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erwin Data Transformation 9.2.3 - User Guide

erwin Data Transformation v9.2.3_User Guide
Getting Started Adapters Configuration Configurations Administrator Tools Running DT on Event Running DT from Cloud Platform Log Viewer Utilities Users, Roles and Security Troubleshooting Information Examples of Workflow Configurations

Model Configuration

Model Configuration

If logged to a CE Repository, this window can add, delete or modify a model configuration. A model configuration is a group of parameters that:

Allows DT to connect to models in CE repository

Allows the user to configure preferences (publication sets, export folder, etc.)

In order to prevent inconsistency that may arise if two or more configurations address the same data, one model can be associated to only one configuration.

The first step is to select a configuration from the pick list, or add a new one by clicking the  button.

Selecting an existing configuration fills all fields in the form  automatically.

On pressing the “Add” button, the user is required to set the configuration name, to select a model name and an export folder, which will be also the working folder for automatically created adapters to import/export data from workspace.

In particular, the user should select model name and preferences in the section “Model parameters”. All fields are mandatory.

In detail, the following parameters have to be defined:

Model name – select the name of the model you want to work with.

Configuration Folder – browse to a path where you wish the model backups and exports to be saved


At the left side of model configuration window, is a list of the existing workflows created to manage information flows in and out of that model. In particular, you can see the name, the activation status and ID of each (useful for troubleshooting purposes, see later).


You can change “Active/Not Active” status of the single workflow by double-clicking on status cell, and then simultaneously saving the current set with the button.

To save the Model Configuration use the  button  .

Pressing the  button clears all fields on this form.

To delete an existing configuration just select it from the configurations list and press the  button. The configuration will be removed from the list.

If a configuration is deleted, all the adapters, jobs and workflows associated to the configuration will be deleted.

The  button closes the window.

Workspace Configuration

Workspace Configuration

If logged in to EA Agile or EA Agile V3, this window is to add, delete or modify a workspace configuration. A workspace configuration, in a similar way to CM model configuration, from the tool perspective, is a group of parameters that:

Allows DT to connect to an EA Agile workspace

Allows the user to configure preferences for export folder

In order to prevent inconsistency that can arise if two or more configurations address the same data, one workspace can be associated to only one configuration.

The first step is to select a configuration from the pick list, or add a new one by clicking the  button.

Selecting an existing configuration fills in all fields on the form automatically.

On pressing the “Add” button, the user is required to set the configuration name, to select a workspace name and the export folder, which will be also the working folder for automatically created adapters to import/export data from workspace.

In particular, the user should select model name and preferences in the section “Model parameters”. All fields are mandatory.

In detail, the following parameters have to be defined:

Workspace name – select the name of the workspace you want to work with.

Configuration Folder – browse to a path where you wish the exports to be saved


At the left side of model configuration window, is a list of the existing workflows created to manage information flows in and out of that model. In particular, you can see the name, the activation status and ID of each (useful for troubleshooting purposes, see later).


You can change “Active/Not Active” status of the single workflow by double-clicking on status cell, and then simultaneously saving the current set with the button.

To save all the Model Configuration use the  button.

Pressing the  button clears all fields on this form.

To delete an existing configuration just select it from the configurations list and press the  button. The configuration will be removed from the list.


If a configuration is deleted, all the adapters, jobs and workflows associated to the configuration will be deleted.

 The  button closes the window.

Workflow Configuration

Workflow Configuration

This window goes through the configuration and management of the Workflow. For each CW model, for which a configuration has been set up (See Configurations), the user can define more than one workflow.

Each workflow is described through three main sections:

-Data Source, containing information for getting the input data.

-Transformation, containing activities to be applied to transform the input data.

-Operation, which details the target of the workflow, i.e. where to send the output data

Configuring a workflow means:

1.Providing general information, like name, descriptions and “active” status

2.Choosing applicable data sources, and providing normalization parameters (like name of the sheet for Excel files, or the object type to extract for an EA/EA Agile Adapter)

3.Optional data transformation – filters on source data and other needed data manipulations settings

4.Operation and target – what system/human resource is the target for the desired operation

5.Test and save the workflow: workflow is ready to be tested (whatever the setting for “Active” checkbox is)  and saved for further scheduled executions (if set in “Active” mode)

First of all the user is required to select a model/workspace configuration in the Configuration drop-down list.

In the “Workflow” drop down list are displayed all the existing workflows for that model configuration.

To create a new Workflow, press the  button. This pops up a new window with two options:

Create the new Workflow from blank settings (option “New – from blank settings”), or

Copy it from an existing Workflow, that the user can choose from the displayed drop-down list (option “New – copy from”).

When the user presses the “Add” button  the workflow name and description are set and then the three sections of a workflow are defined.

Data Source

Data Source

To define the source of a Workflow follow the steps in the section “External Data Source Definition”:

Select ADD button

Select the external data source type 

According to the type of the data source, the External Data Source Definition section shows the requested data normalization parameters as described below.

User may also create File Adapter, DB Adapter and Web Service Adapter using the <Create New> item in the available adapters list, and pressing “Apply” button.

 File Adapter

Select the name of the File Adapter from the drop-down list, Name (as mentioned in “File Adapter Configuration” only “GET” File Adapters will appear in the list).

If the type of file is “CSV it’s necessary to complete the following information:
- Header (yes/no)
- Separator (between columns)

If the type of file is “Sheet” it’s necessary to complete the following information:
- Header (yes/no)
- 1° column
- 1° row
- Sheet name

If the type of file is “XML” it’s necessary to complete the following:
- XSL Parser         
This parser can be selected in a list containing all “non CC compliant” custom transformations, previously defined in “XSLT Library”. Any XSLT parser developed to manage XML data has to provide a CSV structure, with a “semicolon” as a separator.

If the type of file is “Project” it’s necessary to complete the following:
- Project Information (TASK, RESOURCE)         
This allows the user to extract information from the project file, related to the work breakdown structure, task start and end dates, task duration, task cost; or the resource assignments in task, with earned value information, budget and actual cost and work.

If the type of file is “DM” it’s necessary to complete the following:
This allows the user to extract information from DM export file, about Entities, their attributes and Primary Key/Foreign Key roles and Relationships:

oClick the “Apply” button to save the data source

oA preview of the source fields will be shown

DB Adapter

Select the name of the DB Adapter from the drop-down list, Name (only DB Query and Stored Procedure Adapters will appear in the list)

Click the “Apply” button to save the data source

A preview of the source fields will be shown

WS Adapter

Select the name of the Web Services Adapter from the drop-down list

Select XSL Parser for source normalization from the list. This parser can be chosen in a list containing all “non CC compliant” custom transformations previously defined in “XSLT Library”; in particular, any XSLT parser developed to manage outside XML data has to provide a CSV structure, with “semicolon” as separator, to be effective in this step.

Click on the “Apply” button to save the data source

A preview of the source fields will be shown

EA Adapter (formerly CM Adapter)

When creating a model configuration, adapters to import / export data from model are automatically created (the working folder is the one set as “Export folder”):

Select the name of the EA Adapter from the drop-down list Name (only the “EA Adapters for import” will be shown in the list)

Select the object type from the drop-down list “Select Object Type”

Click on the “Apply” button to save the data source

A preview of the source fields will be shown

It’s also possible to choose which Properties/Associations extract through an EA Adapter for the selected object type. The “Source Filters” button allow user to pick only the desired information from a model, while default operation includes all of them.

When selecting an intersection object type, the list of exportable fields includes not only the ones defined for the intersection object itself, but the ones defined for associated objects. This way, it’s easy to have with a single data source a combined set of source object and target object of the association:


EA Agile Adapter

When creating a workspace configuration, adapters to import / export data from workspace are automatically created (the working folder is the one set as “Export folder”):

Select the name of the EA Agile Adapter from the drop-down list Name (only the “EA Agile Adapters for export” will be shown in the list)

Select the object type from the drop-down list “Select Object Type”

Click the “Apply” button to save the data source

A preview of the source fields will be shown

It’s also possible to choose which Properties/Associations

extract through an EA Agile Adapter for the selected object type. The “Source Filters” button allow user to pick only the desired information, while default operation includes all of them.

EA Agile V3 Adapter

When creating a workspace configuration for EA Agile V3, adapters to import / export data from the platform are automatically created (the working folder is the one set as “Export folder”):

Select the name of the EA Agile V3 Adapter from the drop-down list Name (only the “EA Agile V3 Adapters for export” will be shown in the list)

Select the object type from the drop-down list “Select Object Type”

Click the “Apply” button to save the data source

A preview of the source fields will be shown


It’s also possible to choose which Properties/Associations

extract through a EA Agile V3 Adapter for the selected object type. The “Source Filters” button allow user to pick only the desired information, while default operation includes all of them.

It is also possible to optionally select a “Container type” for the selected; for an object type that contains either an object of the same type or the selected object type as a terminal node, the hierarchy of the source object type will be resolved in generated fields. This cannot be combined reliably with the source filters.

Regardless of the data source type, it is possible to insert more than one data source in the same workflow of the same type or of different types); each data source is then marked with a sequence number.

In this case you have a “multi source” workflow, and a specific “multisource job” is created to be scheduled and produce all the different data sets involved at the same time (thus ensuring the time consistency of the whole set of related information).  The data sources defined in a workflow will be displayed in the section Source Definition in the left upper area of the Workflow window:

It’s possible to select one of these data sources to modify it. Please be careful, as when a user modifies the source of a workflow, all fields will be deleted for the transformation and mapping rules, where they are not required by the new source definition.

Please be careful, as when a user modifies the source of a workflow, all fields will be deleted for the transformation and mapping rules, where they are not required by the new source definition.


The  button deletes the selected source from the workflow; the  button clears all the settings for the selected source.

Note that changing the source will result in a transformation and mappings reset unless the new source provides exactly the same source columns as the previous.



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