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NetVault Plug-in for VMware 12.2 - User Guide

Introducing NetVault Backup Plug-in for VMware Installing the plug-in Configuring the plug-in Defining a backup strategy Using the image-level backup method Using the file-level backup method Restoring image-level backups Restoring file-level backups Troubleshooting

Restoring file-level backups using shared network drives

The procedure for restoring file-level backups to a shared folder on the virtual machine includes the steps outlined in the following sections:

Setting up a network share

To create a network share between the NetVault Backup Client and the target virtual machine, use the following procedure.

On the NetVault Backup Selections page, open the NetVault Backup Client on which the plug-in is installed, and then open File System.
Click Network Shares, and select Add Network Share from the context menu.
In the Add New Network Share dialog box, specify file path for the shared drive in the following format:
\\<IP Address or Resolvable Network Name>\<Share Name>\
Click Add to add the network share and close the dialog box.
Click Network Shares, and select Connect As from the context menu.
In the Connection Details dialog box, provide the following information:
Domain: Type the Windows Domain name for the system that contains the shared folders.
Username: Type a Domain Administrator user name. The network share backups must be performed using a Domain Administrator account to fully retrieve the file and directory permissions during a restore. A user belonging to the Administrators Group does not have the Domain Administrator privileges.
Password: Type the password for the user account.

Restoring data

To restore file-level backups, use the following procedure.

On the Create Restore Job — Choose Saveset page, the saveset table provides a list of available savesets. The table shows the saveset name (Job Title and Saveset ID), creation date and time, saveset size, and saveset status.
When you select a saveset, the following details are displayed in the Saveset Information area: Job ID, job title, tag, server name, client name, plug-in name, saveset date and time, retirement setting, Incremental Backup or not, archive or not, and saveset size.
On the Create Selection Set page, select the files and directories that you want to restore.
In the Relocate box, type the network share path.
NOTE: If you do not perform Step 5 and Step 6, the data is restored to the NetVault Backup Client and not to the shared folder on the virtual machine.
Click Edit Plugin Options, and configure the following settings:
To save the settings, click Save, and then click Next.
In Job Name, specify a name for the job.
In the Target Client list, verify that the client from which data was backed up is selected.
For more information about these sets, see the Quest NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide.
You can monitor the job progress from the Job Status page and view the logs from the View Logs page. For more information about these functions, see the Quest NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide.

Restoring file-level backups using the native Plug-in for FileSystem

The procedure for restoring the file-level backups using the native Plug-in for FileSystem includes the steps outlined in the following steps:

Verwandte Dokumente
NetVault Plug-in for VMware - 12.2
Release Notes
User Guide
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