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Migrator for Notes to SharePoint - Base de Conocimiento

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Microsoft Enforces SourceType Field in Migration API (4369473)

Beginning April 1, 2023, the SourceType field will be mandatory when calling the Migration API. ... What does this new SourceType property provide? ... Microsoft has stated that this property will help them with configuring throughput performance for different content source types.

Producto(s): Content Matrix, On Demand Migration, Essentials for Office 365, Migrator...
Última actualización el: 20/01/2025
4 rating | 2936 vistas
Knowledge Article
Error message "The remote server returned an error:(401) Unauthorized" (4286717)

This is caused by the Central admin page for SharePoint operating on the same port as the Import Service for Notes Migrator for SharePoint; this is the default port 8888. ... As a result the Central Admin was overwritten with the Import Service and would get the above error when trying to browse to the Import Service.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 01/08/2024
NA rating | 484 vistas
Knowledge Article
Unable to preserve modified by value (4253898)

When selecting the option "Preserve Created/Modified identities" the modified is being added as the account running the migration. ... The library version settings have the option to require documents be checked out before they can be edited.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 651 vistas
Knowledge Article
Support for Domino and Notes 10 (4253910)

Will Migrator for Notes to SharePoint (MNSP) support Domino and Notes 10? <p>Domino and the Notes client version 10 support is being added in MNSP 6.14.</p>

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 326 vistas
Knowledge Article
Can Full Access Administration be used for migrations? (4248182)

Does Migrator for Notes to SharePoint (MNSP) support Full Access Administration? <p>&quot;Full Access Administration&quot; mode is temporary session status which the Domino Admin Client must remain open during using this mode, and the mode is only available in this machine, Notes Clients in other places have no full access permission.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 654 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to request a sales representative to contact you (4261880)

Looking for a product demo or purchase and need to find out who your sales rep is? ... You can call 1 800 306 9329 and talk to a support admin to find out who your sales rep is.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 417 vistas
Knowledge Article
Error on Windows Assembly DocumentFormat.OpenXML.dll (4266131)

Following installation of the Migrator for Notes to SharePoint (MNSP) Import Service, another migration tool started to fail. ... <br> Older version of DocumentFormat.OpenXML.dll was overwriting a newer version already installed <p>As an change to the tool, we have removed the DocumentFormat.OpenXML.dll from the installer as it is no longer used.</p><p>To correct this you will need to contact Support to obtain the latest updated hotfix of the tool.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 759 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to install the prerequisite Windows Identity Foundation in Windows 10 (4350291)

How to install the prerequisite Windows Identity Foundation in Windows 10 for migrations to SharePoint Online <p>In Windows 10, the Windows Identity Foundation is installed through Control Panel | Programs and Features | Turn Windows features on or off.</p><p><img alt="" src=""></img></p>

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1711 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to migrate to subfolders of a parent folder with the static name (4257023)

Would like to migrate data with Migrator for Notes to SharePoint to a folder in the SharePoint site. ... Create a new Data field at Notes source data definition (click on Edit) ... Navigate to Data Fields tab, click on + Add

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 858 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to migrate a lookup list (4241872)

The article covers how to migrate a lookup list and how to avoid duplicate entries in the lookup list. ... <p>The goal from the sample lookup list will be to migrate Company, Contact and Location with zero duplicate entries in SharePoint.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 733 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to add contents of two columns into one column field in SharePoint (4241582)

Can you combine two columns into one SharePoint field during a migration.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 674 vistas
Knowledge Article
Indentation of wrapped text is not coming over properly (4275566)

When looking at wrapped text the indentation of some lines are not lining up properly. ... Product defect This was fixed in the latest hotfix build of Migrator for Notes to SharePoint 6.5. ... Please contact support to obtain the latest hotfix.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 314 vistas
Knowledge Article
Header in table color does not change when changing the background color (4280232)

When changing the background color of a header cell after a word render migration, the text still has a block around it but the background changes Product defect This was fixed in the latest hotfix build of Migrator for Notes to SharePoint 6.5.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 320 vistas
Knowledge Article
URLs for normal links are not being converted properly (4266054)

Normal URLs are not being rendered to word properly. ... The underscore is being replaced with a 52 instead and links no longer work <p>A reinstall may work to get around this issue or upgrade to the latest version of Migrator for Notes to SharePoint.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 296 vistas
Knowledge Article
Super/sub script font size is too big (4261789)

When migrating some text with super/sub script the text is too large Product defect This was fixed in the latest hotfix build of Migrator for Notes to SharePoint 6.5. ... Please contact support to obtain the latest hotfix.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 316 vistas
Knowledge Article
Bullet points are tabbed incorrectly (4261801)

Bullet points in some text and tables is getting tabbed further to the left or right than expected Product Defect This was fixed in the latest hotfix build of Migrator for Notes to SharePoint 6.5.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 300 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to determine how many databases you have used in your license (4261780)

This article is to show you where to go to view how many databases you have migrated based on your license limit <p>To view your license usage do the following:</p><ol><li>Open Migrator for Notes to SharePoint Console</li><li>Right click the Migrator for Notes to SharePoint node and choose License Details</li><li>In the &quot;These limitations apply&quot; box you will see how much you are licensed for and how much is used.</li></ol>

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 630 vistas
Knowledge Article
Margins are not aligned properly when migrating to word (4295940)

When migrating to word the left margin is not aligned properly Product defect <div></div><div>This was fixed in the latest hotfix build of Migrator for Notes to SharePoint 6.5. ... Please contact support to obtain the latest hotfix.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 322 vistas
Knowledge Article
The remote server returned an error:(401) Unauthorized (4242172)

At times there are 401 and 403 errors returned from SharePoint Online during a migration. ... The errors were never seen while testing a connection from Migrator for Notes to SharePoint (MNSP). ... The errors were only present when migrating data to SharePoint Online.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1628 vistas
Knowledge Article
Can you migrate images inline to InfoPath rich text field? (4266046)

Does Migrator for Notes to SharePoint have the ability to migrate an Image into a rich text field in InfoPath? <p>You can migrate images to a rich text field in InfoPath using the [image]HTML field (where [image] is the notes field name).</p><p>Keep in mind that SharePoint does not support inline images with InfoPath forms.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 386 vistas
Knowledge Article
Unable to expand group 'LN Group': This group has exceeded the configured maximum of 100 members. (4323907)

When trying to migrate Lotus Notes Groups to SharePoint Group using Notes Migrator for SharePoint, getting the following error and no users are getting migrated to the such groups in SharePoint. ... Unable to expand group 'LN Group': This group has exceeded the configured maximum of 100 members.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1017 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to map users using Database Lookup or Domino Directory Lookup (4261770)

0);"><strong>Canonical Name</strong></span></p><p><em>Note:</em> It is very important that the view in the database you are using to do your lookup has the column you want to look up as the first column</p><p><strong>Map Notes Names to Site Collection Users: </strong>Set to <strong><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Use Notes Database lookup</span></strong></p><p><strong>Output translate (leave blank for no translation):</strong> Leave this field blank</p><p><strong>Server name: </strong>your

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 624 vistas
Knowledge Article
User mapping appears to be working correctly in the migration log file, but users are not being mapped in the target SharePoint site (4346205)

When using the Migrator for Notes to SharePoint user mapping feature to bring over users to the target SharePoint site (including the Substitute Default User option), it appears that the user mapping is working correctly in the migration log file, however, the &quot;Created By&quot;, &quot;Modified By&quot; and/or other user fields do not have the correct user mapped.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 742 vistas
Knowledge Article
User Mapping failed to match SharePoint Online users (4248178)

During a migration some SharePoint Online users are not being mapped. ... The following is an example of the error. ... User mapping failed for 'CN=John/OU=SP/O=Quest' to () ... The user may not exist in Office 365 or the account is locked.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 824 vistas
Knowledge Article
SQL Alias is not working with the link tracking service (4256830)

When using a SQL alias, the QuestLinkTracking.aspx page throws an error saying it could not contact the SQL server. ... </p> ... If 6.6+ has been released since the writing of this article the fix will be including in those builds going forward so please download that build instead.

Producto(s): Migrator for Notes to SharePoint
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 635 vistas
Knowledge Article
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