The Cached Credentials Utility can be configured to allow user to choose language of the user interface. To specify text of messages and captions in different languages edit the cachecred.text.ini file. This file must be placed in the same location as Vmover files (for details, see Preparing Vmover Files).
Note: If the cachecred.text.ini file is not presented, the utility uses predefined messages and captions. |
The cachecred.text.ini file contains sections with language identifiers and corresponding captions and messages. User will be prompted to choose language in the Choose language listbox right after installation of the CCU service on his or her computer.
TIP: If the file contains only one section the prompt will not appear. |
For example the following fragment of file sets caption in English and Japanese:
event.check.caption = Cached Credentials Utility
event.check.caption = キャッシュラップトップクレデンシャルユーティリティ
What can be changed
The following messages and captions can be changed according to your needs:
event.check.caption = Cached Credentials Utility
event.check.message = Specify target user password to begin processing.
event.check.prompt = Password:
event.process.caption = Cached Credentials Utility
event.process.message = Resources are being processed ($step/13)\r\n$type - $count\r\nPlease wait.
event.failed.caption = Cached Credentials Utility
event.failed.message = Resource processing completed with errors,\r\nCheck the log file for details.\r\nWould you like to continue migration anyway?\r\n===================================\r\n$result
event.success.caption = Cached Credentials Utility
event.success.message = Resource processing complete.\r\n===================================\r\n$result
event.move.failed.caption = Cached Credentials Utility
event.move.failed.message = Failed to move computer to the target domain.\r\nFor details see log files.\r\n%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Quest Software\CacheCred\cachecredui.log\r\n%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Quest Software\CacheCred\cachecredsvc.log
reboot.join.message = Your computer will be now moved to the target domain, and then restarted.
reboot.restore.message = Your computer is finalizing the migration process.
The setup.msi configured on the previous step with all necessary settings needs to be deployed on remote users' computers. The way of deployment may vary depending on organizational factors and is not in the scope of this guide.
As a general recommendation, it is suggested to deploy the CCU installation package on users’s computers in silent mode using any appropriate software deployment technology such as Group Policy.
Note: To deploy CCU on a remote user's computer it is necessary to have administrative rights on that computer. |
The CCU service deployed on remote user's computer starts on a date specified as the MOVE_DATE during configuration of the setup.msi package. The user must take the last steps so that the move of his or her computer to the target domain is completed.
The remote user's workflow is described below:
NOTE: If user's current system runs slow, the second restart may take a couple of minutes. |
CCU uses RPC to connect with agents and services. The RPC calls to services and agents are created using server name binding with ncacn_np.
This endpoint uses named pipes to connect.
For Named pipes the supported protocols are CIFS and SMB (v1, v2, v3), This protocol determination is made outside of CCU/MMAD code in the Microsoft libraries that are invoked through API calls, and as such can vary by customer environment.
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