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Archive Manager 5.9.4 - Product Overview

Rapid installation

Archive Manager is designed to be implemented quickly, with minimal impact to an organization’s email systems and existing tools.

One of Archive Manager’s design goals was to ensure no client software is installed on the client PC, or on the messaging server.

In the case of the former, Archive Manager requires no client software to be installed: a standard web browser is all that is required to access the web application, while no additional software needs to be installed for Microsoft Outlook users to access the Archive Manager archive.

Similarly, no additional software needs to be installed on the messaging server, ensuring that the risk of an implementation is reduced. In a compliance scenario, the standard journaling capabilities of the messaging server are used, simply requiring a minor configuration to the messaging server and the creation of an additional mailbox; if the email store management capabilities of Archive Manager are used, then implementation is also straightforward – no additional software needs to be installed.

This approach significantly reduces the cost, risk and timeframes of any implementation, and provides customers with an easy way of taking advantage of email archiving with minimal impact.

Minimal risk to environment

Archive Manager has minimal overhead, and will work in conjunction with most existing tools and processes.

By using Archive Manager, storage space used by the original messaging server will be reduced, reducing administration requirements while also ensuring the messaging system is able to perform to its potential. As a result, necessary hardware and management investments can be reduced, and there is a greater return on investment for the existing platform.

Archive Manager is unaffected if the messaging server goes down; while new messages would not be received, Archive Manager would let users and management access all messages processed by the application. This reduces the impact of any downtime, and effectively provides a business continuity solution. IT Managers have more time to work out emergency response strategies.

Because it is based on open standards, using mainstream technologies, Archive Manager leverages skills and expertise likely to be already present within the organization. Archive Manager minimizes impact on IT staff by using standard technologies that can be supported by existing support agreements and partners, further minimizing the amount of change that needs to occur.

Flexible access options

Archive Manager can be accessed through a web browser or through Microsoft Outlook, while an offline client is available for remote or mobile users.

A full-featured web-based user interface is provided that lets end users search their email, and allows permitted users to share information, access other users’ mailboxes and administer the system.

Organizations that want to reduce the size of their mail server storage can take advantage of Archive Manager’s message “stubbing” capabilities which reduce the size of the store by replacing messages in Exchange, for example, with a message “shell” that, when accessed, retrieves the message from the Archive Manager archive. End users access their email messages through Microsoft Outlook as they would normally—there is no apparent difference in appearance or performance.

For those users who require offline access to their email archive, Archive Manager delivers offline client software which, once installed on end users’ PCs, lets users store a pre-determined amount of data offline. This data also remains stored within the archive for compliance purposes.

Security and auditing

Archive Manager utilizes the same security model used within the organization, enforcing security and reducing the need to administer multiple sets of logins.

Archive Manager synchronizes user and group information with the directory service used within the organization, including Microsoft Active Directory. This ensures that core user information is maintained and managed in a single place, reducing the overall administration overhead of the application.

Users are only able to access those messages—and attachments—to which they are entitled. By default a user only has access to those messages they originally sent or received.

All searches and accesses made to messages are tracked and stored in the Archive Manager system for auditing purposes. Permitted users, including administrators, can access the logs of searches performed across the application.

Administrators—and other permitted users—can also monitor activity within the Archive Manager application, including what searches have been performed by particular users, which users have accessed the mailboxes of other users. These activities can also be exposed as Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, enabling the proactive monitoring of this activity.

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