How many threads are recommended for VEEMAM Software from a DR appliance?.
There are connections and then there are streams, a single physical server makes a single connection to the DR but within that connection multiple streams can be transferring data. In Veeam a single proxy would basically be a single connect, inside that proxy there is a setting for “concurrent tasks” which would be streams/threads.
In Veeam the maximum suggested setting is represented by a green check mark, if you go over this on a single proxy it turns to a warning icon.
This suggestion is generally bound by the number of CPU cores available to the proxy, the more cores the more concurrent tasks possible. Because of that it’s unlikely a single proxy can push more than say 8-16 streams/threads depending on it’s hardware.
Generally speaking for performance we find a sweet spot of around 80 total streams writing to the DR at once.
We can do above that but it starts effecting cumulative performance. So that would likely be several very beefy proxies running at once.
We support up to 32 connections via CIFS but total steams can get higher than that. Honestly using only Veeam driving data to the DR they’d likely hit issues with a vcenter managing so many snapshot actions at once before that level of streams is reached.
There is also a repository thread setting in veeam, what is recommended.
a repository in Veeam with be akin to a container. It’s possible to have multiple repositories going to multiple containers on the same DR appliance.
Say, for example, you want to keep your SQL backups in a different container from exchange. In that way limiting a repository to 80 won’t enforce the suggested 80 steams at the whole appliance level.© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Feedback Terms of Use Privacy Cookie Preference Center