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LiteSpeed for SQL Server 8.9.5 - Security and Compliance Guide

Log Shipping Stored Procedures

You can manually set up and edit LiteSpeed log shipping plans using the stored procedures.


  • The log shipping stored procedures are executed against the LiteSpeed local repository. (Usually, LiteSpeedLocal.)
  • You must run the stored procedures in a set order: set up the publisher before you set up any subscribers. It is recommended that you use the Create LiteSpeed Log Shipping Plan wizard to generate the setup scripts and then review them and make necessary edits. For more information, see Create Log Shipping Plans.
  • In some cases, you need to supply the plan id (@PlanID) to specify the plan. Run the following select statement on the publisher server: SELECT * FROM LiteSpeedLocal.dbo.LogShippingPlan and copy the relevant plan id. Alternately, right-click a plan in the server tree in the LiteSpeed UI Console and select Properties.

Following are several examples. For more information, see Procedures. about the stored procedures and accepted arguments.

Set up Log Shipping

/* this script executes on publisher PublisherServer. We declare a variable to hold the PlanID output: */

declare @plan_id as uniqueidentifier
declare @backup_job_id as uniqueidentifier

exec LogShipping_Add_PrimaryDatabase
@PlanDescription=N'Shipping PublisherDB log backups from PublisherServer to SubscriberServer',
@Database = N'PublisherDB',
@PlanID = @plan_id output,
@BackupShare = N'\\PublisherServer\Share',
@BackupJobID = @backup_job_id output,
@BackupPeriod = 15,
@BackupRetentionPeriod = 1440,
@BackupAlertThreshold = 45,
@BackupDirectory = N'C:\Share\',
@PerformBackup = 1

select @plan_id

/* this script executes on publisher PublisherServer: */

exec LogShipping_Add_PrimarySubscriber
@PrimaryDatabase = N'PublisherDB',
@SecondaryServer = N'SubscriberServer',
@SecondaryDatabase = N'SubscriberDB'

/* this script executes on subscriber SubscriberServer: */

declare @plan_id as uniqueidentifier
set @plan_id = N'SPECIFY PLAN ID FROM PUBLISHER' -- Specify plan ID, that was returned from publisher
declare @fname as nvarchar(256)
set @fname = N'\\PublisherServer\Share\' + CONVERT(nvarchar(40), @plan_id) +'_PublisherDB.bak'

exec master.dbo.xp_restore_database
@database = N'SubscriberDB',
@filename = @fname,
@filenumber = 1,
@with = N'REPLACE'
, @with = N'NORECOVERY'
, @with = N'MOVE N''PublisherDB'' TO N''C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\SubscriberDB.mdf'''
, @with = N'MOVE N''PublisherDB_log'' TO N''C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\SubscriberDB_Log.ldf'''

/* this script executes on subscriber SubscriberServer: */

declare @plan_id as uniqueidentifier
set @plan_id = N'SPECIFY PLAN ID FROM PUBLISHER' -- Specify plan ID, that was returned from publisher
declare @restore_job as uniqueidentifier
declare @secondary as uniqueidentifier

exec LogShipping_Init_Subscriber
@PlanDescription=N'Shipping PublisherDB log backups from PublisherServer to SubscriberServer',
@PlanID = @plan_id,
@PrimaryServer = N'PublisherServer',
@PrimaryDatabase = N'PublisherDB',
@BackupSourceDirectory = N'\\PublisherServer\Share',
@BackupDestinationDirectory = N'c:\temp',
@SecondaryDatabase = N'SubscriberDB',
@RestoreJobID = @restore_job output,
@SecondaryID = @secondary output,
@RestoreDelay = 0,
@FileRetentionPeriod = 1440,
@CopyPeriod = 15,
@RestorePeriod = 15,
@RestoreMode = 0,
@DisconnectUsers = 0,
@RestoreAlertThreshold = 30,
@RestoreAffinity = 0

Add Another Subscriber

/* this script executes on publisher PublisherServer: */

@PlanID = N'c2a43886-5da2-40ef-b03d-693ebf185db6',
@PlanDescription=NShipping PublisherDB log backups from PublisherServer to SubscriberServer and AnotherPublisherServer',
@PerformBackup = 1

/* this script executes on publisher PublisherServer: */

exec LogShipping_Add_PrimarySubscriber
@PrimaryDatabase = N'PublisherDB',
@SecondaryServer = N'AnotherSubscriberServer',
@SecondaryDatabase = N'AnotherSubscriberDB'

/* this script executes on subscriber AnotherSubscriberServer: */

declare @fname as nvarchar(256)
set @fname = N'\\PublisherServer\Share\c2a43886-5da2-40ef-b03d-693ebf185db6_PublisherDB.bak'

exec master.dbo.xp_restore_database
@database = N'AnotherSubscriberDB',
@filename = @fname,
@filenumber = 1,
@with = N'REPLACE'
, @with = N'NORECOVERY'
, @with = N'MOVE N''PublisherDB'' TO N''C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\AnotherSubscriberDB.mdf'''
, @with = N'MOVE N''PublisherDB_log'' TO N''C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\AnotherSubscriberDB_Log.ldf'''

/* this script executes on subscriber AnotherSubscriberServer: */

declare @restore_job as uniqueidentifier
declare @secondary as uniqueidentifier

exec LogShipping_Init_Subscriber
@PlanDescription=NShipping PublisherDB log backups from PublisherServer to SubscriberServer and AnotherPublisherServer',
@PlanID = N'c2a43886-5da2-40ef-b03d-693ebf185db6',
@PrimaryServer = N'PublisherServer',
@PrimaryDatabase = N'PublisherDB',
@BackupSourceDirectory = N'\\PublisherServer\Share\',
@BackupDestinationDirectory = N'c:\temp',
@SecondaryDatabase = N'AnotherSubscriberDB',
@RestoreJobID = @restore_job output,
@SecondaryID = @secondary output,
@RestoreDelay = 0,
@FileRetentionPeriod = 1440,
@CopyPeriod = 15,
@RestorePeriod = 15,
@RestoreMode = 0,
@DisconnectUsers = 0,
@RestoreAlertThreshold = 30,
@RestoreAffinity = 0,
@CopyOffset = 100,
@RestoreOffset = 200

Enable Logging

/* this script executes on the publisher. It only logs backup operations. */

exec LogShipping_Update_PrimaryDatabase
@PlanID = N'c2a43886-5da2-40ef-b03d-693ebf185db6',
@BackupLoggingLevel = 2

/* this script executes on subscribers. It only logs restore operations. */

exec LogShipping_Update_Subscriber
@PlanID = N'c2a43886-5da2-40ef-b03d-693ebf185db6',
@RestoreLoggingLevel = 2

Reinitialize Log Shipping

/* this script executes on the publisher: */

exec LogShipping_Update_PrimaryDatabase
@PlanID = 'c2a43886-5da2-40ef-b03d-693ebf185db6'
@PerformBackup = 1

/* this script executes on subscribers: */

exec LogShipping_Sync_Subscriber
@PlanID = 'c2a43886-5da2-40ef-b03d-693ebf185db6'

Remove LiteSpeed Log Shipping Plans

/* Run the following on all servers involved in log shipping: */

exec LogShipping_Remove_Plan
@PlanID = 'c2a43886-5da2-40ef-b03d-693ebf185db6'


LiteSpeed uses the following log shipping procedures:


This stored procedure initializes log shipping on the publisher.




LiteSpeed automatically selects the optimal compression based on throughput and CPU usage and optimize backups either for size or for speed (default).

NOTE: Adaptive Compression is only available with LiteSpeed 6.5 or later; Enterprise license.


A unique name to identify the plan.


A description of the plan.


A unique ID to identify the plan.


The name of the log shipping primary database (publisher database).


The backup directory for the publisher. Backup files will stored in this directory. If the default is NULL, files will be backed up to the @BackupShare directory. This parameter must be specified only if @BackupShare directory is located on the same server. The publisher doesn't need network credential to store the file in the shared folder (\\myserver\share) and will use @BackupDirectory (c:\share) instead.


The number of times (from 0 through 9999) that the job step is repeated before it is considered to have failed.


The number of minutes (from 1 through 9999) that must pass before the job step is retried.


The network path to the backup directory (share directory).


The name of backup job, by default "LiteSpeed Log Shipping Backup - <database> - Plan: <plan name>"


The amount of time to store transaction log files in the shared location. The default is 1440 (24 hours).


If no transaction log backups have occurred during this amount of time, LiteSpeed displays an alert on the monitoring tab. See View Log Shipping Activity and History for more information.The default alert threshold is 45 minutes.


The alert ID. You can specify a different alert ID to perform different actions/notification when different log shipping plans are not in order. The default is 14420 for backup and 14421 for restore.


Determines whether the alert will be raised. The default is 1 (true).


The amount of time the plan history will be retained. The default is 1440 (24 hours).


A unique identifier for the backup job.


Determines if LiteSpeed will delete the existing log shipping plans. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—False (default)
  • 1—True


The name for the backup schedule. The default is "LSBackupSchedule".


The execution frequency of the backup job. By default, this job runs every 15 minutes.


The maximum CPU usage during transaction log backup. The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Type: Integer

Specifies the priority of the LiteSpeed process compared to other processes running on the same server. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • -1—Below Normal

  • 0—Normal (Default)

  • 1—AboveNormal

  • 2—High

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the number of SQL Server buffers available for a LiteSpeed operation. The default value is set by SQL Server. The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the compression level for the backup. Valid values are 0 through 8. 0 bypasses the compression routines. The remaining values of 1 through 8 specify compression with increasingly aggressive computation. 2 is the default value for disk backups and 7 is the default value for cloud backups. The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the affinity mask for the process. The mask is a 64-bit integer value. By default, it is 0 and will utilize all CPUs.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed. For more information, see Processor Affinity. For more information about processor affinity, please refer to the LiteSpeed User Guide.


Type: Integer

Determines the number of threads used for the backup or restore. You will achieve the best results by specifying multiple threads, but the exact value depends on several factors including: processors available, affinity setting, compression level, encryption settings, IO device speed, and SQL Server responsiveness. The default is n-1 threads, where n is the number of processors.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the largest unit of transfer in bytes to be used between SQL Server and LiteSpeed. The possible values are multiples of 65536 bytes (64 KB) ranging up to 4,194,304 bytes (4 MB). The default is 1048576 (1 MB).


Specifies the backup logging level. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Logging off (default).
  • 1 or any odd value—Logging on. Log file is removed on success.
  • 2 or any even value—Logging on.

The default output directory on the Publisher server is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Logs (or C:\ProgramData\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Logs). Please refer to theLiteSpeed User Guide for more information about logging in LiteSpeed.  For more information, see Configure Logging in LiteSpeed.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the backup encryption level. The default is 0 (encryption is not in use).


The backup password. The default is NULL.


The LogShipping plan is enabled.


Determines whether LiteSpeed will perform a full backup of the database to the backup folder. You can use this argument to automatically create a backup on the publisher and restore the backup on the subscriber.


Adds a subscriber.




The name of the log shipping primary database (publisher database).


The name of the subscriber server.


The name of the log shipping subscriber database.


Initializes log shipping on the subscriber.




The LogShipping plan is enabled.


A unique name to identify the plan.

You must specify either the PlanID or the PlanName to add a server to that plan.


A description of the plan.


A unique ID to identify the plan.  It must be the ID received from the publisher to correctly identify plans on the publisher and subscriber.


The primary server name.


The name of the log shipping primary database (publisher database).


The network path to the backup directory (share directory).


The destination directory on subscriber where backup files are copied.


The name of the log shipping subscriber database.


The name of the copy job. The default is "LiteSpeed Log Shipping File Copy - <primary database> - Plan: <plan name>".


The amount of time by which you want to offset the start time of a job. Use this option to avoid overlap of backup, copy and restore operations. The default copy offset is 100 (1 minute) and the restore offset is 200 (2 minutes).


The name of the restore job. The default is "LiteSpeed Log Shipping Restore - <primary database> - Plan: <plan name>".


The amount of time to store transaction log files on the subscriber. The default is 1440 (24 hours).


The name for the copy schedule. The default is "LSCopySchedule".


The execution frequency of the copy job. By default, this job runs every 15 minutes.


A unique identifier for the copy job.


The name for the restore schedule. The default is "LSRestoreSchedule".


The execution frequency of the restore job. By default, this job runs every 15 minutes.


The amount of time by which you want to offset the start time of a job. Use this option to avoid overlap of backup, copy and restore operations. The default copy offset is 100 (1 minute) and the restore offset is 200 (2 minutes).


A unique identifier for the restore job.


A unique identifier of the plan ID in native tables.


The amount of time you want the subscriber database to wait before it restores the transaction log backup.

Using this option you can specify how far you want a subscriber to be behind the publisher.For more information, see About Log Shipping Plans..

By default, load delay is set to 0 minutes, and backups are restored immediately when the restore job runs.


Determines whether all transaction logs are restored. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Restores only the first transaction log backup.

  • 1—Restores all available transaction log backups when the restore job starts. This is the default.


Determines the restore mode. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—No recovery. This is the default.

  • 1—Standby.


Disconnect users on executing restore (in standby mode only). The default is 0 (users will not be disconnected).


If no transaction log restores have occurred during this amount of time, LiteSpeed displays an alert on the monitoring tab. See View Log Shipping Activity and History for more information.

The default alert threshold is 30 minutes.


The alert ID. You can specify a different alert ID to perform different actions/notification when different log shipping plans are not in order. The default is 14420 for backup and 14421 for restore.


Determines whether the alert will be raised. The default is 1 (true).


The amount of time the plan history will be retained. The default is 1440 (24 hours).


Determines if LiteSpeed will delete the existing log shipping plans. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—False (default)
  • 1—True


The restore password. The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the affinity mask for the process. The mask is a 64-bit integer value. By default, it is 0 and will utilize all CPUs.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed. For more information, see Processor Affinity. For more information about processor affinity, please refer to the LiteSpeed User Guide.


Specifies the logging level for restoring backups. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Logging off (default).
  • 1 or any odd value—Logging on. Log file is removed on success.
  • 2 or any even value—Logging on.

The default output directory on the Publisher server is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Logs (or C:\ProgramData\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Logs). Please refer to theLiteSpeed User Guide for more information about logging in LiteSpeed.  For more information, see Configure Logging in LiteSpeed.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Determines whether the subscriber's database will be restored from the backup share folder. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—False (default)
  • 1—True


Specifies a directory where the database will be restored.

The default is NULL (default SQL Server directory will be used).

NOTE: The LogShipping_Init_Subscriber procedure accepts this argument only if @PerformRestore=1.


Specifies a directory where the log file will be restored.

The default is NULL (default SQL Server directory will be used).

NOTE: The LogShipping_Init_Subscriber procedure accepts this argument only if @PerformRestore=1.


The number of times (from 0 through 9999) that the job step is repeated before it is considered to have failed.


The number of minutes (from 1 through 9999) that must pass before the job step is retried.


Remove a plan from the publisher and subscribers. It must be run on all servers involved in log shipping.




A unique ID to identify the plan.


Removes information about the subscriber on the server that is the publisher and subscriber at the same time. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—False (default)
  • 1—True


Removes a subscriber.




The name of the log shipping primary database (publisher database).


The name of the subscriber server.


The name of the log shipping subscriber database.


This stored procedure restores subscriber's database from the backup file in the share directory. Before executing this procedure you must put the backup file in the backup share (manually or using @PerformBackup of the LogShipping_Update_PrimaryDatabase procedure).




Disconnect users on executing restore (in standby mode only). This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Do not disconnect users (default).
  • 1—Disconnect users.


A unique ID to identify the plan.


Updates the publisher.




A unique name to identify the plan.The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


A description of the plan. The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


A unique ID to identify the plan.


The backup directory for the publisher. Backup files will stored in this directory. If the default is NULL, files will be backed up to the @BackupShare directory. This parameter must be specified only if @BackupShare directory is located on the same server. The publisher doesn't need network credential to store the file in the shared folder (\\myserver\share) and will use @BackupDirectory (c:\share) instead.


The network path to the backup directory (share directory).


The amount of time to store transaction log files in the shared location. The default is 1440 (24 hours).


If no transaction log backups have occurred during this amount of time, LiteSpeed displays an alert on the monitoring tab. See View Log Shipping Activity and History for more information.

The default alert threshold is 45 minutes.


The alert ID. You can specify a different alert ID to perform different actions/notification when different log shipping plans are not in order. The default is 14420 for backup and 14421 for restore.


Determines whether the alert will be raised. The default is 1 (true).


The amount of time the plan history will be retained. The default is 1440 (24 hours).


The execution frequency of the backup job. By default, this job runs every 15 minutes.


The maximum CPU usage during transaction log backup. The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Type: Integer

Specifies the priority of the LiteSpeed process compared to other processes running on the same server. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • -1—Below Normal

  • 0—Normal (Default)

  • 1—AboveNormal

  • 2—High


Specifies the number of SQL Server buffers available for a LiteSpeed operation. The default value is set by SQL Server.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the compression level for the backup. Valid values are 0 through 8. 0 bypasses the compression routines. The remaining values of 1 through 8 specify compression with increasingly aggressive computation. 2 is the default value for disk backups and 7 is the default value for cloud backups.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the affinity mask for the process. The mask is a 64-bit integer value. By default, it is 0 and will utilize all CPUs.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed. For more information, see Processor Affinity. For more information about processor affinity, please refer to the LiteSpeed User Guide.


Type: Integer

Determines the number of threads used for the backup or restore. You will achieve the best results by specifying multiple threads, but the exact value depends on several factors including: processors available, affinity setting, compression level, encryption settings, IO device speed, and SQL Server responsiveness. The default is n-1 threads, where n is the number of processors.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the largest unit of transfer in bytes to be used between SQL Server and LiteSpeed. The possible values are multiples of 65536 bytes (64 KB) ranging up to 4,194,304 bytes (4 MB). The default is 1048576 (1 MB).

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the backup logging level. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Logging off (default).
  • 1 or any odd value—Logging on. Log file is removed on success.
  • 2 or any even value—Logging on.

The default output directory on the Publisher server is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Logs (or C:\ProgramData\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Logs). Please refer to theLiteSpeed User Guide for more information about logging in LiteSpeed.  For more information, see Configure Logging in LiteSpeed.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the backup encryption level. The default is 0 (encryption is not in use).


Automatically selects the optimal compression level based on CPU usage or Disk IO. For more information, see Compression Methods.

You can tell Adaptive Compression to optimize backups either for size or for speed. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • Size
  • Speed


The number of times (from 0 through 9999) that the job step is repeated before it is considered to have failed.


The number of minutes (from 1 through 9999) that must pass before the job step is retried.


The LogShipping plan is enabled.


Determines whether LiteSpeed will perform a full backup of the database to the backup folder. You can use this argument to automatically create a backup on the publisher and restore the backup on the subscriber.


Updates the subscriber.




A unique name to identify the plan.

You must specify either the PlanID or the PlanName to add a server to that plan.


A description of the plan. The default is NULL.


A unique ID to identify the plan.  It must be the ID received from the publisher to correctly identify plans on the publisher and subscriber.


The network path to the backup directory (share directory).


The destination directory on subscriber where backup files are copied.


The amount of time to store transaction log files on the subscriber. The default is 1440 (24 hours).


The execution frequency of the copy job. By default, this job runs every 15 minutes.


The execution frequency of the restore job. By default, this job runs every 15 minutes.


The amount of time you want the subscriber database to wait before it restores the transaction log backup. Using this option you can specify how far you want a subscriber to be behind the publisher.For more information, see About Log Shipping Plans..By default, load delay is set to 0 minutes, and backups are restored immediately when the restore job runs.


Determines whether all transaction logs are restored. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Restores only the first transaction log backup.

  • 1—Restores all available transaction log backups when the restore job starts. This is the default.


Determines the restore mode. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—No recovery. This is the default.

  • 1—Standby.


Disconnect users on executing restore (in standby mode only). The default is 0 (users will not be disconnected).


If no transaction log restores have occurred during this amount of time, LiteSpeed displays an alert on the monitoring tab. See View Log Shipping Activity and History for more information.The default alert threshold is 30 minutes.


The alert ID. You can specify a different alert ID to perform different actions/notification when different log shipping plans are not in order. The default is 14420 for backup and 14421 for restore.


Determines whether the alert will be raised. The default is 1 (true).


The amount of time the plan history will be retained. The default is 1440 (24 hours).


Specifies the affinity mask for the process. The mask is a 64-bit integer value. By default, it is 0 and will utilize all CPUs.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed. For more information, see Processor Affinity. For more information about processor affinity, please refer to the LiteSpeed User Guide.


Specifies the logging level for restoring backups. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Logging off (default).
  • 1 or any odd value—Logging on. Log file is removed on success.
  • 2 or any even value—Logging on.

The default output directory on the Publisher server is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Logs (or C:\ProgramData\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Logs). Please refer to theLiteSpeed User Guide for more information about logging in LiteSpeed.  For more information, see Configure Logging in LiteSpeed.

The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


The restore password. Default is Null.  The default value will be used, if this argument is not passed.


Specifies the number of rows to skip when running copy.


The LogShipping plan is enabled.


Specifies the number of rows to skip when running a restore.


The number of times (from 0 through 9999) that the job step is repeated before it is considered to have failed.


The number of minutes (from 1 through 9999) that must pass before the job step is retried.


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