To display this view, enable the CAS AB Load Group in the Client Access Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Client Access views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
NSPI Connections Current. This graph charts the number of NSPI clients currently connected to the server. It provides a comparison against the computed average for the specified time interval. | |||||||
Connections and Requests/sec. This graph charts the following metrics over the specified time interval:
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To display this view, enable the CAS AB Service Group in the Client Access Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Client Access views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
Average Latency. This graph charts the following metrics over the specified time interval:
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To display this view, enable the CAS ActiveSync Group in the Client Access Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Client Access views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
Average Request Time. This graph charts the average time that elapsed while waiting for a request to complete. It provides a comparison against the computed average for the specified time interval. | |||||
Requests Queued. This graph charts the number of HTTP requests that were received from the client via ASP.Net® per second. It provides a comparison against the computed average for the specified time interval. | |||||
Pending Ping and Sync Commands. This graph charts the following metrics over the specified time interval:
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To display this view, enable the CAS Control Panel Load Group in the Client Access Detail section of the Metrics Management dashboard. When this collection group is enabled, this view is added to the Client Access views on the Roles navigation tab in the Exchange Explorer dashboard.
ASP.NET Requests Failures/sec. This counter shows the number of failures detected per second by ASP.Net® in the Exchange Control Panel. | |||||||
RBAC Sessions/sec. This counter shows the number of RBAC sessions that are loaded per second in the Exchange Control Panel. | |||||||
Requests Activations/sec. This counter shows the number of requests that are activated per second in the Exchange Control Panel. | |||||||
Requests Average Response Time. This counter shows the average time that the Exchange Control Panel took to respond to a request during the sampling period. | |||||||
Outbound Proxy Requests Average Response Time. This graph charts the average time that requests sent to a secondary Client Access server took to complete during the sampling period. | |||||||
Proxy Requests/sec. This graph charts the following metrics over the specified time interval:
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Proxy Sessions/sec. This graph charts the following metrics over the specified time interval:
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Explicit Sign On Requests/sec. This graph charts the following metrics over the specified time interval:
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Explicit Sign On Sessions/sec. This graph charts the following metrics over the specified time interval:
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PowerShell Runspaces Average Active Time. This graph charts the average time that a Windows® PowerShell runspace stays active while executing cmdlets in the Exchange Control Panel during the sampling period. It provides a comparison against the computed average for the specified time interval. | |||||||
PowerShell Runspaces/sec. This graph charts the following metrics over the specified time interval:
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