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Spotlight on SAP ASE 2.11 - User Guide

Spotlight on SAP ASE
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Logical Disk Space Usage Page

The Disks | Logical Disk Space Usage displays a graphical view of used and available space on all logical drives.

To open the Logical Disk Space Usage page

  1. Select the Spotlight connection in the Spotlight Browser.
  2. Click Disks | Logical Disk Space Usage.

Note: Use the Disk Space By... control to switch between Disk Space (GB) and Disk Space (%).


Related Topics

Disk Summary Page

The Disk Summary page provides summary information about the physical disks on the current system.

To open the Disk Summary page

  1. Select the Spotlight connection in the Spotlight Browser.
  2. Click Disks | Disk Summary.

For each physical disk detected, disk summary information is displayed in the columns of a single table (grid).

Column Description
Disk Each physical disk in the system is listed in the grid in the order it has been discovered. The first disk is numbered 0 (zero).
Description A description of each disk discovered. This displays RAID details where applicable.
Type The type of hard disk discovered (for example, IDE).
Total GB The total size of the disk in gigabytes.
Device type More detailed information about the type and configuration of the disk.
Hardware vendor The vendor code associate with each hard disk.
Partitions The number of partitions discovered on each disk.

To open the Logical Disks sub page

To provide equivalent details about the logical disks associated with each physical disk:

Click on the entry for the physical disk on the Disk Summary page.

At any one time, the Logical Disks grid displays information only on the logical disks associated with the physical disk currently highlighted in the Disks grid.

Column Description
Drive The name of the logical disks associated with the physical disk specified in the Disk Summary page.
Label The label assigned to the logical disk (if any).
File System The file system used on the logical disk (for example, NTFS).
Total MB The total amount of space on the logical disk, measured in megabytes.
Free MB The total amount of free space on the logical disk, measured in megabytes.
Compressed True or False. Whether the information on the logical disk is maintained in compressed format.


Related Topics

File Sizes Page

The File Sizes page displays a grid that contains information on the size of files that you are tracking from the Windows Files Metrics dialog.

To open the File Sizes page

  1. Select the Spotlight connection in the Spotlight Browser.
  2. Click Disks | File Sizes.

The File Sizes grid contains the following information:

Chart Description
File Name The full pathname of the selected file.
Current Size (MB) The current size of the file, measured in megabytes.
Max Size (MB) The maximum size for this file as set in the Windows Files Metrics dialog. Setting the maximum file size does NOT prevent the specified file from growing beyond this size. However, if the size of the file exceeds that maximum size, Spotlight raises a critical alarm.
% Max Size The current size of the file, measured as a percentage of the maximum size.
Severity The degree of urgency associated with the current size. The severity controls what action Spotlight takes. (For example, if the size of the file exceeds the maximum size, the severity becomes critical, and Spotlight raises a critical alarm.)
File exists Whether or not the file exists at the specified location

Tip: You can add / remove / configure the tracking of file size. Right-click in the File Sizes grid and select Files Options. Windows Files Metrics


Related Topics

Windows Files Metrics

Network Drilldown

Spotlight on Windows

Spotlight is a powerful diagnostic and problem-resolution tool for Windows operating systems. Its unique user interface provides you with an intuitive, visual representation of the activity on the host machine.

For information on Spotlight on Windows, see these sections



Background Information

Introductory material to Spotlight on Windows.

Connect to a Windows System Create / Modify / Delete connections to Windows systems.
Home Page The Spotlight home page shows the flow of information and commands between various sub-components and the size and status of internal resources such as processes, disk files and memory structures.

Spotlight alerts you to problems with your system by issuing an alarm. You can configure Spotlight in the level of severity that constitutes an alarm, to disable an alarm, and the actions Spotlight takes on raising the alarm.

Drilldowns When you have isolated a problem, you can display a drilldown page, whose charts and tables provide a detailed breakdown of the underlying statistics.
View | Options Customize Spotlight.
Troubleshooting Solve problems using Spotlight.

For information on using Spotlight applications See

Spotlight Basics


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