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Archive Manager for Exchange 8.8 - ArchiveWeb Guide


The Permissions page helps you to revoke or grant one or more permissions to a specific user or group.

In this topic:

·Opening the Permissions page

·Adding users or groups

·Removing users or groups

·Synchronizing groups and sub-groups

·Viewing group members

·Granting permissions to users or groups

To open the Permissions page

1.Log in to ArchiveWeb.

2.From the main menu, click the username dropdown and then select Manage settings.

3.From the local toolbar, click Permissions.

To add users or groups:

1.Click ico-120-add-user in the left-hand pane.

2.In the Find Users or Groups window, enter a group or user name in the search field. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard in the search criteria or leave the field blank to include all entities. Users can be searched by user-name, logon-name or display-name.  To search for Microsoft 365 users, select Office 365 user and then search for the user.



NOTE: Microsoft 365 users, groups and subgroups must be imported into Archive Manager for Exchange.

3.Select the users or groups to add. You can use Select all to add all users or groups.

4.Click OK to add the selected users and groups to the Permissions page. The user of group will remain on the Permissions page if a permission of the user or group is modified in the current ArchiveWeb session.

5.If a group has subgroups a confirmation window opens. Select Yes to add the subgroup. Only subgroups of the parent group will be added. If a subgroup has more subgroups, they will not be added. Select No to ignore the subgroup and add the parent group only.


To remove users or groups:

1.Click ico-130-remove-user in the left pane.

2.In the Remove users or groups window, select the users or groups to remove. You can remove only users or groups if a permission of the user or group has been modified in the current ArchiveWeb session.

3.Click OK.

To synchronize groups and sub-groups:

1.Click Refresh All in the left pane. The Refresh window opens.


2.Click the toggle buttons to enable additional synch features as described below:

a.<No toggle button enabled> - all imported groups will be synchronized with the Active Directory (only content in the right-hand pane will be updated).

b.Process sub-groups - all imported groups will be synchronized with the Active Directory and new subgroups will be imported.

c.Remove deleted groups/mailboxes - all imported groups will be synchronized with the Active Directory and deleted groups or mailboxes will be removed from the left-hand pane.

3.Click Process to begin the sync process.

To view group members:

1.Click ico-140-view-group-members next to the group for which you want to view the members. The members are listed in the right-hand pane.

2.Enter a search criteria for any of the columns and click the search filter ico-110-filter to select a search operation. You can set search criteria for multiple columns. The Result count indicates the number of members in the group.

3.Click Refresh to get the latest list of members if users or subgroups are added or removed from the group in active directory while you are logged in to ArchiveWeb. If users or groups are added or removed, a confirmation window opens. Click Yes to confirm whether you want to add or remove a user or subgroup.

4.If groups have more members than can be displayed on the page, they are presented in multiple pages. You can use the scroll buttons at the bottom of the right-hand pane to scroll through multiple pages.


To grant permissions to users and groups:

1.Select the user or group from the left-hand pane. If the user or group is not listed, click ico-120-add-user and use the Find user or group window to add the user or group.

2.The permissions available for the user or group are listed in the right-hand pane. They are categorized for ease of use.

3.Locate the permission that you want to grant or revoke. Set the toggle switch to ico-160-toggle-on to grant the permission. Set the toggle switch to ico-150-toggle-off to revoke the permission. For example, all users are allowed to log in to ArchiveWeb because the Logon to ArchiveWeb permission is granted by default. Only the super-user or administrator has the ability to grant or revoke this permission for a user or group.


4.You can grant or revoke all permissions for a user or group by setting the Allow all permissions toggle switch at the bottom of the right-hand pane.

5.You can reset the permissions to default settings when you click ico-180 next to the user of group in the left-hand pane.


Permissions list

The table below lists default ArchiveWeb permissions categorized by roles. Allow all permissions is not granted to users or groups by default.


Default value


Access all mailboxes


Apply tags


Auditor access


Export auditing logs


Export results to ZIP


Show auditing logs



Allow policy managed download


Compliance management



Add comments to mails


Apply tags


Compare mailbox with archive


Delete item


Restore items


Set "Legal Hold" flag


Show "Legal hold" flag


Show comments


Show lost data


Show own mailbox


Show public folders


Show shared mailbox




Add comments to files


Apply tags


Compare file system with archive


Delete files


Find files without shortcut


Restore files


Set "Legal Hold" flag


Show "Legal hold" flag


Show comments


Show files server



Access journal



Configure Files servers


Extend retention time


File management


Logon in ArchiveWeb


Manage scheduler


Search servers management




Approve retention change requests


Create retention change request



Delete saved result


Export to mailbox


Export to PST


Export to ZIP


Restore items


Save search result to database


Search files


Search mails



Export statistics


Files - Show statistics


Mails - Show statistics



Auditor Access

Journals in Exchange Server are used to enforce legal, regulatory, and organizational compliance in organizations by recording all or targeted email messages. In addition to journals, mailbox audit logs are also used to track who logs on to the mailboxes in your organization and what actions are taken by delegate users.

Auditor Access grants users the ability to view all mailbox journals that are imported, audit logs, retentions and search. Use this powerful feature with discretion.

To use this feature you must grant Auditor access permissions to at least two users. The two-user authentication mechanism works as follows: If John wants to log in as an auditor, he must have the Auditor access permission, and he must able to specify the username of another user who has the Auditor access permission, before he can successfully log in as an auditor.

Steps to grant the Auditor access permission to a user

1.Log in to Metalogix Archive Manager ArchiveWeb with the credentials of a user who has the ability to grant permissions to other users.

2.From your account name dropdown, select Manage Settings. Then select the Permissions tab.

3.Click the Add User icon and locate the user from the Find Users or Groups search window.

4.Select the user from the user list on the left to display the permission set in the right-hand pane.

5. Set the toggle switch to ico-160-toggle-on to grant the Auditor access permission to the user.


NOTE: No user is granted this permission by default. As a result auditor access is denied to all users including the super-user or the administrator.

6.In the confirmation dialog that appears, click Yes to grant the Auditor access permission.


NOTE: Granting the Auditor access permission automatically grants all permissions of type Auditing.

7.Repeat the above steps to grant the Auditor access permission to at least one or more users as needed.

Steps to log in as an auditor

1.If you have the Auditor access permission, enter your username and password in the ArchiveWeb log in page.

2.Toggle the Auditor access button to turn on the feature. Notice that the username field label changes to Auditor 1 username. This is the account that will be used to log in as an auditor.

3.Click Log in. The Auditor 2 username field appears.


4.Enter the username of another user who has the Auditor access permission in the format domain\username.

5.Click Log in again.

6.If the two-user authentication succeeds, the Metalogix Archive Manager workspace appears.

7.From the top bar, click archive to open the archive view.

8.Click the Exchange tab.

9.Expand the Mailboxes node and select a journal to view its contents.



NOTE: If you have added a journal mailbox but cannot see its contents, check the Mailbox type property of the mailbox.

To specify a journal type mailbox follow the steps below:

1.Select the journal mailbox, and right-click to open the context menu

2.From the context menu select Properties to open the Properties window.

3.In the General tab, locate the Mailbox type property.

4.Set this value to Journal by selecting the value from the dropdown.

5.Click OK to confirm the change and return to the mailbox.




The Profile page helps you set the display preferences of logged in users.

In this topic:

·Steps to open the Profile page

·Steps to set global defaults

·Steps to customize the profile




·Style settings

·Tasks settings

·Search settings

·Treeview settings

·Grid settings

·Exchange settings

·Audit settings

Steps to open the Profile page

1.Log in to ArchiveWeb.

2.Click your username from the top-right corner.

3.Select Manage settings from the dropdown.

4.Click Profile from the local menu bar and click Settings.

Steps to set global defaults

To create a default profile:

When the administrator or super-user changes the default settings and Home page choices the administrator or super-user must click Set as default at the bottom-right of the page. These settings will be updated in the database as serves as the most current default settings.

To set a default profile for all users:

When a default profile exists, click Set default values for all users at the bottom- right of the page. By clicking this button all user profiles stored in the database will be replaced by the latest default settings. For users who do not have a stored profile, the latest default profile will be used. Personalized shared mailboxes and tags stored in the user’s profile will not be replaced.

Steps to customize the profile

To customize a personal profile:

When a user makes changes to the settings or Home page tabs, the user must click Apply changes at the bottom-right of the page, to save the customized profile in the database.

To reset a profile:

The user can click Reset at the bottom-right of the page, to replace their profile with the latest default profile from the database.  Personalized shared mailboxes and tags stored in user’s profile will not be replaced.

Home Page

Under the Home Page node select which page should be displayed after you log in to ArchiveWeb.

Style settings


·Language - select the language for the application. The default language depends on the Windows local setting of the Archive Manager server. If you change this setting, you must log out and log in again.

·Date/Time format - select your preferred date and time format. The default value depends on regional settings of your computer and the language selected in the Profile. When profile language is changed, date/time format is changed accordingly

·Maximum preview size [MB] - sets maximum file size that can be opened in a preview-pane. Displaying large item (with size more than 20MB) can cause out-of-memory exception. Default value is 20 MB.

Tasks settings


·Automatic refresh interval (in seconds) - determines how often the Tasks list will be refreshed. Setting small intervals may cause performance issues. The default interval is 10 seconds.

·Delete completed task - switch on this option to automatically delete completed task which do not return a value like database tasks such as Add/Remove Tag, Set/Unset legal hold flag, Mark for deletion and Extend retention time. If the option is switched off, all completed tasks will be listed.

Search settings


·Show search field in header - switch on this option to display the keyword search field in the page header. Switch off this option to hide the keyword search field in the page header. The Administrator can permanently hide the keyword search in the page header by adding the ShowTopSearchPanel key in the Web.config file. The default folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Metalogix\ArchiveWeb.




  <add key="ShowTopSearchPanel" value="false"/>



When the key value is set to false, the Show search field in header setting will not be available in the Profile page and users will not be able to display the keyword search field.

·Remember last mailbox / server selection - when Metalogix Archive Manager for Exchange is installed and this option is switch on, all mailboxes that were selected in the previous search operation are selected by default in Search > Mailboxes for subsequent search operations as long as the user has permissions to search those mailboxes. When this option is switched off, the user must select the mailboxes before a search operation. Similarly, when Metalogix Archive Manager for Exchange is installed and this option is switch on, all servers that were selected in the previous search operation are selected by default in Search > Servers for subsequent search operations as long as the user has permissions to search those servers. When this option is switched off, the user must select the servers before a search operation.

·Maximum number of search results - determines the maximum number of search results are returned from a search.

·Keyword - choose a wildcard format to use with the keyword search.

oExact phrase - no wildcards are added. The user can add a wildcard manually if needed.

oStarts with * - A wildcard is added at the beginning of a keyword e.g. *sunshine

oEnds with * - A wildcard is added at the end of a keyword e.g. sunshine*

oEnclosed in * - A wildcard is added at the beginning and end of a keyword e.g. *sunshine*

·Match highlight - switch on this option to highlight the search phrase in the search results. Available only for Metalogix Archive Manager for Exchange.

·Match highlight color - color picker to choose a color for the highlight.

·Keyword search behavior - sets the default Search scope for keyword search setting in the Search tab only for Metalogix Archive Manager for Exchange. Choose from the following options:

oSearch only in my mailbox - by default only the logged on user’s mailbox is pre-selected for a keyword search operation.

oSearch in all accessible mailboxes - by default all accessible mailboxes are pre-selected for a keyword search operation.

·Set default search scope - Choose the default search scope for keyword search.

oExchange - allows you to search in archived emails. Available if Metalogix Archive Manager for Exchange is installed.

oFiles - allows you to search in archived files. Available if Metalogix Archive Manager for Files is installed.

Treeview settings


Maximum text length - the Treeview's node text will be trimmed to the number of characters specified.

Grid settings


·Paging - select Endless paging to display all items on one page. Select Show paging to limit the number of items on one page.

·Journal highlight color - choose a color from the color picker control to highlight the journal items.

·Items per page - If Show paging is selected, set the number of items to be displayed per page This number applies to the full grid view.

Exchange settings


·Columns - sets the columns and the order that they are displayed in a list.

oArchive - These column headers are used in the Archive page: Select All, From, To, Subject, Received, Retention, Attachment, Locked, Tagged, Commented

oSearch - These column headers are used in the Search results page: Select All, From, To, Subject, Folder, Received, Version, Attachment, Locked, Tagged, Commented

·Show inactive mailboxes - switch on this option to display inactive mailboxes in Archive and Search views. The Administrator can override this setting by ShowNotActiveMailbox key in the Web.config file. The default folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Metalogix\ArchiveWeb.




  <add key="ShowNotActiveMailbox" value="true"/>



When the key value is set to true, all users will have permission to show inactive mailboxes.

·Use grid view - allows users to set the list view type.

oSimple - (default grid type) Select this option so that list operations such as custom filters, sorting and ordering are performed on items currently displayed in the list as defined by the Items per page option in the Grid settings or in the table itself (see the List view conventions section). Using Simple grid dramatically improves the list performance especially when working with a large number of items. Simple grid can be used only for Archive views.

oFull - Select this option so that list operations such as custom filters, sorting and ordering can be performed on the entire data set of the list irrespective of limits defined by the Items per page option in the Grid settings. This option is not recommended for huge data sets. Full grid can be used in Auditing and Search result lists.

Audit settings


·Columns - sets the columns and the order that they are displayed in a list.

oReport - These column headers are used in the Archive page: Select All, Log level, Log date, Method, Computer, User, Category, Tagged

·Use grid view - allows users to set the list view type.

oSimple - (default grid type) Select this option so that list operations such as custom filters, sorting and ordering are performed on items currently displayed in the list as defined by the Items per page option in the Grid settings or in the table itself (see the List view conventions section). Using Simple grid dramatically improves the list performance especially when working with a large number of items. Simple grid can be used only for Archive views.

oFull - Select this option so that list operations such as custom filters, sorting and ordering can be performed on the entire data set of the list irrespective of limits defined by the Items per page option in the Grid settings. This option is not recommended for huge data sets. Full grid can be used in Auditing and Search result lists.


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