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NetVault Plug-in for NDMP 10.0.5 - Application Notes for EMC NAS

Installation and configuration prerequisites

Installation prerequisites

In addition to the installation prerequisites covered in the Dell NetVault Backup Plug-in for NDMP User’s Guide, verify that the following requirements are met:
Hardware requirements: For information about Hitachi NAS (HNAS) Servers, see the Hitachi Data Systems website at:
Software requirements: For information about software requirements and supported filer operating systems, see the Dell NetVault Backup Compatibility Guide available at:
Install NDMP license: On the EMC Celerra or VNX Storage System, install the NDMP license.

Configuration prerequisites

In addition to the configuration prerequisites covered in the Dell NetVault Backup Plug-in for NDMP User’s Guide, verify that the following requirements are met:
Disable Removable Storage Manager (RSM) Service on Windows: On Windows-based operating systems, stop and disable the RSM Service.
Disable SCSI RESERVE/RELEASE on Linux and UNIX: For instructions, consult the relevant Operating System Guide.
Configure the Preferred Network Address setting: In the Remote Backup model, configure the Preferred Network Address setting if the NetVault Backup machine to which the device is attached uses multiple network addresses. For more information about this setting, see the Dell NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide.
Create a user account: On the EMC system, create a user named ndmp. For more information, see the EMC documentation. Use this user account to add the NDMP Client. EMC systems do not support any other user for NDMP backups and restores.
Specify a single IP address: EMC Storage Platform only supports a single IP address. You cannot specify multiple IP addresses when adding the NDMP Client.
Configure “param” settings: On filers running DART ver. 5.4 and ver. 5.5, configure the following settings:
Enable SnapSure™: To use the SnapSure feature with the Plug‑in for NDMP, enable the SnapSure functionality on the EMC system. SnapSure creates read-only, point-in-time logical views of a file system. This feature is only supported on DARTOS/ VNX File OE 5.5 and later versions. For more information, see the relevant EMC documentation for details.

Backing up data

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