Migration Manager provides administrators with statistics information that helps in migration process planning and monitoring. The statistics information is gathered by Migration Manager Statistics, a Web-based tool that presents statistics information in a convenient, easy-to-view format and displays it in a Web browser and the Migration Manager console (for Exchange migration only).
Migration Manager Statistics gathers information for the following three components of Migration Manager:
IMPORTANT: The Migration Manager Statistics tool does not collect statistics information related to Migration Agent for Exchange operations. Statistics data for synchronization jobs that migrate to the Microsoft Office 365 target, Microsoft Exchange 2013 target and Native Move job is gathered and can be viewed in the Migration Manager console. |
Migration Manager Statistics is installed as an optional Migration Manager component using a separate setup program. For more information about installing Migration Manager Statistics, refer to the Migration Manager Installation Guide. The Statistics Portal server system requirements are described in the Statistics Portal Server topic of the System Requirements and Access Rights document.
The Exchange migration statistics data is collected by the Statistics Collection Agent, which connects to all agents, retrieves data from their local databases, and puts the consolidated data into the SQL database. The directory migration statistics data is stored in the Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) partition. Migration Manager Statistics connects both to the SQL database and ADAM partition and retrieves all the required information.
To configure Migration Manager Statistics, take the following steps:
Alternatively you can go to URL http://server/Migration/Administration and configure the same options in web browser. In this case you will not be able to view Migration Manager for Exchange statistics from the Migration Manager console.
The Migration Manager Statistics interface is similar to the Migration Manager console, which simplifies report search and viewing. To view the information on a particular directory synchronization job, Exchange synchronization job, or resource processing task, select the corresponding node in the management tree.
Caution: To see statistical information on a particular directory synchronization job, Exchange synchronization job, or resource processing task, the user must be delegated at least the Reader role at the Migration Project, Directory Migration, or domain pair node whether or not a delegated migration task has been created for that user. For more information on the Migration Manager delegation model, refer to the Delegating Migration Tasks section of the Migration Manager for Active Directory User Guide. |
The right pane displays statistics information. The information displayed depends on the node selected in the management tree, the filter settings, and the columns selected.
Each report can be filtered, sorted, and grouped to suit your migration tracking needs. Specifically, for each report you can do the following:
For more information on the reports provided by Migration Manager Statistics, refer to the Migration Manager Statistics help.
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