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NetVault Plug-in for RHV 13.0 - Release Notes

Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug-in for Red Hat Virtualization 13.0

Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug‑in for Red Hat Virtualization 13.0
These release notes provide information about the Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug‑in for Red Hat Virtualization release.

About this release

Quest NetVault (NetVault) NetVault Plug‑in for Red Hat Virtualization (NetVault Plug‑in for Red Hat Virtualization) 13.0 is a new product. For complete product documentation, visit

System requirements

Before installing NetVault Plug‑in for Red Hat Virtualization, ensure that your system meets the requirements outlined in the following table and in the Quest NetVault Compatibility Guide available at

Upgrade and compatibility

NetVault Plug‑in for Red Hat Virtualization 13.0 requires NetVault 13.0 or later. For complete supported-platform information, see the Quest NetVault Compatibility Guide.

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NetVault Plug-in for RHV - 13.0
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