When you create or upgrade a central repository, you must register it in the LiteSpeed UI Console before you can view its activity statistics.
Note: If the LiteSpeed install includes a central repository and the console, then LiteSpeed defaults the console to use that central repository automatically without the need to manually register and select it in the LiteSpeed console. |
To register a repository
Click Repository Registration from the Application Menu.
Alternately you can click beside the Central Repository field at the bottom of the LiteSpeed UI Console and select Select Repository.
Click Add repository and complete the Register New Repository dialog fields.
Server name: | Enter the name of the server instance, or click |
Display name: |
Enter the name to display in the navigation pane tree. |
Connect using: | Select the following options: |
Windows authentication |
Select this option to connect to the SQL Server instance using Windows authentication. |
SQL Server Authentication |
Select this option to connect to the SQL Server instance using SQL Server authentication. Complete the Login name and Password fields. |
Additional Connection Parameters |
Enter additional connection string parameters. TIP: Use this selection as needed to include custom parameters such as encryption, AlwaysOn and others to the SQL server connection string. |
Repository database: |
Displays the name of the repository database selected. |
Repository version: |
Displays the version of the repository. |
Click Test connection.
The LiteSpeed UI Console displays the activity statistics in the Backup Manager Overview tab for the selected central repository. You can register multiple central repositories in the LiteSpeed UI Console, but you can only view activity for one at a time.
To select a central repository
Select Tools | Options and select the repository on the General tab.
Tip: You can also click beside the Central Repository field in the status bar of the LiteSpeed UI Console and select the repository from the list.
You must register server instances before you can manage them in the LiteSpeed UI Console. You can also register server instances that do not have LiteSpeed installed on them and perform native backups and restores through the LiteSpeed UI Console.
NOTE: You need to register all SQL Server instances involved in log shipping in the LiteSpeed UI Console to retrieve log shipping data for them.
Scenario There are several server instances configured to report to a central repository and you need to register some of them in your LiteSpeed UI Console. |
TIP: From the Edit SQL Server Registration window you can add server, edit connection, display overview tab, test connection, import and export. You can also edit credential information for each instance including display name, server name, authentication, login, password, and parent group. You can also see information for each instance including license, license type, and license expire date.
Click Add server to add an individual server or Import to import server instances from a CSV file or the LiteSpeed central repository
NOTE: You can import instances from a central repository, if the central repository is configured and selected for use.
Scenario: Click Import and then From Central Repository. Select the central repository to import server instances from, review the list of servers, optionally deselecting those you do not want to be registered in your LiteSpeed UI Console, click OK and continue with step 4.
(If you selected to import servers from a CSV file) Review the following for additional information:
The first line of a valid CSV file contains the following column headers:
Next lines contain server parameters, separated by semicolons (;), a separate line for a server. You can omit the LoginName and Password parameters to complete them later in the LiteSpeed UI Console.
spb9884_sql_auth;spb9884;SQL Server;sa;321
NOTE: If you export server instances to a CSV file, it will contain SQL logins and obfuscated passwords. You need to manually edit the CSV file to remove the connection information before you import instances from this file.
Complete the fields as necessary. Review the following for additional information:
SQL Server | Specify server name or IP address using the following format: <IP_address>, <port_number>. |
Connect using |
Select either Windows authentication or SQL Server authentication (enter the user name and password). NOTE: Microsoft recommends using Windows authentication when possible because it is more secure than SQL Server authentication. |
Additional Connection Parameters |
Enter additional connection string parameters. Tip: Use this selection as needed to include custom parameters such as encryption, AlwaysOn and others to the SQL server connection string. |
Advanced>>Display Name |
Enter the name to display in the navigation pane tree. |
(Optional) In the Server tree, click and drag server instances to move them between groups.
NOTE: You can group server instances in the navigation pane tree based on their category or server group. Categories are similar to server groups, but they offer different features. For more information, see Change Server Instance Grouping Methods.
Tip: In the Server tree, you can see registered SQL Server Instance nodes sorted alphabetically. To use a custom sort order, select View | Sort Instances | Custom.
Scenario There are several server instances configured to report to a central repository and you want a new colleague to manage some of them in their LiteSpeed UI Console. Define which server instances are eligible for import. |
By default, LiteSpeed allows all of the instances to be imported into other clients when you select to import from a central repository, unless you specifically exclude instances.
To exclude a server instance from import
To create server groups
Select the Backup Manager pane (CTRL+1).
Group the Backup Manager tree by server group (View | Group Instances By | Server Groups).
Select one of the following options:
Create a top-level server group |
Right-click SQL Servers at the top of the navigation tree and select New SQL Server Group. |
Create a subgroup of an existing server group |
Right-click the group in the navigation pane tree and select New SQL Server Group. |
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