Show Stage 1 statistics.
Get-ASStage1Statistics -Core] <ConnectCore>] [[-ContainerMappingId] <int[]>] [[-IncludeVirtualJournalSubmappings] [<SwitchParameter> -All] <SwitchParameter>] [[-JournalExplosion] [<SwitchParameter> [[-Skip] <uint64>] [[-First] <uint64>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-ASStage1Statistics cmdlet gets Stage 1 statistics for specified container mappings. Result contains: Container Mapping Id, Source Full Name, IsJournalExplosion, Routed Count, Exported Items Count, Exported Items Percentage, Imported Items Count, Exploded Routings Count *, EnabledForJournalExplosionImport* (* - significant only for JE), Imported Items Percentage and VirtualJournalMasterMappingId. By default, all container mapping statistics are returned after the command executes. When using the JournalExplosion parameter, only JournalExplosion mapping statistics are returned. The core parameter is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASStage1Statistics Get-ASStage1Statistics -ContainerMappingId 1,2,3 Get-ASStage1Statistics -ContainerMappingId "EnterID" Result:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Get-ASStage1Statistics | fl Result: ContainerMappingId : 1 SourceFullName : peho-ms-o365-016 SourceGroup : RoutedCount : 1000 ExportStatistics : ArchiveShuttle.Common.Resources.PowerShell.Commands.MigrationStatistics ImportStatistics : ArchiveShuttle.Common.Resources.PowerShell.Commands.MigrationStatistics Priority : 10 MigrationEnabled : True ItemGatheringEnabled : True Stage2Enabled : True Stage2Finished : 1 IsJournalExplosion : False ExplodedRoutingsCount : EnabledForJournalExplosionImport : VirtualJournalMasterContainerMappingId : SourceTag : {tag1, tag2, tag3, tag5} TargetTag : {tag5, tag7}
Get-ASStage1Statistics -ContainerMappingId 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ExportStatistics Result: ProcessedItems RetryableErrorsCount PermanentErrorsCount ErrorsCount Percentage SizeOriginal (B) SizeComplressed (B) -------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ------------------ --------------------- 33 1 0 0 96 |
Use command with parameter to expand property ExportStatistics or ImportStatistics (only one property can be expanded at the time)
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Commands can be used together with Select/Where clause. Examples below describe how to use it in case of expanded properties where exact property names are required (e.g. ImportStatistics.Percentage): Get-ASStage1Statistics | Where-Object {$_.ImportStatistics.Percentage -eq 100}
Get-ASStage1Statistics |Where-Object {$_.ImportStatistics.Percentage -le 99} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ImportStatistics Get-ASStage1Statistics | Where-Object {$_.ExportStatistics.ErrorsCount -eq $_.ImportStatistics.ErrorsCount} Get-ASStage1Statistics | Where-Object {$_.ExportStatistics.ProcessedItems -eq $_.ImportStatistics.ProcessedItems} |
/* Retrieves only mappings where import progress = 100% */ /* Retrieves only mappings where import progress is less or equal 99% + expand details of these statistics */ /* Retrieves only mappings where export and import statistic values are equal */ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Get-ASStage1Statistics -JournalExplosion |
/* Retrieves only journal explosion mappings Journal Explosion has dedicated command to retrieve more statistics: Get-ASJEStage1Statistics */ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Get-ASStage1Statistics-IncludeVirtualJournalSubmappings Get-ASStage1Statistics-IncludeVirtualJournalSubmappings|Where-Object {$_.VirtualJournalMasterContainerMappingId -ne$null } |
/* Retrieves stats also for submappings of virtual journal master mappings */ /* Retrieves stats only for submappings of specified virtual journal master mappings */ |
Shows Stage 2 information.
Get-ASStage2Status [[-Core] <ConnectCore>] [[-ContainerMappingId] <int[]>] [[-All] <int[]>] [[-Skip] <uint64>] [[-First] <uint64>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-ASStage2Status cmdlet gets information about Stage 2 for specified container mappings. Result contains: Container Mapping Id, Source Container, Target Container, Current Command Name, Current Command Status, Current Command Error, isFinished and VirtualJournalMasterMappingId. By default, all container mapping Stage 2 information is returned after the command executes. The core parameter is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASStage2Status Get-ASStage2Status -All -IncludeTotalCount Get-ASStage2Status -ContainerMappingId 1,2,3 Get-ASStage2Status -ContainerMappingId 1 Result:
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Get-ASStage2Status -ContainerMappingId 1 | fl Result:
ContainerMappingId : 1 SourceContainerName : peho-ms-o365-016 SourceTag : {tag1, tag2, tag3, tag5} TargetContainerName : peho-ms-o365-016 TargetTag : {tag5, tag7} WorkflowState : Enabled CurrentCommandName : NativeImportRename CurrentCommandId : 1203 CurrentCommandStatus : Success CurrentCommandError : CurrentCommandLastUpdateDateUtc : 10.08.2020 13:20:18 CurrentWorkflowRetryFailedAfterMinutes : 60 CurrentWorkflowRetryFailed : True NextCommandName : NextCommandId : IsFinished : True VirtualJournalMasterContainerMappingId :
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Get-ASStage2Status | Where-Object {$_.VirtualJournalMasterContainerMappingId -ne $null } |
/* Retrieves only submappings of virtual journal master mappings */ |
Gets list of available Workflow Policies.
Get-ASWorkflowPolicy [[-Core] <ConnectCore>] [[-Name] <string[]>] [[-WorkflowPolicyId] <int[]>] [[-Skip] <uint64>] [[-First] <uint64>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-ASWorkflowPolicy cmdlet gets a list of available Workflow Policies. The Workflow Policy can be used as an input parameter for the Add-ASContainerMapping command. The core parameter is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASWorkflowPolicy -IncludeTotalCount
Get-ASWorkflowPolicy -Name "EnterpriseVault to Office 365 Leavers" | fl
Show list of available Filter Policies.
Get-ASFilterPolicy [[-Core] <ConnectCore>] [[-Name] <string>] [[-FilterPolicyId] <int[]>] [[-Skip] <uint64>] [[-First] <uint64>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-ASFilterPolicy cmdlet gets a list of available Filter Policies. The Filter Policy can be used as an input parameter for the Add-ASContainerMapping command. The core parameter is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASFilterPolicy -IncludeTotalCount
Get-ASFilterPolicy -Name "Default (No Filter)"
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