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vRanger 7.6.5 - User Guide

Introduction Configuring vRanger
Configuring vRanger through the Startup Wizard Configuring vRanger manually Supplemental instructions: additional repository types
Using vRanger Backup Restore
Restoring a physical server Performing a full restore for VMware VMs Performing a full restore for Hyper-V® VMs Performing a full restore for VMware vApps Performing a full restore of a physical machine Performing an FLR on Windows Performing an FLR on Linux Restoring from manifest
Replicate VMs Reports Integrating and monitoring vRanger Using the vRanger Console vAPI Cmdlet details
Add-BackupJobTemplate Add-CIFSRepository Add-DdbReplicationRepository Add-DdbRepository Add-EsxHost Add-HypervCluster Add-HypervHost Add-HypervRestoreJobTemplate Add-NFSRepository Add-NVSDRepository Add-PhysicalMachine Add-RdaRepository Add-ReplicationJobTemplate Add-RestoreFromManifestJobTemplate Add-RestoreJobTemplate Add-VirtualAppforLinuxFLR Add-VirtualAppforLinuxFLRVA Add-VirtualCenter Disable-Job Dismount-LinuxVolume Enable-Job Get-AddressBook Get-BackupGroupEntity Get-CatalogSearchData Get-CatalogStatus Get-ConfigOption Get-Connection Get-CurrentTemplateVersionID Get-Datastore Get-GlobalTransportFailover Get-InventoryEntities Get-IsInventoryRefreshing Get-Job Get-JobTemplate Get-MonitorLog Get-Network Get-PhysicalMachineDiskMap Get-Repository Get-RepositoryJob Get-RepositorySavePoint Get-RestoreDiskMap Get-SavepointDisk Get-SavepointManifest Get-Savepoints Get-TransportFailover Get-VirtualApplianceConfig Get-VirtualApplianceDeploymentStatus Get-VirtualApplianceReconfigStatus Get-VirtualMachinesUnderInventory Get-VmDisk Get-VMDKVolume Install-VirtualAppliance Mount-LinuxVolume New-BackupFlag New-BackupGroupMember New-Daily Schedule New-EmailAddress New-IntervalSchedule New-MonthlySchedule New-ReplicationFlag New-RestoreFlag New-SMTPServer New-TransportConfiguration New-VirtualAppliance New-WeeklySchedule New-YearlySchedule Remove-AllMount Remove-BackupGroupEntity Remove-BackupGroupMember Remove-Catalog Remove-DdbStorageUnit Remove-JobTemplate Remove-LinuxVolume Remove-Repository Remove-SavePoint Remove-VirtualAppliance Remove-VirtualApplianceConfiguration Run-JobsNow Run-ReplicationFailover Run-ResumeReplicationFailover Run-TestReplicationFailover Set-Cataloging Set-CBTonVM Set-LinuxVolume Set-MountPath Set-Resources Stop-vRangerJob Update-BackupJobTemplate Update-GlobalTransportFailover Update-HypervRestoreJobTemplate Update-Inventory Update-ReplicationJobTemplate Update-RestoreJobTemplate Update-VirtualAppliance Update-VirtualApplianceConfiguration
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Adding an extended trial license

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Adding an extended trial license

The process of adding an extended trial license is the same as adding a permanent license. Before you start this process, confirm that you have placed your license file in a location that you can reach easily.

To add an extended trial license:
Under the Licensing node in the Configuration Options dialog box, click Product.
Click Add New License.

The new license information is added to the dialog box.

The dialog box refreshes with the new license information added. Under the Currently Installed Licenses heading, you see “License Type: Extended Trial,” and the number of days remaining in your extended trial period.

Removing an extended trial license

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Removing an extended trial license

Extended trial licenses are automatically removed when the trial period has elapsed, but you may also remove then prior to the expiration of the trial period.

To remove an extended trial license:
In the Configuration Options > Licensing node, click Remove Trial Extension.
Under Currently Installed Licenses, confirm that the primary license is being applied.
In the Virtual Machine Hosts and Physical Machines node, confirm your license allocation.

Managing VM host licensing

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Configuring vRanger > Configuring vRanger manually > Managing VM host licensing

Managing VM host licensing

Before you start this process, make sure that you have imported the license file and confirmed that it is adequate for managing the hosts that you want to use. The Currently Installed Licenses section includes the total number of CPU licenses, the number being used currently, and the number of licenses remaining. These numbers increment and decrement based on the selections you make in this dialog box.

NOTE: The Virtual Machine Hosts license applies equally to both Hyper-V® and VMware® hosts. They are treated the same in terms of licensing.
To manage VM host licensing:
Under the Licensing node, click Virtual Machine Hosts.
In the Currently Installed Licenses section, view the CPUs Allowed value to confirm the number of sockets that are licensed for protection.

The number of licenses currently allocated is shown in the CPUs Used column.

The Licensed Virtual Machine Hosts section lists the managed hosts, the number of CPUs for each host, and the licensed features for that host. The CPUs column indicates the license “cost” of each host.

In the Backup or Replication column, or both, select or clear hosts until you have used all the available licenses, or until all your hosts are protected.

Managing physical machine licensing

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Configuring vRanger > Configuring vRanger manually > Managing physical machine licensing

Managing physical machine licensing

Before you start this process, make sure that you have imported the license file and confirmed that it is adequate for managing the number of physical machines you want to protect. The Currently Installed Licenses section includes the total number of physical machine licenses available, and the number being used currently. These numbers increment and decrement based on the selections you make in this dialog box.

To manage physical machine licensing:
Under the Licensing node, click Physical Machine.
In the Currently Installed Licenses section, view the Machines Allowed value to confirm the total number of physical machines licenses available.

The number of licenses currently allocated is shown in the Machines Used column.

The Licensed Physical Machine section lists the physical machines in the vRanger inventory, and indicates whether each machine is licensed for backup.

In the Physical Backup column, select or clear machines until you have used all the available licenses, or until all your machines are protected.

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