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NetVault 13.0.3 - Administration Guide for Managed Service Providers

Introduction Getting started Configuring clients Managing catalog search Configuring storage devices
About storage devices SAN considerations Quest DR Series systems Quest QoreStor NetVault SmartDisk EMC Data Domain Systems Snapshot Array Manager Virtual Tape Libraries Virtual standalone drives Shared Virtual Tape Libraries Physical tape devices Storage tiers
Backing up data Managing policies Restoring data Managing NetVault dashboard Managing jobs Monitoring logs Managing storage devices
Role-based access to manage storage devices Monitoring device activity Managing disk-based storage devices in list view Managing disk-based storage devices in tree view Managing the Snapshot Array Manager Managing tape libraries in list view Managing tape libraries in tree view Managing tape drives in list view Managing tape drives in tree view Adding shared devices
Managing storage media Managing user and group accounts Managing Tenant Monitoring events and configuring notifications Reporting in NetVault Working with client clusters Configuring default settings for NetVault
About configuring default settings Configuring encryption settings Configuring plug-in options Configuring default settings for post-scripts Configuring default settings for Verify Plug-in Configuring Deployment Manager Settings Configuring Job Manager settings Configuring Logging Daemon settings Configuring Media Manager settings Configuring Network Manager settings Configuring Process Manager settings Configuring RAS device settings Configuring Schedule Manager settings Configuring Web Service settings Configuring Auditor Daemon settings Configuring firewall settings Configuring general settings Configuring security settings Synchronizing NetVault Time Configuring the reporting utility Configuring NetVault WebUI default settings Configuring NetVault to use a specific VSS provider Configuring default settings using Txtconfig
Diagnostic tracing Managing diagnostic data Using the deviceconfig utility NetVault processes Environment variables Network ports used by NetVault Troubleshooting
Common errors Safe Mode in NetVault

Widget filter options

The following widget filter options are displayed when you click the filter icon on top of a widget. You can use one or more filters to display records that match the specified criteria.

Job Status

Client: Use this option to filter jobs for a particular client.

Plugin: Use this option to filter jobs performed using a particular plug-in.

Job Type: Use this option to filter jobs by job type. You can select backup or restore job types.

Group By: Use this option to group jobs by Day, Week, Month, Quarter, or Year.

Record limit: Use this option to set the number of records to display on a widget. By default 7 records are displayed.

Duration: Use this option to filter jobs that completed at a particular duration.

From: To filter jobs from a specific date and time, do the following:
To: To filter jobs up to a specific date and time, do the following:

Select Policies: Use this option to filter the policy jobs by their policy name.

Job Duration

Client: Use this option to filter jobs for a particular client.

Plugin: Use this option to filter jobs performed using a particular plug-in.

Policy: Use this option to filter the policy jobs by their policy name.

Job Type: Use this option to filter jobs by job type. You can select backup or restore job types.

Record limit: Use this option to set the number of records to display on a widget. By default 10 records are displayed.

Duration: Use this option to filter jobs that completed at a particular duration.

From: To filter jobs from a specific date and time, do the following:
To: To filter jobs up to a specific date and time, do the following:

Media Space Usage

Show space in: Use this option to show the media space in Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, or PB.

Record limit: Use this option to set the number of records to display on a widget. By default 40 records are displayed.

Select media groups: Use this option to filter the records on the basis of media group. By default, all media groups are selected.

Client Status

Client: Use this option to see the client status for a particular client. By default, all the clients are selected.

Unusable Media

Select reason: Use this option to set the reason for unusable media such as ASF, Bad, Foreign, Full, Offline, Other, Read Only, or Unusable. By default, all reasons are selected.

Record limit: Use this option to set the number of records to display on a widget. By default 100 records are displayed.

Select media groups: Use this option to filter the records on the basis of media group. By default, all media groups are selected.

Device Status

Device Type: Use this option to set the type of device as RAS Devices, Tape Drives, or Tape Libraries. By default, all the device types are selected.

Policy Status

Policy Status: Use this option to filter the policies by status as Complete, Failed, or Warning. By default, all statuses are selected.

Policy State: Use this option to filter the policies by state as Active, Dormant, Quiesced, or Quiescing. By default, all states are selected.

Event Stream

Select Interval: Use this option to filter the events by time interval as 5 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 Hr, 8 Hr, 12 Hr, or 24 Hr. By default, the time interval is set to 10 min.

Select Event Type: Use this option to filter the events by type as Error Only, Key Events, or All Events. By default, Error Only event type is selected.

Log Stream

Select Interval: Use this option to filter the logs by time interval as 5 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 Hr, 8 Hr, 12 Hr, or 24 Hr. By default, the time interval is set to 10 min.

Select Level: Use this option to filter the logs by level as Background, Error, Information, Job Messages, server, or Warnings. By default, all levels are selected.

Select Classes: Use this option to filter the logs by class as Database, devices, Jobs, Media, Plugins, Schedule, System, or UI. By default, all classes are selected.

Running Jobs

Client: Use this option to filter jobs for a particular client.

Plugin: Use this option to filter jobs performed using a particular plug-in.

Policy: Use this option to filter the policy jobs by the policy name.

Job Type: Use this option to filter jobs by job type. You can select backup or restore job types.

Record limit: Use this option to set the number of records to display on a widget. By

default 10 records are displayed.

Duration: Use this option to filter jobs that are completed at a particular duration.

From: To filter jobs from a specific date and time:
Type the start date, or click the button next to the box, and select the start date.
Type the start time, or click the button next to the box, and select the start time.
To: To filter jobs up to a specific date and time:
Type the end date, or click the button next to the box, and select the end date.
Type the end time, or click the button next to the box, and select the end time.

Managing jobs

About Managing jobs

You can view and perform general job related actions and view the overall progress and status of the jobs. MSP administrator, Tenant administrator, and Tenant users can perform all job related actions. NetVault for MSP allows users to work in the respective scope. All these users can monitor the progress and control their tasks which are owned by the them.

Job activity capabilities


Different roles come with different rights and restrictions for view the job activity of other roles. The following lists describe the job activity capabilities for each role.

MSP administrator:

Tenant administrator:

Tenant user:

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