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StoragePoint 6.0 - PowerShell and API Reference Guide

PowerShell Guide
StoragePoint PowerShell Overview Getting Started Profile and Endpoint Management Cmdlets Timer Job Scheduling Cmdlets BLOB Information and Migration Cmdlets Miscellaneous SharePoint Utility Cmdlets PowerShell Script Examples StoragePoint API Reference
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This command will retrieve a profile object.


If looking up a profile for a given scope (site coll, content db, web app):

·ProfileType (ptype): The profile type, e.g. SiteCollection, WebApplication, ContentDB to find. Must also specify either SiteUrl or ScopeId

·SiteUrl (s): The URL of the SharePoint site in which a profile is associated with. If ProfileType is SiteCollection, this will cause the command to find the profile for the exact site collection. If ProfileType is ContentDb or WebApplication, then the command will find the profile covering the content database or web application, respectively, of the site collection url specified.

·ScopeId (sid): The scope id of the siteCollection, WebApplication, or ContentDB to find the profile for.

If looking up a profile for an externalized document:

·DocUrl (doc): Url of an externalized document in SharePoint to retrieve the profile for.

If looking up a specific profile by name or profile id:

·ProfileId (id): The Id (GUID) of the StoragePoint profile.

·ProfileName (name): The Name of the StoragePoint profile.


This example retrieves the profile object and list all properties of the object for view.

Get-Profile -name MainProfile1

The following example shows to assign a Profile object to a variable within the PowerShell pipeline for later use.

$profile = Get-Profile -name MainProfile1

The following example retrieves the profile object that a document was externalized under.

Get-Profile -DocUrl http://moss/docs/documents/123.tif

The following example looks up a site collection’s profile.

Get-Profile –ProfileType SiteCollection –SiteUrl http://sharepoint

The final example shows how to retrieve a profile using a scope id value (site id, content db id or web app id). The scope id can be determined in a number of ways but this example uses the StoragePoint cmdlet helper command Get-ContentDbId.

$cid = Get-ContentDbId –s http://sharepoint

Get-Profile –ProfileType ContentDb –ScopeId $cid.Id.ToString()


This command will retrieve all active StoragePoint profiles into a list and display all properties for the profiles.




Type                                : SiteCollection

ProfileId                        : <GUID>

IsNew                                : False

IsActive                                : True

ScopeId                                : <GUID>

BlobRetentionDays                : 30

CabinetOn                        : False

CabinetLevel                        : 5

ProfileState                        : 1

ProfileEndpoints                : {MainEndpoint1, MainEndpoint2}

Name                                : MainProfile1

AdapterName                        : FileSystem


This command will show all endpoints that are associated with the specified profile.


·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile. REQUIRED.


The following example will list all endpoints that are associated with the profile 'MainProfile1'

Get-AllEndpointsByProfile -p MainProfile1


EndpointType                : Synchronous

Name                        : MainEndpoint1

EndpointId                : <GUID>

IsActive                        : True


The command allows you to decrypt and/or uncompress a BLOB file that is no longer referenced in SharePoint.


·InputFile: The name of the encrypted and/or compressed BLOB file.

·OutputFile: The filename and path to write the decrypted and/or uncompressed BLOB file to. *Should be different than InputFile parameter.*

·Uncompress: Switch parameter that indicates if input file is compressed and should be uncompressed.

·Decrypt: Switch parameter that indicates if input file is encrypted and should be decrypted.

·Passphrase: If decryption is specified (-Decrypt parameter), this parameter specifies the passphrase that was used as the basis for the encryption key. This is *required* if decryption is desired.

·KeySize: Strength of AES encryption used to encrypt. 256 is the default. 128 is the other option.



The following example shows decrypting a BLOB:

Add-PSSnapin StoragePoint.PowershellCmdlets –erroraction SilentlyContinue

Get-DecryptUncompressBLOBFile -InputFile "\\fs\sh\Blob1.docx.blob" -OutputFile "c:\blob1.docx" -Decrypt -Passphrase "myencryptionpassword"

The following example shows just uncompressing a BLOB:

Add-PSSnapin StoragePoint.PowershellCmdlets –erroraction SilentlyContinue

Get-DecryptUncompressBLOBFile -InputFile "\\fs\sh\Blob2.docx.blob" -OutputFile "c:\blob2.docx" -Uncompress

The following example shows decrypting and uncompressing a BLOB:

Add-PSSnapin StoragePoint.PowershellCmdlets –erroraction SilentlyContinue

Get-DecryptUncompressBLOBFile -InputFile "\\fs\sh\Blob3.docx.blob" -OutputFile "c:\blob3.docx" -Decrypt -Passphrase "myencryptionpassword" -Uncompress

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