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Archive Shuttle 11.5 - PowerShell Guide

Archive Shuttle and PowerShell Get Archive Shuttle commands Public commands table Available commands sorted to groups Available commands
Connect-ASCore Connect to core in AS.Cloud? Set-ASConfiguration Get-ASConfiguration Add-ASSettingSchedule Set-ASSettingSchedule Get-ASSettingSchedule Add-ASSettingDefinitionToSchedule Get-ASFailedItemThreshold Set-ASFailedItemThreshold Get-ASWatermark Set-ASWatermark Get-ASRetentionCategory Get-ASEVRetentionCategoryMapping Add-ASEVRetentionCategoryMapping Add-ASWorkflowPolicy Set-ASWorkflowPolicy Get-ASWorkflowPolicyStep Add-ASWorkflowPolicyStep Set-ASWorkflowPolicyStep Add-ASFilterPolicy Add-ASFilterCondition Get-ASFileNamePolicy Set-ASFileNamePolicy Add-ASFileNamePolicy? Get-ASTargetPathNamePolicy? Set-ASTargetPathNamePolicy? Add-ASTargetPathNamePolicy? Add-ASO365LeaversConfiguration Get-ASO365License Set-ASO365LeaversConfiguration Get-ASO365LeaversConfiguration Get-ASModule Set-ASModule Set-ASModuleLogLevel Get-ASModulePerformance Enable-ASModule Disable-ASModule Start-ASModule Stop-ASModule Restart-ASModule Start-ASCommand Get-ASCommandQueueStatus Set-ASCommandIntervalLastExecutedDate Get-ASScheduledTask Set-ASScheduledTask Enable-ASActiveDirectorySync Disable-ASActiveDirectorySync Get-ASADGroup Get-ASADGroupMember Get-ASADDomain Start-ASSyncADDomains Get-ASExchangeServer Get-ASExchangeDatabase Add-ASEnvironment Set-ASEnvironment Get-ASEnvironment Get-ASVaultStore Enable-ASArchiveGathering Disable-ASArchiveGathering Start-ASArchiveGathering Get-ASLicense Add-ASLink Get-ASLink Get-ASLinkHealth Get-ASLinkModule Set-ASLinkModule Remove-ASLinkDatabase Add-ASItemDatabase Set-ASStagingAreaPath Start-ASStagingAreaCleanup Get-ASProgressStatistics Add-ASPstSourcePath Remove-ASPstSourcePath Set-ASPstSourcePath Set-ASPstTargetPath Set-ASPstTemporaryPath Add-ASContainer Add-ASContainerToUser Get-ASArchive Get-ASUser Get-ASContainers Get-AdamContainer Get-ASMailbox Get-ASUserSyncStatus Set-ASContainer Start-ASSyncADUsers Start-ASO365SyncMailboxes Start-ASADSyncSingleUser Start-ASO365SyncSingleUser Add-ASContainerMapping Set-ASContainerMapping Get-ASBulkMappingWizardTemplate Get-ASMappings Get-ASPremigrationStatus Get-ASStage1Statistics Get-ASStage2Status Get-ASWorkflowPolicy Get-ASFilterPolicy? Enable-ASCollection Enable-ASMigration Disable-ASCollection Disable-ASMigration Enable-ASStage2 Start-ASRetryFailedItems Remove-ASContainerMapping Add-ASMappingConfigurationTemplate??? Set-ASMappingConfigurationTemplate??? Get-ASMappingConfigurationTemplate??? Remove-ASMappingConfigurationTemplate??? Add-ASJEUserGroup? Get-ASJEUserGroup Set-ASJEUserGroup Add-ASFolderNamePolicy Get-ASFolderNamePolicy Set-ASFolderNamePolicy? Get-ASJESenderRecipient Add-ASJEUserMapping Get-ASJEUserMapping Set-ASJEUserMapping Remove-ASJEUserMapping Add-ASJELeaverMapping Get-ASJELeaverMapping Set-ASJELeaverMapping Remove-ASJELeaverMapping Get-ASJEStage1Statistics Add-ASJEEmailAddressRule Get-ASJEEmailAddressRule Set-ASJEEmailAddressRule Remove-ASJEEmailAddressRule Add-ASJEADUserRule Get-ASJEADUserRule Remove-ASJEADUserRule Add-ASJEDistributionListRule Get-ASJEDistributionListRule Remove-ASJEDistributionListRule Set-ASJEDistributionListRule Copy-ASJEAutoCreationRules (Copy-ASJECreationRules) Get-ASMailboxQuotaStatus?? Update-ASMailboxSizeAndQuota?? Get-ASJELeaversStatus Set-ASJELeaversStatus Add-ASGroup Set-ASGroup Get-ASGroup Add-ASUserToGroup Add-ASTag Set-ASTag Get-ASTag Add-ASContainerToTag Recreate-ASMapiProfile Set-ASStage2Status Set-ASPremigrationAction Get-ASHealthStatus Get-ASModuleCredential Set-ASModuleCredential



Set Folder Name Policy


Set-ASFolderNamePolicy [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-FolderNamePolicyId] <int> -Name] [<string>-NamingPolicy] [<string>-UsePurgesFolder] [<SwitchParameter> [<CommonParameters>]


The Set-ASFolderNamePolicy cmdlet sets attribute values for existing Folder Name policy. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state. Setting Naming Policy and UsePurgesFolder cannot be set together - these parameters are mutually exclusive.​


​Set-ASFolderNamePolicy -FolderNamePolicyId 1 -NamingPolicy PREFIX_*originalsmtpaddress*_SUFFIX

Set-ASFolderNamePolicy -FolderNamePolicyId 1 -Name FNP_02 -NamingPolicy PREFIX_*originalsmtpaddress*_SUFFIX

/* Changes Naming policy of specified Folder Name Policy  */

/* Changes Name and Naming policy of specified Folder Name Policy */​



Get list of Journal Explosion senderRecipients according to specified parameters.


Get-ASJESenderRecipient [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-RecipientType] <SenderRecipientEnum> [[-LinkId] <Guid?>] [[-ContainerMappingId] <int[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Get-ASJESenderRecipient cmdlet gets list of Journal Explosion senderRecipients. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state. Cmdlet has two optional parameters; LinkId and ContainerMappingId, but it is mandatory to use at least one of them.


​Get-ASJESenderRecipient -RecipientType ActiveUser -ContainerMappingId 1 -All -IncludeTotalCount

Get-ASJESenderRecipient -RecipientType Leaver -LinkId "ebbd722e-b8b9-4b50-98e8-7ffe95a5fd0d"

Get-ASJESenderRecipient -RecipientType ActiveUser -LinkId $JELink.LinkId -All | Sort-Object SenderRecipientId -Unique​

/* Retrieves all active SMTP addresses of specified Journal explosion mapping and shows total count of the results (items of the mapping must be exploded to get results)  */

/* Retrieves all leaver SMTP addresses of specified ​Source Link - it combines results if more journal explosion mappings exist for specified link */

/* Retrieves all active SMTP addresses of specified journal explosion Target Link - it combines results if more SourceLinks ​related to specified JE link (-Unique parameter filters duplicates out) */

/* SenderRecipientId has been removed from Get-ASJESenderRecipient command​

Get-ASJESenderRecipient -RecipientType ActiveUser -ContainerMappingId 1 | Where-Object {$_.OriginalAddress -like "*"}​

/* Retrieves only those active SMTP addresses of specified mapping which meet WHERE condition */​

Retrieve only Office 365 leaver senders and recipients​

$jeO365Links = Get-ASLink -Type Office365JournalExplosion

$leaverSenderRecipients = Get-ASJESenderRecipient -RecipientType Leaver -All | Where-Object -Property LinkId -in $jeO365Links.LinkId

/* Gets only Office 365 Journal Explosion links, then retrieval of senders and recipients is based on these links. Due to this, Archive Shuttle can retrieve Office 365 leavers only (Exchange and PST are filtered out) */​



Creates Journal Explosion user mappings.


Add-ASJEUserMapping [-Core] <ConnectCore> -SenderRecipientMapping] [<PSSenderRecipientForMapping[]>-ContainerMappingId] [<int[]>-SenderRecipientId] [<int[]>  [[-OriginalSmtpAddress] <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Add-ASJEUserMapping cmdlet creates Journal Explosion User Mappings. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state. Cmdlet has two parameter sets, the first set consists of array of PSSenderRecipientForMapping objects. User can retrieve this array by using Get-ASJESenderRecipient cmdlet. The second set consists of ContainerMappingId array and SenderRecipientId array. When using the second set, ContainerMappingId parameter is mandatory.


​Add-ASJEUserMapping -ContainerMappingId 1

/* Creates Journal Explosion User mappings for all not mapped Senders/Recipients related to specified Container mapping */​

Add-ASJEUserMapping -ContainerMappingId 1,2 -SenderRecipientId 1,2  -OriginalSmtpAddress "​", ""

Add-ASJEUserMapping -ContainerMappingId 1 -SenderRecipientId 1,2,3​  -OriginalSmtpAddress "​"

/*  Creates Journal Explosion User mappings based on pairs as follows:

1 JEUsermapping for [containerMapping 1 - senderRecipient 1]

1 JEUserMapping for [containerMapping 2 - senderRecipient 2]

User mappings are created only in case combinations are valid */

/* Creates JournalExplosion User mappings for specified Senders/Recipients related to specified Container mapping */​

Get-ASJESenderRecipient -ContainerMappingId 1,2  |  Add-ASJEUserMapping


$sendRec = Get-ASJESenderRecipient -ContainerMappingId 1 -All | Where-Object {$_.OriginalAddress -like "*"}

$sendRec | Add-ASJEUserMapping | Format-Table

,$sendRec | Add-ASJEUserMapping | Format-Table #really much faster way to create mappings ​

/* Creates Journal Explosion User mappings for all not-mapped Senders/Recipients related to specified Container mappings  */


/* This procedure shows how to retrieve only subset of Senders/Recipients related to specified container mapping then User mappings can be created through the pipe and there are two ways:

1. Use it as it is and mappings will be created one by one in the background

2. Convert $sendRec to array by using comma "," and mappings will be created at once, which is much faster way */​

Add-ASJEUserMapping -ContainerMappingId 1 -SenderRecipientId 2 -OriginalSmtpAddress "" -OwnerlessUser -MappedSmtpAddress



$ownerless = Get-ASJESenderRecipient -ContainerMappingId 1 -RecipientType ActiveUser| Where-Object {$null -eq $_.UserSid}

$ownerless | ForEach-Object {Add-ASJEUserMapping -ContainerMappingId $_.ContainerMappingId -SenderRecipientId $_.SenderRecipientId   -OriginalSmtpAddress $_."" -OwnerlessUser -MappedSmtpAddress ""}​​

/* Creates Journal Explosion user mapping for ownerless user. This action is available only for Exchange and PST targets. For Office 365, there is extra set of commandlets (Add-ASJELeaverMapping) */​



/* Creates multiple Journal Explosion user mappings with the same mapped address. This is not an issue as it can be then changed by Set-ASJEUserMapping command but once FileName policy is assigned for these mappings, target name will be created accordingly (ignoring mapped address) */



Get attributes for Journal Explosion user mappings.


Get-ASJEUserMapping [-Core] <ConnectCore> [[-ContainerMappingId] <int[]>] [[-JournalExplosionUserGroupId] <int[]>] [[-FolderNamePolicyId] <int[]>] [[-All] <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Get-ASJEUserMapping cmdlet Gets attributes of Journal Explosion User Mappings. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state. Cmdlet has one parameter sets, which contains parameters ContainerMappingId, JournalExplosionUserGroupId and FolderNamePolicyId.


​Get-ASJEUserMapping -ContainerMappingId 1

Get-ASJEUserMapping -JournalExplosionUserMappingId 1

/* Retrieves all Journal Explosion User mappings of specified Container mapping */

/* Retrieves only specified Journal Explosion User mapping */​

Get-ASJEUserMapping -ContainerMappingId 1 -JournalExplosionUserGroupId 2​

/* Retrieves those Journal Explosion User mappings of specified Container mapping which also belong to specified Journal Explosion Group */​

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