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Secure Copy 7.6.3 - User Guide

Using Secure Copy Setting copy options Running copy jobs Using the command line Managing licenses Running Update Utilities Troubleshooting PowerShell cmdlets

Filtering log file contents

You can filter the results by the values in the Level, Status, and Type columns, and you can group the results by the values in the Level, Logger, and Status columns.

Exporting logs

You can export a log to a .CSV or .XML file.

Click Logs and Reports.
Click Browse to name the file and to choose a destination for the file.
Click Save.

Deleting logs

Before you delete a log, you may want to export it to a file. See Exporting logs.

Click Logs and Reports.
Click Yes to delete the log file.

Running reports

You can run reports about the selected copy job.

Click Logs and Reports.
Select a log file from the Logs and Reports pane.
Open the Reports tab and select a report.

NOTE: For those reports that can be sorted by Message or Source, select the desired option before running the report.
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