Videorental Model
Oracle 10g database/* Created: 15.3.2007 Modified: 6.12.2013 Project: Videorental Project Model: Videorental Company: Quest Software Inc. Author: Jan Novak Database: Oracle 10g */ -- Create user data types section ------------------------------------------------- CREATE TYPE SCOTT.Phone_List_TypeAS VARRAY(5) OF VARCHAR2(25)/ CREATE TYPE SCOTT.Cust_Address_TypeAS OBJECT ( street_address VARCHAR2(40) , postal_codeVARCHAR2(10) , cityVARCHAR2(30) , state_province VARCHAR2(10) , country_idCHAR(2) , phonePhone_List_Type )/ CREATE TYPE SCOTT.Price_TypeAS OBJECT (price NUMBER(10,2), MEMBER FUNCTION total_price_VAT (vat number) RETURN NUMBER)/ CREATE TYPE BODY SCOTT.Price_TypeISMEMBER FUNCTION total_price_VAT (vat NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER ISBEGINRETURN (price*((vat+100)/100)); END; END;/ -- Create sequences section ------------------------------------------------- CREATE SEQUENCE SCOTT.SeqExemplarINCREMENT BY 1START WITH 1NOMAXVALUENOMINVALUENOCACHE/ -- Create tables section ------------------------------------------------- -- Table SCOTT.T_CUSTOMERCREATE TABLE SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER( customer_id Integer NOT NULL, name Varchar2(20 CHAR), address SCOTT.Cust_Address_Type )/ -- Create indexes for table SCOTT.T_CUSTOMERCREATE INDEX i_name ON SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER (name)/ -- Add keys for table SCOTT.T_CUSTOMERALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER ADD CONSTRAINT pk_T_CUSTOMER PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)/ -- Table and Columns comments sectionCOMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Name column can contain First and Middle name. Surname must be in different column.'/ -- Table SCOTT.T_GENRECREATE TABLE SCOTT.T_GENRE( genre_id Integer NOT NULL, name Varchar2(20 CHAR) )/ -- Add keys for table SCOTT.T_GENREALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_GENRE ADD CONSTRAINT pk_T_GENRE PRIMARY KEY (genre_id)/ -- Table SCOTT.T_MEDIUMCREATE TABLE SCOTT.T_MEDIUM( medium_id Integer NOT NULL, medium_type Varchar2(20 BYTE) )/ -- Add keys for table SCOTT.T_MEDIUMALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_MEDIUM ADD CONSTRAINT pk_T_MEDIUM PRIMARY KEY (medium_id)/ -- Table SCOTT.T_EXEMPLARCREATE TABLE SCOTT.T_EXEMPLAR( exemplar_id Integer NOT NULL, film_id Integer NOT NULL, medium_id Integer NOT NULL, price_per_day Integer )/ -- Add keys for table SCOTT.T_EXEMPLARALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_EXEMPLAR ADD CONSTRAINT pk_T_EXEMPLAR PRIMARY KEY (exemplar_id)/ ALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_EXEMPLAR ADD CONSTRAINT ak_exemplar_ppd UNIQUE (exemplar_id,price_per_day)/ -- Table SCOTT.T_FILMCREATE TABLE SCOTT.T_FILM( film_id Integer NOT NULL, title Varchar2(50 CHAR) NOT NULL, director Varchar2(30 CHAR) NOT NULL, production_company Varchar2(50 CHAR), genre_id Integer NOT NULL, min_age Integer, film_ID_episodes Integer )/ -- Add keys for table SCOTT.T_FILMALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_FILM ADD CONSTRAINT pk_T_FILM PRIMARY KEY (film_id)/ ALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_FILM ADD CONSTRAINT ak_title_director UNIQUE (title,director)/ -- Table and Columns comments sectionCOMMENT ON COLUMN SCOTT.T_FILM.production_company IS 'Company name must contain also information about company type - LTD, Inc. and so on.'/ -- Table SCOTT.T_BORROWINGCREATE TABLE SCOTT.T_BORROWING( exemplar_id Integer NOT NULL, customer_id Integer NOT NULL, start_date Date DEFAULT sysdate, end_date Date, total_price SCOTT.Price_Type, VAT Number(4,2) DEFAULT 19, CONSTRAINT check_end_after_start CHECK ((end_date>start_date) or (end_date is null)) )/ -- Add keys for table SCOTT.T_BORROWINGALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_BORROWING ADD CONSTRAINT pk_T_BORROWING PRIMARY KEY (exemplar_id)/ -- Create triggers for table SCOTT.T_BORROWINGCREATE TRIGGER SCOTT.tri_BORROWINGBEFORE INSERTON SCOTT.T_BORROWINGFOR EACH ROWdeclare price number(10,2); beginselect price_per_dayinto pricefrom T_EXEMPLARwhere T_EXEMPLAR.exemplar_id = :new.exemplar_id; :new.total_price := Price_Type((:new.end_date-:new.start_date)*price); end;/ CREATE TRIGGER SCOTT.tru_BORROWINGBEFORE UPDATEON SCOTT.T_BORROWINGFOR EACH ROWdeclareprice number(10,2); total_price_old number(10,2); end_d date; start_d date; beginselect e.price_per_dayinto pricefrom T_EXEMPLAR ewhere e.exemplar_id = :new.exemplar_id; total_price_old := :new.total_price.price; end_d := :new.end_date; start_d := :new.start_date; if (total_price_old is null) thentotal_price_old := 0; end if; if ((end_d-start_d)*price != total_price_old) then :new.total_price := Price_Type((end_d-start_d)*price); end if; end;/ -- Table and Columns comments sectionCOMMENT ON TABLE SCOTT.T_BORROWING IS 'Borrowed items'/ -- Table SCOTT.T_ORDER_RECORDCREATE TABLE SCOTT.T_ORDER_RECORD( customer_id Integer NOT NULL, film_id Integer NOT NULL, order_date Date )/ -- Add keys for table SCOTT.T_ORDER_RECORDALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_ORDER_RECORD ADD CONSTRAINT pk_T_ORDER_RECORD PRIMARY KEY (customer_id,film_id)/ -- Table and Columns comments sectionCOMMENT ON TABLE SCOTT.T_ORDER_RECORD IS 'All records are stored in list of records. It will be possible to book a movie.'/ -- Table SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER_RATINGCREATE TABLE SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER_RATING( title Varchar2(50 CHAR) NOT NULL, director Varchar2(30 CHAR) NOT NULL, rating Integer DEFAULT 3CONSTRAINT check_rating CHECK (rating > 0) )/ -- Add keys for table SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER_RATINGALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER_RATING ADD CONSTRAINT pk_T_CUSTOMER_RATING PRIMARY KEY (title,director)/ -- Table and Columns comments sectionCOMMENT ON TABLE SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER_RATING IS 'Movie ratings (by customers)'/ -- Create procedures section ------------------------------------------------- CREATE PROCEDURE SCOTT.p_Customer_Has_Num_Film(cid IN integer, num OUT integer) ASBEGINSELECT count(*) INTO numFROM T_CUSTOMER c, T_BORROWING b, T_EXEMPLAR e, T_FILM fWHERE c.customer_id=cidand c.customer_id=b.customer_idand b.exemplar_id=e.exemplar_idand e.film_id=f.film_id; END;/ -- Create views section ------------------------------------------------- CREATE VIEW SCOTT.v_Customer_Has_Film ASSELECT DISTINCT, AS city, f.title, f.directorFROM SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER c, SCOTT.T_BORROWING b, SCOTT.T_EXEMPLAR e, SCOTT.T_FILM fWHERE c.customer_id=b.customer_idand b.exemplar_id=e.exemplar_idand e.film_id=f.film_id/ -- Create functions section ------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION SCOTT.f_Customer_Has_Num_Film(cid IN integer) RETURN integerISsol integer; BEGINp_Customer_Has_Num_Film(cid,sol); RETURN (sol); END;/ -- Trigger for sequence SCOTT.SeqExemplar for column exemplar_id in table SCOTT.T_EXEMPLAR --------- CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER SCOTT.ts_T_EXEMPLAR_SeqExemplar BEFORE INSERTON SCOTT.T_EXEMPLAR FOR EACH ROWBEGINSELECT SCOTT.SeqExemplar.nextval INTO :new.exemplar_id FROM DUAL; END;/ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER SCOTT.tsu_T_EXEMPLAR_SeqExemplar AFTER UPDATE OF exemplar_idON SCOTT.T_EXEMPLAR FOR EACH ROWBEGINRAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20010,'Cannot update column exemplar_id in table SCOTT.T_EXEMPLAR as it uses sequence.'); END;/ -- Create relationships section ------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_BORROWING ADD CONSTRAINT makes FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER (customer_id)/ ALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_BORROWING ADD CONSTRAINT is_related_to FOREIGN KEY (exemplar_id) REFERENCES SCOTT.T_EXEMPLAR (exemplar_id)/ ALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_ORDER_RECORD ADD CONSTRAINT places FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER (customer_id)/ ALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_EXEMPLAR ADD CONSTRAINT is_available_on FOREIGN KEY (medium_id) REFERENCES SCOTT.T_MEDIUM (medium_id)/ ALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_ORDER_RECORD ADD CONSTRAINT is_required_by FOREIGN KEY (film_id) REFERENCES SCOTT.T_FILM (film_id)/ ALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_FILM ADD CONSTRAINT is_of FOREIGN KEY (genre_id) REFERENCES SCOTT.T_GENRE (genre_id)/ ALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_EXEMPLAR ADD CONSTRAINT has FOREIGN KEY (film_id) REFERENCES SCOTT.T_FILM (film_id)/ ALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_CUSTOMER_RATING ADD CONSTRAINT is_rated FOREIGN KEY (title, director) REFERENCES SCOTT.T_FILM (title, director)/ ALTER TABLE SCOTT.T_FILM ADD CONSTRAINT has_more_episodes FOREIGN KEY (film_ID_episodes) REFERENCES SCOTT.T_FILM (film_id)/ -- Grant permissions section ------------------------------------------------- insert into T_GENRE values (1,'crime')/ insert into T_GENRE values (2,'western')/ insert into T_GENRE values (3,'drama')/ insert into T_GENRE values (4,'biography')/ insert into T_GENRE values (5,'comedy')/ insert into T_MEDIUM values (1,'CD - DivX')/ insert into T_MEDIUM values (2,'CD - VideoCD')/ insert into T_MEDIUM values (3,'DVD')/ insert into T_MEDIUM values (4,'Videotape')/ insert into T_FILM values (1,'The Shawshank Redemption','Frank Darabont','Castle Rock Entertainment',1,15, null)/ insert into T_FILM values (2,'The Godfather','Francis Ford Coppola','Paramount Pictures',1,15,null)/ insert into T_FILM values (3,'The Godfather: Part II','Francis Ford Coppola','Paramount Pictures',1,15,2)/ insert into T_FILM values (4,'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly','Sergio Leone','PEA',2,15,null)/ insert into T_FILM values (5,'Pulp Fiction','Quentin Tarantino','Miramax Films',1,18,null)/ insert into T_FILM values (6,'12 Angry Men','Sidney Lumet','Orion-Nova Productions',3,15,null)/ insert into T_FILM values (7,'Schindler''s List','Steven Spielberg','Universal Pictures',4,15,null)/ insert into T_FILM values (8,'One Flew Over the Cuckoo''s Nest','Milos Forman','Fantasy Films',3,15,null)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (1,1,3,3)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (2,1,3,3)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (3,1,3,3)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (4,1,4,2)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (5,1,4,2)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (6,2,3,3)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (7,2,4,2)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (8,3,3,3)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (9,4,4,2)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (10,5,3,3)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (11,6,4,2)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (12,6,4,2)/ insert into T_EXEMPLAR values (13,7,4,2)/ insert into T_CUSTOMER values (1,'Audrey',Cust_Address_Type('92A Campton Avenue','60021','Fox River Grove',null,'us',null))/ insert into T_CUSTOMER values (2,'Simon',Cust_Address_Type('12 Hillpeak Street','60006','Arlington Heights',null,'ca',null))/ insert into T_CUSTOMER values (3,'Dave',Cust_Address_Type('31D South Avenue','60001','Alden',null,'us',Phone_List_Type('541 123 456')))/ insert into T_CUSTOMER values (4,'Chris',Cust_Address_Type('5 Quiet Street','60061','Vernon Hills',null,'us',Phone_List_Type('541 123 456','596 815 641')))/ insert into T_CUSTOMER values (5,'Elen',Cust_Address_Type('47 My Avenue','60083','Beach Park','Illinois','us',null))/ insert into T_BORROWING (exemplar_id,customer_id,start_date,end_date) values (11,1,to_date('01-01-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'),to_date('03-01-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'))/ insert into T_BORROWING (exemplar_id,customer_id,start_date,end_date) values (12,2,to_date('02-01-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'),to_date('10-01-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'))/ insert into T_BORROWING (exemplar_id,customer_id,start_date) values (1,2,to_date('06-01-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'))/ insert into T_BORROWING (exemplar_id,customer_id,start_date) values (6,4,to_date('07-01-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'))/ insert into T_BORROWING (exemplar_id,customer_id,start_date) values (7,3,to_date('07-01-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'))/ insert into T_BORROWING (exemplar_id,customer_id) values (9,3)/ insert into T_ORDER_RECORD values (1,2,to_date('01-01-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'))/ insert into T_ORDER_RECORD values (1,1,to_date('01-01-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'))/ insert into T_ORDER_RECORD values (2,2,to_date('03-01-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'))/ insert into T_ORDER_RECORD values (3,3,to_date('06-01-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'))/