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Toad Intelligence Central 5.7 - Quick Start Guide

Data Connectivity Objects

Data connectivity functionality allows Toad Data Point users to publish data objects (views, snapshots, and datasets) to Intelligence Central. Data objects are published to Intelligence Central as a way to store and share data from remote data sources.

Note: A Toad Intelligence Central Data Connectivity license is required to enable data connectivity functionality in Intelligence Central.

Users of Toad Intelligence Central can log in to the Web Console (Web Server) to view and download Data Connectivity objects that have been shared with them.

  1. Log in to the Web Console (Web Server).
  2. Click Home.
  3. Locate the object. See Find Objects for more information.
  4. Select the object to show details. See View Object Details for more information.
  5. Click to download the object. The location of the object on download will be as per your Web browser settings.

For more information about working with objects published from Toad Data Point, see Work with Toad Data Point Objects.

Object type Download, view


Tables are tables of data mapped from data source mappable objects.


Click to prepare download of the table result set.

Data is retrieved direct from the data source. Some time may be required to prepare the data for download.

Note: If authentication is required, Intelligence Central prompts you for your credentials.

Track the preparation of the download on the web browser display. Success is an indicator that the table is ready for download.

Click Download in the Success message. The location of the table on download will be as per your Web browser settings.


The source is one of the object details listed on the Details pane. Where the name of the data source is long, the web browser has the facility to expand/ contract your view. Table data is retrieved from this source.

Click the data source link to alter authentication. See Alter Authentication for more information.

Columns Show the table structure, column names, and data types.
Expand Click to expand and show column details: data type, data size and Not Null status.


Views are saved SQL statements.


Click to execute the SQL statement on the data source and prepare the result set for download. Some time may be required to prepare the data for download.

Note: If authentication is required, Intelligence Central prompts you for your credentials. For example, you might be required to authenticate the first time you access a View that was published with a personal key, instead of a shared key.

Track the preparation of the download on the web browser display. Success is an indicator that the result set is ready for download.

Click Download in the Success message. The location of the result set on download will be as per your web browser settings.


The source is one of the object details listed on the Details pane. The SQL statement is executed against this data source. Where the name of the data source is long, the web browser has the facility to expand/ contract your view.

Click the data source link to alter authentication. See Alter Authentication for more information.

Note:  When the data source has a shared key applied, the link is enabled only for users with Manage privileges to the object.


Show the query that is executed to produce the result set.

Note: Only Administrators and users with Manage privileges to the object can view the query text.

Expand Click to expand and show column details: data type, data size and Not Null status.


Snapshots are the result set from an executed SQL statement (View) or table. Snapshots capture data at a specific point in time and can be scheduled to execute once or repeatedly. Snapshot data is stored in Intelligence Central so it is fast to load and does not require data source authentication to view. Snapshots are published with a shared key.


Click to prepare download of the snapshot result set. This converts the snapshot to a CSV file. Depending on the size of the snapshot, this can take some time.

Track the preparation of the download on the web browser display. Success is an indicator that the snapshot is ready for download.

Click Download in the Success message. The location of the snapshot on download will be as per your web browser settings.


The source is one of the object details listed on the Details pane. The SQL statement is executed against this data source. Where the name of the data source is long, the web browser has the facility to expand/ contract your view.

Click the data source link to alter authentication. See Alter Authentication for more information.

Note:  When the data source has a shared key applied, the link is enabled only for users with Manage privileges to the object.

Status Status is an object detail that indicates the execution status of the snapshot. It may be success, error, running (currently taking the snapshot) or pending (where Toad Intelligence Central is waiting to take the snapshot). If there was an error taking the last snapshot then expand to see the error details.
Schedule When was the last snapshot taken? When will the next snapshot be taken? The snapshot is scheduled to refresh (the result set) at the given date and time.

Show the query that is executed to produce the result set.

Note: Only Administrators and users with Manage privileges to the object can view the query text.

Expand Click to expand and show column details: data type, data size and Not Null status.


Mappable Objects

Mappable objects are objects from the data source that can be potentially mapped to tables. Mappable objects are not available for download and not visible from a web browser.


Datasets are tables of data published to Toad Intelligence Central.

From a web browser, click Home. Locate the dataset.

  1. Select the dataset to show details.
  2. Click in the Details pane. This converts the dataset to a CSV file. Depending on the size of the dataset, this can take some time.
  3. Track the preparation of the download on the web browser display. Success is an indicator that the dataset is ready for download.

  4. Click Download in the Success message. The location of the dataset on download will be as per your web browser settings.


Objects published to Intelligence Central are organized into folders. The object's publisher selects an existing folder or creates a new folder during the publishing process in Toad Data Point. Intelligence Central users can also create folders through the Web Console.

Folders in Intelligence Central

Intelligence Central can contain several different types of folders. These folders can differ by purpose, origin, contents, and characteristics. Review the following descriptions for different folder types in Intelligence Central.

Special Folders

The following folders are created by Intelligence Central and have specific functionality.

No folder assigned

The No folder assigned folder is a special folder.

  • The No folder assigned folder holds all objects not yet moved (or assigned) to other folders.
  • The No folder assigned folder cannot be moved, renamed or deleted.
  • The No folder assigned folder cannot have sub folders.


Toad Data Point users can publish Transform and Cleanse Rules to Intelligence Central to share with other users. These Transform and Cleanse Rules are stored in the Common_Transformation_Repository folder. See the Toad Data Point Help for more information about this feature.

  • The Common_Transformation_Repository folder and its subfolders cannot be moved, renamed or deleted.
  • You cannot move rules out of the Common_Transformation_Repository folder.

Secured and Non-Secured Folders

Aside from the special folders listed above, Toad Intelligence Central provides two types of folders for storing objects: secured folders and non-secured folders. Secured folders have visibility (sharing) and manage privileges assigned to them. Non-secured folders do not. See About Secured Folders for additional information.

An Intelligence Central server can provide one or both types of folders. A user with the Administrator role can configure which types of folders can be created and which user role/roles are allowed to create secured folders. For more information about configuring Folder Security, see the Toad Intelligence Central Deployment Guide.

Icon Description
Non-secured folder—Visible to all users.
Secured folder—Secured folders are visible only to users with visibility (sharing) privileges and can be managed only by users with manage privileges.

Create Folders

You can create a new folder using the Web Console (Web Server). A folder can also be created through Toad Data Point when an object is published. Only alpha, numeric, and the underscore (_) characters are allowed in folder names. A name cannot begin with the underscore character.


  • You cannot create a secured folder in a non-secured folder.
  • You cannot create a non-secured folder in a secured folder.
  • To create a subfolder in a secured folder, you must have manage privileges to the parent secured folder.
  • Folder creation is restricted to the folder types specified by the server-level Folder Security settings.
  • To create a secured folder, the user's role must have permissions granted by the server-level Folder Security settings.

For more information, see About Secured Folders.

To create a new folder

  1. On the Home page, select a folder and click in the Folder Details pane.
  2. In the Create Folder dialog, select a folder to serve as the parent folder. To create a folder at the root level, select Folders.
  3. Click the button corresponding to the type of folder you want to create.

    • New Non-Secured Folder—Select to create a non-secured folder.
    • New Secured Folder—Select to create a secured folder.

    Note: If a button is disable, creation of that folder type is not allowed, either at the server level or in the selected parent folder. See the Restrictions listed above.

  4. Enter a folder name and click OK.
  5. (Secured folder only) After a secured folder is created, you can then modify the visibility (sharing) and manage privileges, if necessary. Initially, only the folder creator and users with the Administrator role have visibility and manage privileges to the folder. The folder creator is automatically listed under folder Managers. See Specify Visibility, Manage and Publish Privileges for Folders for more information.

Note: A folder can be created by an object's publisher during the publishing process in Toad Data Point. See the Toad Data Point Help for more information.

Move Folders

On the Home page, you can drag-and-drop a folder to move it. To move a folder, a user must have the Administrator role or manage privileges to all objects in the folder. A folder cannot be moved if an object in the folder is locked by another user.


  • You cannot move the Common_Transformation_Repository or its sub-folders.
  • You cannot move the No folder assigned folder.
  • You cannot move a folder while a snapshot in the folder is refreshing.
  • You cannot move a secured folder into a non-secured folder.
  • You cannot move a non-secured folder into a secured folder.

See About Secured Folders for more information about secured folders.

Delete Folders

You can delete a folder if you have the Administrator role or have manage privileges to all objects in the folder (unless an object is locked by another user).

To delete a folder

  • On the Home page, select a folder and click in the Folder Details pane.

You cannot delete the No folder assigned folder.

View Folder Details

You can view information about a folder in Intelligence Central through the Folder Details pane. This is useful, especially for secured folders, which have sharing (visibility) and manage privileges assigned to them.

You can view the secured folders that have been shared with you. You can also view the parent folder of a secured folder that has been shared with you.

To view folder details

  • In the Home page of the Web Console, select a folder to display the Folder Details pane. Review the following for additional information.

    Detail Description


    Folder name. For a secured folder, managers of the folder can rename the folder.


    Folder creator. This is the name of the user who initially created the folder.


    (Secured folders) Displays the visibility (sharing) privileges for the selected folder. Managers can modify the visibility privileges.

    Click Visibility to open the Alter Folder Visibility dialog where you can modify visibility and manage privileges for the folder. See Specify Visibility, Manage and Publish Privileges for Folders for more information.


    (Secured folders) Displays the list of users and groups with manage privileges for the selected folder. Managers can modify the visibility and manage privileges for the object.

    Click Managers to open the Alter Folder Visibility dialog where you can modify the manage privileges for the folder. See Specify Visibility, Manage and Publish Privileges for Folders for more information.


    (Secured folders) Displays the list of users and groups allowed to publish objects to the selected folder. Users with manage privileges can modify publish privileges for the folder through the Alter Folder Visibility dialog. See Specify Visibility, Manage and Publish Privileges for Folders for more information.

For additional information about manage privileges for secured folders, see Manager Privileges.

About Secured Folders

Secured folders are special folders in Toad Intelligence Central. Secured folders have visibility (sharing), manage, and publish privileges assigned to them. Non-secured folders do not.

Secured Folder Characteristics

Secured folders have the following special characteristics:

  • Secured folders have visibility, manage, and publish privileges assigned to them.
  • The sharing and manage privileges specified for a secured folder are also applied to all objects in the folder.

  • When an object is published to a secured folder, the object automatically inherits the visibility and manage privileges applied to the secured folder.

Why Use Secured Folders

The special characteristics of secured folders provide the following advantages:

  • Object publishers can automatically define visibility and manage privileges for an object by publishing it to the desired folder. In this way, the task of specifying object privileges can be transferred from the individual user to a group of folder managers.
  • A folder manager can change the visibility and manage privileges for all objects in a secured folder at one time by simply changing the privileges for the secured folder itself.

These characteristics, along with the server-level Folder Security settings, allow companies to customize the way they define and manage object accessibility in Intelligence Central.

Use this feature to develop and implement a methodology for controlling and regulating the sharing and management of objects, files, and data.

Server-Level Configuration

Intelligence Central allows you to specify which type of folders users can create: secured, non-secured, or both. You can also specify which users are allowed to create and configure secured folders. These settings are specified at the server level by a user with the Administrator role.

To learn how to configure secured folder settings for the server, see the Toad Intelligence Central Deployment Guide.

Rules and Restrictions for Secured Folders

Review the following rules and restrictions that apply to secured folders and their objects.

Visibility Privileges

  • You can see secured folders that have been shared with you.
  • You can see the parent folder of a secured folder that has been shared with you.

Privileges Based on User or Role

  • By default, the folder creator and users with the Administrator role have visibility and manage privileges to a newly-created secured folder.
  • Users with the Administrator role retain visibility and manage privileges to secured folders.

Subfolder Privileges

  • A subfolder is not required to have the same visibility or manage privileges as the parent folder.
  • A subfolder is not affected by changes to privileges for the parent folder.


  • In order to publish an object to a secured folder, the publisher must be an Administrator or have publish privileges to the secured folder.

Creating and Moving Folders

  • A non-secured folder cannot be created in or moved into a secured folder.
  • A secured folder cannot be created in or moved into a non-secured folder.
  • A secured folder can be created at the root level.

Object Privileges

  • All objects in a secured folder have the same manage and visibility privileges as the folder.

Moving and Deleting Secured Folders

  • To move a secured folder, a user must have the Administrator role or manage privileges to the secured folder and all its subfolders.
  • To delete a secured folder, a user must have either the Administrator role or visibility and manage privileges to the secured folder and all its subfolders.

Rules for Moving Objects into or out of a Secured Folder

  • To move an object into a secured folder, the user must be an Administrator or have manage privileges to the object and the secured folder.
  • If an object is moved into a secured folder, the object inherits the privileges of the secured folder, regardless of the object's original privileges.
  • When an object is moved into a secured folder, the object publisher does not retain manage privileges unless the publisher is a folder manager.
  • When an object is moved from a secured folder into a non-secured folder, the object's manage privileges are retained. For visibility privileges, only users with manage privileges to the object will retain visibility, others will not.

Notifications of Secured Folder Activity

  • If a secured folder's objects or subfolders are moved, users with visibility or manage privileges to the folder receive an email notification.
  • If an object is moved into a secured folder, the object publisher and users with visibility or manage privileges to the object will receive an email notification.
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