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Foglight 5.9.1 - Installing Foglight on Windows with an Embedded PostgreSQL Database

Before Installing Foglight Installing Foglight
Preparing to install Installing a new version of the Management Server Installed directories Foglight settings Uninstalling Foglight Upgrading the Management Server
Running the Management Server Installing and Upgrading Cartridges Installing Agents Appendix: Switching from an Embedded to an External Database

Importing a network security certificate

In order to set up the Foglight Management Server to use HTTPS, you must generate a key pair (security certificate) into the Foglight keystore. This security certificate allows the server to communicate through the HTTPS protocol. Delete the existing certificate shipped with Foglight before generating a new key pair. Use the keytool utility shipped with Foglight to create, import, and export certificates. This utility can be found at:


There are two keystores that Foglight uses:

The built-in Tomcat™ keystore located at:
<foglight_home>\config\tomcat.keystore (default password: nitrogen)
The Management Server keystore located at:
<foglight_home>\jre\lib\security\cacerts (default password: changeit)
Back up the existing tomcat key using the following command:
cd <foglight_home>\config
cp tomcat.keystore <your_backup_key>
Delete the existing tomcat key from the tomcat.keystore directory using the following command:
<foglight_home>\jre\bin\keytool -keystore tomcat.keystore -storepass nitrogen -alias tomcat -delete
Create a new key under the tomcat alias using the following command:
<foglight_home>\jre\bin\keytool -keystore tomcat.keystore -storepass nitrogen -genkeypair -alias tomcat -validity <number of days> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -dname "CN=<your_fmsserver_dns_name>, OU=<your_organizational unit_name>, O=<your_organization_name>, L=<your_city_name>, ST=<your_state_name>, C=<your_two-letter_country_code>" -ext SAN=dns:<your_fmsserver_dns_name>,ip:<your_fmsserver_ip>
<foglight_home>\jre\bin\keytool -keystore tomcat.keystore -storepass nitrogen -alias tomcat -validity <number of days> -certreq -ext san=dns:<your_fmsserver_dns_name>,ip:<your_fmsserver_ip> -file <your_request_file.csr>
Once you have the certificate signed, import it back to the tomcat.keystore using the following command:
<foglight_home>\jre\bin\keytool -keystore tomcat.keystore -storepass nitrogen -alias tomcat -validity <number of days> -trustcacerts -import -file <your_converted_cerificate>
You will get a prompted message similar to the following:... is not trusted. Install reply anyway? [no]:
Type yes to install the new certificate.

Setting the length of Foglight sessions

You can configure the length of inactive Foglight browser interface sessions by changing the value of the parameter server.console.session.timeout. This parameter controls the length of time that Foglight waits before automatically logging you out of an idle browser interface session.

Stop the Management Server.Open the file <foglight_home>\config\server.config on the Management Server machine. Set the parameter server.console.session.timeout to the desired value in minutes.
The default value is 60 minutes. If you set the value to less than or equal to 0, or greater than 30000000, Foglight never logs you out of the browser interface, regardless of how long the session has been inactive.
Save the server.config file.

Uninstalling Foglight

You can uninstall Foglight using the uninstaller utility for your platform. The uninstaller can be found in <foglight_home>\UninstallerData.

The default mode for the uninstaller is the graphical user interface (GUI) mode. However, in cases where a graphics display is not available, the Foglight installer can be run from the command line by using the silent uninstaller.

Navigate to the UninstallerData directory of your Foglight installation and run the Uninstall Foglight executable.
To launch the uninstaller in silent mode, run the Uninstall Foglight executable using the following command:
”Uninstall Foglight.exe” -i silent -f
After uninstallation, you can safely delete the <foglight_home> directory. It is recommended that you do so, since the uninstaller does not remove certain directories within <foglight_home>.

Upgrading the Management Server

See the Upgrade Guide for detailed upgrade instructions.


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