Table 3. Installation known issues If the Quest vRanger Service is installed with a user other than the currently logged in user, use mixed-mode authentication for SQL Server® and authenticate with the system administrator (sa) user.Alternatively, Windows®-only authentication can be used if the following workaround is implemented.
3 Replace VRANGER\vRangerServiceUser with the name of the vRanger service user in the following command:
2 When the Charms bar appears, select the Start icon.
4 Using the scroll bar at the bottom, scroll right to the Quest section.
6 When a proxy server is configured on the vRanger machine, vRanger may not be able to connect to VMware® vCenter™ Servers or NetVault SmartDisk repositories.If you are unsure what the account is, use Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to check the services.msc file.
2 Open Internet Explorer® (IE) while logged-in with the account.
3 Go to Internet Options > Connections > LAN settings; this location varies depending on the version of IE installed on the machine.
4 Make sure that no proxy information is defined, and no proxy server is being used.
5 Clear the automatically detect settings check box, in case your particular environment has an automatic proxy script set up. During an upgrade, the vRanger Upgrade Installer might not delete the previous vRanger Pro Service event log. This exclusion causes the vRanger user interface (UI) to hang and display a “Could not connect to the service” message after the upgrade. To remove the log manually, complete the following steps:
1 Disable the Event Log service.
5 Restart the Event Log service.
Table 4. General known issues
• VM backups encounter 2129 Can’t Write errors to CIFS repositories with any transport type.
• Physical machine backups encounter 2129 Can’t Write errors to CIFS repositories.
• Virtual appliance (VA) backups fail with 2129 Can’t Write errors to CIFS repositories.
• Physical machine shows as Disconnected in Inventory.
2 Open the Vizioncore.vRanger.Service.exe.config file in Notepad.
5 Restart the Quest vRanger Service to implement the changes.
Table 5. Backup known issues When performing SAN backups of VMs created in VMware® vCloud Director® from a template, the backup may fail with the “Error: 2760 - <VIXcannotOpenDetails> VIX can’t open…” error. When performing a quiesced backup of a Windows Server 2012 VM without using vzShadow.exe, event log errors are generated for System Reserved volumes during snapshot creation. The VMware QueryChangedDiskAreas API returns incorrect sectors after extending the VM VMDK file with CBT enabled. This issue causes the CBT filter to become invalid, possibly corrupting vRanger backups. For more information, see VMware KB article 2090639.Ensure that the patches described in VMware KB article 2090639 are applied, and follow other workaround recommendations documented in the KB as appropriate for your environment. When using the vzShadow.exe executable to perform application-consistent backups, lettered drives are required. The use of vzShadow.exe to quiesce mount points with databases is not supported.
• Ensure that the restore job option Force Power On is enabled. When a standalone ESXi host is added to the vRanger inventory, and that Host is associated with a vSphere® vCenter that is not in the vRanger inventory, restore operations to that host fail with the error:“<host> is being managed by a Virtual Center. Please disassociate the host from the Virtual Center before continuing a Restore operation or register the Virtual Center in vRanger.”Association is relationship in vSphere, whereby some host resources are managed only by an associated vCenter, and not the host itself. The Host, therefore, does not have permission to perform the operations required to restore a VM. If the vCenter is not in the vRanger inventory, vRanger cannot obtain the required permissions. When performing a Linux® FLR operation that recovers files and folders with the following characters in the name, the files and folders are displayed with what look to be randomly generated names, and are restored successfully with same random names. Characters that cause this behavior are:
Table 8. Replication known issues When a standalone ESXi host is added to the vRanger inventory, and that Host is associated with a vSphere vCenter not in the vRanger inventory, replication operations to that host fail with the error:“<host> is being managed by a Virtual Center. Please disassociate the host from the Virtual Center before continuing a replication operation or register the Virtual Center in vRanger.”Association is a relationship introduced in vSphere 5, whereby some host resources are managed only by an associated vCenter, and not the host itself. The Host, therefore, does not have permission to perform the operations required to replicate a VM. If the vCenter is not in the vRanger inventory, vRanger cannot obtain the required permissions.
6 In the vSphere Client, select Continue with the VM Upgrade for the replica VM.
Table 9. Virtual appliance (VA) known issues
4 Run the command: dmesg | grep "rename.*eth"
6 Run the command: cd /etc/sysconfig
7 Run the following command to create and edit the configuration file for the new NIC where <IFname> is the new name for the new NIC card:vi ifconfig.<IFname>
9 Restart networking by running the command: /etc/init.d/network restart
Table 10. Third-party known issues vSphere 5 introduces the vStorage APIs VixDiskLib_PrepareForAccess() and VixDiskLib_EndAccess() to lock and unlock migration for individual VMs. It is observed that on occasion the VixDiskLib_EndAccess fails to unlock the VM and, as a result, that VM is left in a state where vMotion is permanently disabled. If the host name of a vCenter server contains a character that Tomcat does not support, retrieving health data fails with the “Unable to retrieve health data from <server>…” error. This error occurs because Tomcat requires that host names are RFC 952 complaint. For more information, see VMware KB article 1013507. When creating or running a backup job, the operation fails with the “Error: 2760 - <VIXcannotOpenDetails> VIX can’t open [XXXXX] XXXX/XXX.vmdk (The host is not licensed for this feature)” error.
IMPORTANT: The information in this section is a summary. Review the information below and in the “System Requirements” and “Upgrading vRanger” chapters of the Quest vRanger Installation/Upgrade Guide before installing or upgrading to this version of vRanger.
Table 11. Supported operating systems
Before installing vRanger on Windows Server 2012 R2, the updates listed in Additional required software must be installed.
In addition to a supported version of Windows® and a supported VMware® Infrastructure, you may need some additional software components, depending on your configuration.
• Microsoft® .NET Framework: vRanger requires the .NET Framework 4.5. The vRanger installer installs it if not detected.
• SQL Server: [Optional] vRanger utilizes two SQL Server® databases for application functionality. vRanger can install a local version of SQL Express 2014 SP3 or you can choose to install the vRanger databases on your own SQL instance.
• Windows PowerShell 3 or above.If you are installing vRanger on Windows 2008 R2 SP1, you will need to install Windows PowerShell 3 or above before installing vRanger
• vRanger virtual appliance (VA): The vRanger VA is a small, pre-packaged Linux® distribution that serves as a platform for vRanger operations away from the vRanger server. vRanger uses the VA for the following functions:
▪ Replication to and from VMware® ESXi™ hosts.
• Updates for Windows Server 2012 R2: Before installing vRanger on Windows Server 2012 R2, ensure that the Windows updates listed below are installed:
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