 of 6 - Publish Options page that appears, select any publishing options, as required:




Processes must be enabled before you can use them to create process tickets. Select this check box if you want to enable users to create tickets from this process template.

Hide approval information from non-owner users

Select this option if you do not want the users who do not own the ticket to view approval information.

Hide process steps from Submitters

Select this option if you do not want to display the process steps (child tickets) to submitters in the parent ticket details page.

Display process to all users

This option is selected by default. If you want to restrict end user access to this process, clear this option. Alternatively, select a label associated with the group to which you want to grant access.

Display process description page while creating new process requests

Select this option if you want to show the process description page when creating new tickets based on this process template.

Use process status workflow instead of ticket status

When you want to take advantage of the approval and notification features available in the process template, you must select this option. If you already configured approvals or notifications, this option is selected by default and cannot be cleared. Choosing to use the process status workflows causes the parent ticket to automatically advance through various process-specific states such as Pending Approval, Approval Denied, Approval Timed Out, In Progress, or Process Complete.

If you choose not to select this option and continue to use the ticket status workflows instead, you must create custom ticket rules to achieve desired approval and notification functionality.

When you use process status workflows, the Status field does not appear on the Ticket Detail page, even if that field is configured to appear for the related queue. The ticket Status field is still displayed for the child tickets.

Parent Ticket Closed Status

Select the status that you want to use when the parent ticket associated with this process is closed.

When the last child activity is closed, the parent ticket is closed automatically, and its status appears in this field.

Click Finish.
The Create Process Template wizard closes, and your newly created or updated process template appears on the Process Templates page.

Define process types

Define process types

In a default installation, only the Service Request and Software Request: Approval Required process types are included. You can create new process types, as required. For example, you can create a process type for accessing a specific application, or a group of applications.

The Software Request: Approval Required process type is meant for building special process templates that can be used to set up user downloads that require one or more approvals.

Create a parent ticket.

Go to the Service Desk Process Detail page:
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
On the Configuration panel, under Process Templates, click Define Process Types.
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