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Archive Shuttle 11.2 - Sizing Tool Guide

Quadrotech Archive Shuttle Sizing tool


NOTE: The Quadrotech Archive Shuttle sizing tool currently only supports SourceOne statistics.

The Quadrotech Archive Shuttle sizing tool allows users to obtain sizing statistics about archives from a source system. The tool will gather the item count and item size statistics for every eligible archive in the source.


The Quadrotech Archive Shuttle sizing tool requires .NET Desktop Runtime 7. Opening the tool without this will result in an error. To manually install .NET Desktop Runtime 7, click here.

Once installed, the application can be found in X:\PathToInstaller\SizingTool.UI.exe (not currently included in the Archive Shuttle UI).


Configuration parameters

A connection to the source SQL server must be established in order to gather sizing statistics.


·SQL Server

The name of the server and the instance name where is the database is located.

·SQL Database

Name of database. This should be 'ES1Archive' in most cases, but can be changed if necessary.

·SQL User

Username who has access to the database. This is required when the 'Use Windows Credentials of the Current User' checkbox is not checked.

·SQL Password

Password of the user who has access to the database. This is required when the 'Use Windows Credentials of the Current User' checkbox is not checked.

·Use Windows Credentials of the Current User

When the checkbox is checked, the tool uses the Windows credentials of the user who runs it to authenticate against SQL Server. The 'SQL User' and 'SQL Password' parameters do not need to be defined in case the checkbox is checked.

·Date filter

When the checkbox is checked, a date range can be defined to gather sizing statistics for content in archives within the specified range.

·Collect SMTP Data

When the checkbox is checked, the collection will include information about messages archived through SMTP paths. Note that selecting this option could result in a large number of records being collected.


When the configuration parameters have been defined, click 'Collect Statistics' and the collection will begin.

Results of the archive statistics collection is shown on the right side of the tool, in the 'Sizing Statistics Collection Logs' window.


NOTE: In a large environment, statistics can take a longer period of time to be collected.


Results of the collection

Results of the collection are found at the bottom section of the tool, under 'Collected Sizing statistics'. You will find statistics under the following sections:

·Overall stats

oItems Size (MB)

oItems Count

oArchives Count

·Stats per archive type

oEmail Archive

§Items Size (MB)

§Items Count

§Archives Count


§Items Size (MB)

§Items Count

§Archives Count

oJournal Archive

§Items Size (MB)

§Items Count

§Archives Count

oSMTP (statistics are shown in case the 'Collect SMTP Data' checkbox is enabled)

§Items Size (MB)

§Items Count

§Archives Count

·Stats per single archive

oTotal item count and size for each archive that was collected

Results are shown in the grid.



To export the content of the grid to a .xls file, click the 'Export to .XLS' button. The name of the .xls file will be 'SingleArchiveStats.xls'. The .xls file is stored in the same folder as the application.



You can find the log file for the application under the 'QuadrotechArchiveShuttleSizingTool.log.txt' file, stored in the same folder as the application.

Collection configuration

Use the Collection configuration parameters only in the case that something went wrong during the migration process.

·Archive Collection Batch Size

The number of archives collected from the SourceOne database in one batch.

·Statistics Collection Batch Size

Defines the number of archives for which the tool collects statistics in one batch for.

·SQL Timeout (seconds)

The maximum timeout value of SQL queries executed by the tool. Timeout is defined in seconds.


Automatic store of defined properties

The tool stores values of the following properties after it is closed. Property values are pre-filled when the tool is restarted.

·SQL Server

·SQL Database

·SQL User

·SQL Password

·S1 Use Windows Credentials

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