Adding a NetVault SmartDisk repository
The following process describes how to add a Quest NetVault SmartDisk repository.
To add a NetVault SmartDisk repository:
2 In the Add NVSD Repository dialog box, complete the following fields:
▪ Repository Name: Enter a descriptive name for the repository.
▪ Description: [Optional] Enter a long-form description for the repository.
▪ DNS Name or IP: Enter the IP or FQDN for the NetVault SmartDisk server.
▪ User name and Password: Enter the credentials for the account that vRanger should use to connect to the repository.
NOTE: If you have enabled WebDav authentication on your NetVault SmartDisk server, use those credentials here. If you have not enabled WebDav authentication, no credentials are required. For more information, see the Quest NetVault SmartDisk Administrator’s Guide.
▪ Target Directory: This value is a logical identifier for the repository on the NetVault SmartDisk Instance, rather than a specific directory on the NetVault SmartDisk server. If you have previously created one or more repositories on the target NetVault SmartDisk Instance, the existing target directories are available in a drop-down menu.To create a repository, enter a name for your repository.
▪ Port: Enter the port that vRanger should use to connect to the NetVault SmartDisk server — the default is 37453.
▪ Timeout: Enter a value that determines how long to wait before terminating an idle connection.
3 Click OK.The connection to the repository is tested and the repository is added to the My Repositories pane and the Repository Information dialog box.
▪ Import as Read-Only: To import all savepoint data into the vRanger database, but only for restores, click this button. You cannot back up data to this repository.
▪ Import: To import all savepoint data into the vRanger database, click this button. vRanger is able to use the repository for backups and restores. vRanger requires read and write access to the directory.
▪ Overwrite: To retain the savepoint data on the disk and not import it into vRanger, click this button. vRanger ignores the existence of the existing savepoint data and treats the repository as new.
Removing a NetVault SmartDisk repository
To remove a NetVault SmartDisk repository:
1The Remove Repository dialog box appears, showing the savepoints in the selected repository.
When removing a repository, you have the option of keeping the savepoints on disk or deleting them.
2 To remove the savepoints, select Delete all savepoints in this repository.
Checking the NetVault SmartDisk repository
Use the vRanger My Repositories pane to view information about the NetVault SmartDisk repositories that you have configured. Of particular importance is the amount of remaining free space and the deduplication ratio for that repository.
Installing NetVault SmartDisk
Installing NetVault SmartDisk: an overview
Installing NetVault SmartDisk involves the following main steps:
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