Enables the QoreStor Alert email service.
NOTE: The Alert email service must be configured before it can be enabled. Refer to email_alerts --configure for more information. |
email_alerts --enable
Service enabled successfully.
Enables the QoreStor Alert email service.
NOTE: The Alert email service must be configured before it can be enabled. Refer to email_alerts --configure for more information. |
email_alerts --enable
Service enabled successfully.
Disables the QoreStor Alert email service.
email_alerts --disable
Service disabled successfully.
Returns the status of the email_alerts service.
email_alerts --status
Service is not running.
Provides interactive prompts to configure email relay, sender name and email address, recipeints, CC recipients, and BCC recipients.
email_alerts --configure
qsadmin@esc-vm-qssp1 > email_alerts --configure Please enter the SMTP Relay FQDN or IP address: Please enter the sender's email address: Please enter the sender's name: QS Admin Please enter the list of recipient email addresses: Please enter the list of email addresses to be CC'ed: Please enter the list of email addresses to be BCC'ed:
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